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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Cottrell, T., appointment, 364, 1193 Cottrell, T. L. C , Jr., appointment, 364, 1193 Couch, L. C , degree, 1400 Coughlin, K. /., degree, 588 Coultas, Vera C , degree, 1284 Coulter, D. M., degree, 1389 Coulter, Patricia A., degree, 812 Coulter, W . R., degree, 580 Counseling, Residence Halls, budget, 66, 890 teacher training, budget, 583 Counter units, East Dentistry-Medicine-Pbarmacy Building, contract, 1414 Countiss, C. E., degree, 1563 Counts, Beulah A., degree, 453 County Mutual Fire Co., contract, change, Courier, S. H „ degree, 1380 Courses and Curricula, budget, 59, 255, 892, Court, G. R., degree, 1248 Couston, G. T., degree, 1559 Cova, D. R„ degree, 808 Cover, Mrs. Alta M., appointment, 259 Cover, M. S., appointment, 113, 162, 947, 997 degree, 1386 Covey, Carmen M., degree, 819 Covey, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 1119 Covey, J. E., degree, 1241 Cowan, E. W., degree, 1554 Cowan, J. R., certificate, 1254 Cowart, W. E., appointment, 257, 1143 Cowen, J. P., appointment, 357, 1186 Cowen, Kay H., certificate, 1328 Cowger, H. E., degree, 1551 Cowles, Harriet E., appointment, 242, 1081, 1457 Cowley, G. J., degree, 418 Cowling, R. J., degree, 817 Cowsert, Mrs. Juanita, appointment, 317 Cowsert, L. E., degree, 825Cox, F. G., appointment, 358, 1186 Cox, Harold L., certificate, 41 Cox, Hugh L., appointment, 870, 959 degree, 1388 Cox, Iris J., degree, 800 Cox, J. C , degree, 1336 Cox, J. E., degree, 579 fellowship, 572, 1382, 1480 Cox, J. F „ degree, 817 Cox, Mrs. Jeanette, appointment, 1159 Cox, Mrs. Katherine M., appointment, 1126 Cox, Mrs. Katherine R., degree, 411 Cox, Norma, appointment, 329, 1170 Cox, Ruth I., degree, 1244 Cox, Shirley M., degree, 586 Cox, Theodore R-, degree, 787 Cox, Thomas R., Jr., appointment, 360 Cox Brothers Co., purchase, 377 Coxhead, G. A., degree, 812 Coxhead, R. C , Corp., purchase, 613 Coyle, Helen, appointment, 476, 1333 Coyle, Margaret F., appointment, 313 Craddock, J. R., degree, 417 Craft, G. W., degree, 815 Craft, V. A., degree, 1548 Craig, C. J., degree, 1241 Craig, Frances V., appointment, 3>7, " 5 3 Craig, G. B., Jr., degree, 1542 Craig, R. A., degree, 1397 Craig, R. C , degree, 1554 Craig, W . J., appointment, 135, 970 resignation, 1382 Craig, W. L., appointment, 281, 1117 Craig, W . P., degree, 423 Crain, A. R., appointment, 358 Crain, H. V., appointment, 333 Crain, J. B., degree, 1392 Crain, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 304 Crain, Susan C , appointment, 151, 3 9 ' . °92 Craine, E. M., degree, 790 Craine, S. R., degree, 80s Cralley, L. W., Jr., degree, 819 1092 1208 1623 Cramblett, Mary L., degree, 1554 Cramer, G. E., appointment, 246, 1085, 1313 Cramer, Mrs. Marion C , appointment, 185 declination, 403 Cramer, R., degree, 587 Cramer, R. E., appointment, 135, 970 Cramer, R. L., degree, 1553 Crampton, Kathryn C , degree, 8ao Crandall, A. L., certificate, 41 Crandall, L. A., Jr., appointment, 361, ago Crandall, P. H., appointment, 356, 1184 Crandell, J. S., appointment, 124, 957 Crane, C. V., appointment, 358 Crane, F. A., appointment, 507, 1058 Crane, Jean M., degree, 592 Crane, M. A., appointment, 76, 909 Crane Co., purchase, 468, 524 Crank, G. L., appointment, 288 Crank, Mrs. Shirley L., appointment, 286 Craven, A. H., degree, 1569 fellowship, 683 Craven, Mrs. Margaret, appointment, 1164 Cravens, Velma M., degree, 1244 Craver, N. C , Jr., degree, 593 Crawford, C. L., degree, 1546 Crawford, C. M., appointment, 673, 975 Crawford, C. W., appointment, 102, 936 leave of absence, 1408 Crawford, G. D., appointment, 280 Crawford, G. E., degree, 422 Crawford, Mrs. Hazel M-, appointment, 279, 1115 Crawford, Lois I., degree, 800 Crawford, Mary M., appointment, 291, 1137 Crawford, R., degree, 1553 Crawford, R. A., degree, 809 Crawford, T. G., member of advisory committee, 430 Crawford, W. E., appointment, 259, 1095 Crawford, W. L., appointment, 1189 member of advisory committee, 562 Crays, Barbara, degree, 805 Crays, C. D., appointment, 300, 1136 Creamean, W. A., degree, 4*3 Creamer, Mrs. Eunice Cunningham, letter, operation of Illini Union Bookstore, 1270 Creamer, Mrs. Jessie L., appointment, 301, 1115 Creamery, See Dairy Creamery. Creameryman, work schedule, change^ 705 Creamery Package Manufacturing Co., purchase, 670 Creaser, J. W., appointment, 391, 1077 Creath, Marilyn J., degree, 811 Credit requirements, second master's degree, 489 Creech, H. S., appointment, 257, 1093 Creep testing machine, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, purchase, 852 Creger, P. L., degree, 1557 Crenler, C. W., degree, 1557 Crepeau, G. P., appointment, 1224 Crerar Clinch Coal Co., contract, 389 purchase, 31 Crescenzo, W. J., degree, 421 Cress, A. M., degree, 1534 Creticos, A. P., appointment, 1183 Crews, Mrs. Janice M., appointment, 243, 702, 1 0 8 1 , 1271 Cribbet, J. E., appointment, 164, 695, tooo, '45i member of committee to hear charges against R. Taylor, 1293 Cricks, C. R-, degree, 594 Crider, J. L., degree, 418 Crider, K. G., degree, 1538 Crider, R. A., degree, 583 Crilly, J. K., certificate, 1328 Criminology and Legal Medicine, budget, 203 department discontinued, 431 Cripe, G. D., degree, 820
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