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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i6 3 8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Evans, Mrs. Louise M., appointment, 291, 1127 Erickson, R. W., degree, 808 Erickson, W. P., Jr., degree, 1565 Ericson, B. E., degree, 80s Ericson, T. P., degree, 1394 Erikson, J. A., degree, 1551 Erlanger, Margaret, appointment, 161, 996 Erlanson, P. JT, degree, 587 Erlewine, L. D., degree, 1387 Erley, R. A., degree, 593 Erlicher, Jacqueline M., degree, 827 Erlick, D. E., appointment, 1333 Ermler, Mrs. Estelle B., appointment, 301, 302 Ernest, A. R., degree, 81s Ernest, E. K., certificate, 1337 Ernst, C. F., degree, 1571 Ernst, E. T., degree, 1551 Ernst, E. W., appointment, 128, 530, 774, 962, 1377 Ernst, Mrs. Helen T., appointment, 280, 1120 Ernst, Marie K., appointment, 530 Errera, Mrs. Jeannette M., appointment, 278 Errera, S. J., degree, 580 Errion, M. J^ degree, 1241 Erskine, D. E., degree, 797 Erskine, E. B., appointment, 239, 1079 Ervin, Virginia W., degree, 1244 Ervin, W. J., degree, 417 Erwin, C. C , degree, 1532 Erwin, D. K., degree, 1562 Erwood, Ann, degree, 15S4 Erzen, C. A., degree, 576 Esarey, D. M., degree, 1393 Esarey, M. F., degree, 1559 Esarey, M. M., degree, 411 Esch, D. D., degree, 595 Eshelby, J. D., appointment, 870, 968, 1377 Eshelman, G. R., certificate, 1490 Esker, E. A., degree, 1248 Esko Roofing Co., contract, 1517 Eskoz, I., degree, 593 Esmond, B. L., degree, 1251 Espenschied, R. F., degree, 411 Espenshade, R. S., degree, 1246 Esposito, Frances, appointment, 313 Esposito, M., appointment, 310 Espy, W. N., appointment, 128, 963 Esselstyn, Mrs. Norma C , appointment, 1122 Esselstyn, T. C , appointment, 85, 918 Esser, T., degree, 1551 Essin, Mrs. Sonya K., appointment, 695 Essley, E. L., Machinery Co., purchase, 613, 837, 838 Esslinger, Marilyn M., degree, 784 Estabrook, M. R., degree, 418 Estep, Marian T., appointment, 1225 Estes, C. E., certificate, 1330 Estes, Edith M., degree, 1241 Ether, research, gift, 553 Etheridge, R. K., degree, 822 Etheridge, V. W., appointment, 275 Etherton, Annabel L., degree, 800 Ethyl Corp., gift, 549, 1212 Etler, H. P., appointment, 270, 1106 Etnyre, R. L., degree, 1287 Etter, J. E., appointment, 127, 774, 962 Ettinger, J. M., degree, 594 Eubank, D. F., appointment, 644 European Culture Museum, budget, 88, 921 Evaluation Unit, Bureau of Research and Service, budget, 151, 286, 986, 1122 revolving account, 152, 286 Evans, C. E., degree, 411 Evans, C. R„ degree, 1236 Evans, D. D., degree, 1546 Evans, D. L., appointment, 257 Evans, E. A., degree, 817 Evans, E. E., appointment, 291, 1127 Evans, F., appointment, 1190 Evans, G. B., appointment, 75, 693, 908 Evans, J. H., degree, 821 Evans, J. T., appointment, 291, 1128 Evans, M. E., degree, 1241 Evans, M. W-, degree, 409 Evans, P. V., degree, 1567 Evans, Phyllis H., degree, 812 Evans, R. E., degree, 411 Evans, R. L., degree, 790 Evans, R. N., appointment, 146, 692, 982, 1448 Evans Residence Hall, budget, 192, 303, 1027, 1139 fire protection improvements, funds, 1374 transformer vaults, contract, 379, 494 release of funds, 519 Evanston Drama Club, gift, 554, 1472 Evaporator, Food Technology, purchase, 558 Eveans, Lola R., degree, 1537 Eveland, Lutheria E., degree, 1237 Evensen & Son, purchase, 768 Evenson, E. A., certificate, 1330 Everett, J. E., Associates, purchase, 29, 341, 468, 615, 669, 1326 Everingham, Nancy A., degree, 1550 Everitt, W. L., appointment, 121, 126, 954, 960 Evers, L. T., degree, 1567 Evers, Mary E., degree, 1236 Evers, R. A., degree, 1533 Eversole, J. W., degree, 1567 Everson, T. C , appointment, 363, 1192 Ewankow, Anna, degree, 1558 Ewell, R. W., degree, 1239 Ewers, J. E., appointment, 67, 900 statement, functions and operations of Security Office, 350 Ewing, F. E., degree, 424 Ewing, Martha U., degree, 790 Ewing, T. N., appointment, 60, 83, 892, 917 Ewing, W. R., certificate, 841 Examination books, Office Supply Storeroom, purchase, 672, 1206 Examinations, high school and college subjects for candidates who wish to qualify for the study of law, fees, 762 Executive Committee, authority, award bond issue for residence halls expansion, 1343 award contract for moving stairways, elevators, and lifts for East DentistryMedicine-Pharmacy Building, 1415 purchase of residence property for faculty housing, 736 election, 601, 1404 meeting, 336, 516, 563, 733. 834, 1290, 135^ Exhibits, appropriation, balance reappropriated, . 38 budget, 199 heart, contract, 1346 Exline, Mrs. Frances H., appointment, 258, 1094 Exline, R. V., appointment, 870, 1527 Extension, University, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38 budget, 173, 292, 1008, H28 extramural bulletins, purchase, 341 films, rental, 1219 Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, budget, 88, 116, 268, 276, 922, 949, 1104 federal funds, additional, allocation, 520 purchase, addressing machine, 613 automobiles, 671 envelopes, 613, 1466 offset duplicator, 502 truck, 499 revolving account, 120 tents, rental, 613 Extramural bulletins, Extension, purchase, 34 1 Extramural Courses and Conferences, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38 budget, 173, 292, 1009, 1 I 2 8
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