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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1644 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Fort, M. K., Jr., appointment, 80, 696, 913 Forth, M. W., appointment, 97, 931 discovery, patent rights, release, 458 Fortier, F. L., Jr., degree, 597 Fortier, J. R„ degree, 803 Fortney, J. P., degree, 1567 Fortney, Mrs. Jean D., appointment, 508, 906, 1313 resignation, 1316 Fortney, W. R., degree, 579 Fosler, G. M., appointment, 112, 946' Fosnaugh, Mrs. Ruth C , appointment, 86, 699, b'9 Foss, J. B., degree, 801 Foss-Bormann, Mrs. Valborg, appointment, 1145 Fosselman, J. F., degree, 1329 Fossett, Florence M. B., degree, 411 Foster, C. E., degree, 585 Foster, Carol E., appointment, 182, 1017, 1453 Foster, D. R., degree, 816 Foster, F. W., appointment, 78, 694, 911, 1450 Foster, G. N., appointment, 154, 989, 1445 Foster, George R., appointment, 121, 508, 673, 954 resignation, 1530 Foster, George Rudolph, degree, 816 Foster, J. B., appointment, 76, 694, 909 Foster, J. C , degree, 1400 Foster, J. D., degree, 582 Foster, J. K., certificate, 1329 Foster, J. R., appointment, 282, 1119 Foster, Joanne C , degree, 1560 Foster, Lorraine M., degree, 805 Foster, R. B., degree, 1394 Foster, Robert Leroy, degree, 1554 Foster, Robert Lincoln, degree, 1385 Foster Lumber Co., purchase, 342 Foulk, Nancy C , appointment, '260, 1096 Foundation, University, auditors, employed, 518, 1420 budget, 171, 1006 funds, use for purchase of property for University, 1325 gift, 1211, 1214, 1216, 1468, 1472 Foundation walls, houses without basements, study, 33 Four-H Club Memorial Camp, tents, rental, 613 Fouts, Mary J., degree, 1564 Fowler, E. B., appointment, 357, 1186 Fowler, E. F., appointment, 644, 1192 Fowler, R. E., degree, 1549 Fowler, V. J., appointment, 1225 degree, 792 discovery, patent rights, negotiations, 1513 Fox, B. W„ appointment, 1313 degree, 831 Fox, E. F., degree, 453 Fox, Edward J., certificate, 771 Fox, Erwin J., degree, 818 Fox, G. A., certificate, 842 Fox, H. W-, appointment, 107, 570, 941 Fox, Irene M., degree, 1557 Fox, J. R., degree, 1571 Fox, K., appointment, 1377 Fox, M. C , degree, 1393 Fox, Mrs. Mary A. G., appointment, 33 :> 1172 Fox, Mary J., degree, 807 Fox, Mrs. Maude E., appointment, 1109 Fox, Merilyn A., fellowship, 681 Fox, N., appointment, 359, 1187 Fox, N. H., appointment, 357, 1186 Fox, Patricia J., appointment, 291 Fox, R. C , fellowship, 512, 677, 876, 1480 resignation, 777 Fox, Robert E., degree, 45.2 Fox, Ronald E., degree, 1571 Fox, R. G., degree, 804 Food Technology, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37 budget, 105, 272, 9?9> 11°9 equipment, appropriation, 521 fellows, 680, 1483 fellowships, gift, Armour & Co., 1468 purchase, centrifuge, 500 color meter and accessories, 612 evaporator, 558 freezer, 670 furniture, 375, 469 laboratory equipment, 525, 467 laboratory flour mill, 558 laboratory spaghetti and macaroni plant, 558 microscopes, 377, 612 recorder, 670 spectrophotometer, 612 remodeling, appropriation, 23, 1324 Foote, B. R., appointment, 155, 696, 99o Foote, Mary, appointment, 1170 Footlik, S. G., degree, 789 Foran, F. L., appointment, 353, 1181 resignation, 1279 Forbes, B. L., fellowship, 1479 Forbes, J. L., appointment, 445 degree, 785 Forbes, L. E., appointment, 302 Forbes, Patricia A., degree, 800 Forbes, R. M., appointment, 102, 114, 936, 948 Force, G. A., purchase, 1416 Forcht, Lillian W. M., degree, 414 Ford, A. T., appointment, 176, 1012 Ford, Mrs. Edna K., appointment, 1499 Ford, Gertrude, appointment, 1099 Ford, Joy, appointment, 320, 1159 Ford, L. R., Jr., appointment, 696 Ford, Mary D., appointment, 327, 1169 Ford, Mary J., appointment, 303 Ford Foundation, grant, research in behavioral sciences, 348 Fordham, L. S., degree, 813 Fordham, S. L., appointment, 249, 1087, 1458 Fordon, Leona R., appointment, 358, 1186 Fordon, Mrs. Louise K., appointment, 292 Fordyce, Beverly J., degree, 816 Fordyce, E. J., degree, 424 Fordyce, Mrs. Edwina M., appointment, 318 Fordyce, J. R., degree, 823 Foreman, D. D., Jr., degree, 828 Foreman, E., degree, 1283 Foreman, G. L., appointment, 272, 1108 Foreman, J. L., degree, 1548 Foreshee, W. R., degree, 1249 Foresman, Velma N., appointment, 10, 1307 Forester Construction Co., contract, 1260 Forestry, advisory committee, 1195 budget, 107, 273, 040, 1109 Forestry research, gift, 550, 1213, 1469 Forgings, Physics, purchase, 341 Forman, W. P., certificate, 1329 Fornof, J. R., elected President Pro Tempore, 1404 member of committee,'' 428, 602, 603, 1222, 1405, 1422 Forr, Mrs. Jean M., appointment, 1096 Forr, W. A., appointment, 1107 Forrest, D. E., degree, 596, 1391 Forrest, E. A., Jr., appointment, 183, 1225 resignation, 572 Forrest, Mrs. Edna, appointment, 317 Forrest, Mary E-, degree, 589 Forrest, R. A., appointment, 355 Forrest, R. E., degree, 808 Forrest, R. L., degree, 1549 Forssell, J. B., degree, 816 Forster, G. F., appointment, 352, 1180 Forsyth, A. C , appointment, 131, 965 Forsyth, Mrs. Florence R., appointment, 303 Fort, E. F., degree, 1553
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