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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1640 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Fellows, appointment, 4 6 , 4 0 1 , 447, 4 7 8 , 512, S 3 i . 5 7 A 6 4 5 , 6 7 6 , 730, 775, 876, 1231, 1278, 1315, 1334, 1351, 1382, 1479, 1500, 1529 Fellows, J. R., appointment, 129, 9 6 3 leave of absence, 1408 Fellowships, appropriation, 5 2 1 , 1358 budget, 136, 194, 2 2 3 , 2 3 4 , 972. 1029, 1059, 1073 gift, Allied Chemical & D y e Corp., 548, 1468 American Cyanamid Co., 548 anonymous, foreign student in architecture 1468 Armour & Co., 1211, 1468 Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation, 1216 Bristol Laboratories, 55^, 1215 B r o w n , M r s . Antoinette F . , 1262 California Co., 1468 Cincinnati Chemical W o r k s , Inc., 548, 1211 Commercial Solvents Corp., 1468 D o w Chemical Co., 548, 1212 D u P o n t , E . I . , de N e m o u r s & Co., 548, 1212 E a s t m a n Kodak Co., 549, 1212 Ethyl Corp., 5 4 9 , 1212 E v a n s t o n D r a m a Club, 554, 1472 Firestone T i r e & Rubber Co., 1212 Garner, M r s . James W . , 4 7 3 , 523 General Aniline & F i l m Corp., 1468 Grunsfeld, E . A . , F u n d , 549 Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., 552, 1471 Illinois Clay Products Co., 549. 1468 Illinois Federation of W o m e n ' s Clubs, 554 Lakefield N e p h e l i n e S y e n i t e , 549, 1468 Lauhoff Grain Co., 549 Lilly, E . , & Co., 549. 1212 Lindsay Light & Chemical Co., 549, 1468 Mallinckrodt Chemical W o r k s , 1471 Minnesota M i n i n g & Manufacturing Co., 1212 Monsanto Chemical Co., 1468 Motorola, Inc., 1212, 1468 M u s i c Research Foundation, Inc., 1213 National A c a d e m y of Sciences, 1212 National Lead Co., Baroid S a l e s Division, 549. 1468 Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Division, 1212, 1469 O l i n I n d u s t r i e s , I n c . , 1468 W e s t e r n Cartridge D i v i s i o n , 549, 1213, 1469 Orton, E . , Jr., Ceramic Foundation, 549, 1468 P a n American Refining Corp., 1212, 1468 Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Co., 549, 1468 Procter & Gamble Co., 5 4 9 , 1212 Radio Corp. of A m e r i c a , 1468 Ralston P u r i n a Co., 1212 Rohm & H a a s Co., 1469 Ruettinger, J. W - , 1219 Ryerson, E . L . , 33 St. Louis Regional P l a n n i n g and Construction Foundation, 1469 Searle, G. D . , & Co., 1212 Shell Fellowship Committee, 549, 1212 S i g m a X i , Illinois Chapter, 1212 Sinclair Refining Co., 549, '4^9 Socony-Vacuum Laboratories, 1212, 1469 Squibb, E . R., & S o n s , 3 3 Standard Oil Co. of California, 549, " I 3 Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, 3 3 , 1469 Standard Oil Co. of Ohio, 1212 Strong, H . , Educational Foundation, 549' 1469 S w i f t & Co., 549, 1212 U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois Library School Association, 1469 t2IS U p j o h n Co., 549, 5 5 3 , Federal Communications Commissions, hearings on assignments of television channels, U n i v e r s i t y representative, 460 television license, application, 1496 Federal funds, Airport, improvements, application, 640 Federal Remodeling & Building Co., contract, 470 Federated Department Stores, stock, purchase, 835 Federle, A . V . , Jr., degree, 797 F e d o r , E« M . , degree, 821 F e e , J., appointment, 3 2 5 , 1167 F e e , R u t h B . , degree, 1387 F e e d e r cattle, purchase, authority, 836 F e e d grinder, patent rights, release, 458 F e e d lot, south of B e e f Cattle Scale H o u s e , appropriation, 339 F e e d Storage W a r e h o u s e , construction, contracts, 369 conveyors, installation, contract, 4 7 3 F e e s , agriculture short courses, 12,20 children participating in practice teaching course in P h y s i c a l Education, 365 Dentistry, postgraduate courses, 337 examinations in high school and college subjects for candidates who w i s h to qualify for the study of law, 762 general deposit, discontinued, 653 hospital and medical service, change, 856 housing deposit, change, 653 IUini U n i o n service charge, increase, 705 key deposit, discontinued, 653 library fines, 654 listener's, regulations, 1492 military deposit, discontinued, 653 thesis deposit, change, 1496 refund, 473 tuition, graduate students in absentia, 4 6 2 nonresident, increase, 539 visitor's, regulations, 1492 FeffeT, M . H . , fellowship, 401 Fehlhaber, G. J., degree, 1553 Fehrenbacher, G. F . , degree t 1568 Fehrenbacher, J. B . , appointment, 9 9 , 114, 933. 948 Fehrenbacher, W . L . , degree, 1549, 1568 F e h r s , W . H . , Jr., degree, 424 Feicht, H . E . , degree, .823 F e i g h t n e r , L . E . , degree, 454 F e i l d , R. B . , degree, 1385 F e i n , Gloria B., appointment, 4 4 5 , 1047 cancellation, 1233 F e i n , J., degree, 823 Feinberg, L . , appointment, 358, 1186 Feinberg, R. H . , certificate, 41 Feinberg, S. J., degree, 803 Feingold, Thelma E . , appointment, 310, 1147 Feinhandler, E . J., appointment, 354, 1183 F e i n m a n , L., degree, 1576 F e i n m a n , R e n e e B . , degree, 577 Feinson, S. I., degree, 419 F e i n s t e i n , B . , certificate, 841 F e i n s t e i n , I . K., appointment, 2 4 3 , 508, 1077, 1082, 1457 Feldkamp, W . W . , Jr., degree, 597 F e l d m a n , D . B., degree, 809 Feldraan, J., degree, 786 fellowship, 681 declination, 683 Feldman, L. I . , appointment, 3 5 3 , 392, 1181 cancellation, 478 F e l d m a n , P . D „ degree, 588 F e l d m a n , Shelden, degree, 1384 Feldman, Stanley, degree, 414 Feldman, W . S . , degree, 139S Feldspar u s e , study, contract, change, 1495 F e l d t e n , H . , appointment, 2 7 4 , t u o F e l i x , A d a h A . , degree, 1554 F e l l , D . A . , degree, 1571 Fell, E . H . , appointment, 3 6 2 , 1191 F e l l m a n n , J. D , , appointment, 78, 9 1 1 , 1450
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