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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I6I6 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S Coleman, Coleman, Coleman, Coleman, Coleman, Coleman, Coleman, Coleman, Coleman, 1039 Cohen, Francine G., degree, 816 Cohen, H., certificate, 1357 Cohen, H. L., degree, 823 fellowship, 401, 876 Cohen, J. B., appointment, 83, 698, 917 Cohen, L. M., appointment, 869 degree, 789 resignation, 1316 Cohen, Lenore I., degree, 421 Cohen, Max, certificate, 489 Cohen, Melvin, certificate, 1328 Cohen, M. D., certificate, 1328 Cohen, M. J., appointment, 1377 Cohen, Phyllis R., degree, 1540 Cohen, Roselyn L., degree, 805 Cohen, S., degree, 809 Cohen, S. E., degree, 1554 Cohen, S. M., degree, 1533 Cohen, Sally, degree, 1396 Cohen, Suzann M., degree, 1557 Cohen, Sylvia, appointment, 313, 1151 Cohler, D. A., certificate, 841 Cohn, Audrey F., degree, 420 Conn, Mrs. Eva M., appointment, 103, 936 resignation, i486 Cohn, M., appointment, 869, 1224 degree, 783 Cohn, R. G., appointment, 164, 695, 1000, i4Si Cohn, R. L., degree, 816 Cohn, Samuel, degree, 817 Cohn, Sheldon, degree, 817 Cohori, H. G., degree, 587 Cohoon, C. W., degree, 1546 Cohoon, Mrs. Louise C , appointment, 262 Cohoon, R. L., degree, 803 Cohrs, D. G., degree, 59* Cohrs, Joyce S., degree, 1387 fellowship, 512, 682, 731 Coke, purchase, Housing Division, 853 Residence Halls, 31 Colbert, E. R-, degree, 594 Colbert, L. S., contract, adjustments, 33, 379. 44i» 523 purchase, 1326 Colbert, R. P., degree, 1389 Colborn, Marilyn J., appointment, 1092 degree, 591 Colburn, W. E., appointment, 909 Colby, A. S., appointment, i n , 945 Colby, D. L., degree, 1251 Colby, Mrs. Lucille C , appointment, 1100 Colby, Mrs. Mary M., appointment, 244, 703. Coldren, Carol P., degree, 592 Cold storage operator, work schedule, change, 705 Cole, D. H., appointment, 129, 964 Cole, Dorothy E. L., appointment, 773, 870, 1017, 1453 declination, 1530 resignation, 1530 Cole, E. B., degree, 595 Cole, E. J., degree, 1563 Cole, Hattie, appointment, 270, 1107 Cole, I. W-, appointment, 60, 167, 507, 145*1 1456 resignation, 572 Cole, Jean D., degree, 589 Cole, L. E., appointment, 281, 1117 Cole, M. S., degree, 591 Cole, Mrs. Margaret C , resignation, 46 Cole, Mary C , degree, 785 Cole, Mrs. Nedra L., appointment, 1112 Cole, R., degree, 1533 Cole, R. H., appointment, 139* 870, 975. 1526 Cole, R. L., degree, 814 Cole, W. H., appointment, 213, 228, 1049, 1067 leave of absence, 778 1083 D. A., degree, 795 F . J., certificate, 1337 Mrs. Gloria L., appointment, 330 Mrs. Helene C , appointment, 312 J. G-, degree, 1546 J. W., degree, 1236 P. D., appointment, 1178, 1333 R, D.» degree, 798 Ruth B., appointment, 204, 476, 507, Coleman Floor Co., contract, 545 Colgrove, Mrs. Doris E., appointment, 1119 Colgrove, R, S., fellowship, 677, 1480, 1500 Collard, Mrs. Virginia N., appointment, 256 Collective bargaining, nonacademic employees, policy and rules, 1426 Collegiate Cap & Gown Co., caps and gowns, rental, 467, 672, 1466 Collier, C. C., degree, 411 Collier, Helen T., degree, 411 Collier, R. M., appointment, 83, 916 Collige, W. F., appointment, 952 Collins, Chester C , degree, 578 Collins, Cyrus C , I I I , degree, 594 Collins, D. C., degree, 423 Collins, D. F., certificate, 488 Collins, E. B., Co., purchase, 31 Collins, E. P., degree, 1245 Collins, E. R., degree, 423 Collins, Mrs. Emma H., appointment, 391, Collins, Erlene L., degree, 589 Collins, Eunice, appointment, 166, 185 declination, 403 Collins, F. R., degree, 1564 Collins, G. L., degree, 411 Collins, H. J., Jr., degree, 820 Collins, J. E., Jr., degree, 816 Collins, J. L., appointment, 1126 Collins, Lynn A., appointment, 1320 Collins, Maurine, appointment, 183, 391, 1018 Collins, R. D., degree, 1285 Collins, W. C., degree, 796 Collins, W. E., degree, 575 Collins, W. L., appointment, 133. 7oi, 968, 1456 Collins, W. R., appointment, 221, 222, 1058 Collins, Zona M., degree, 409 Collins & Lewis, lease, 1209 Collord, D. F., degree, 1394 Colman, Dorothy, appointment, 317, 1155 Colombik, L., degree, 1554 Colorimeter, purchase, Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 852 Pediatrics, 852 Coltman. K. G., degree, 591 Colton, Susanna B., appointment, 391 resignation, 877 Colucci, V. v., appointment, 308 Columbia Gas System, Inc., bonds, purchase, 568 Columbian Bank Note Co., contract, 622 Columbia-Southern Chemical Corp., gift, 1469 Colvin, Doris M., degree, 416 Colvin, J. C , appointment, 171, 1006, 1007 Combes, H. A., appointment, 159, 697, 994* 1453 Combine, purchase, Agriculture, 524 Agronomy, 712 Combs, Mrs. Irene, appointment, 303 Come, Lois B., appointment, 205 resignation, 572 Comein, R. J., degree, 424 Comer, Mrs. Lois J., appointment, 1100, 1139 Comer, R. L., degree, 1551 Comess, M. S., degree, 823, 1570, 1573 fellowship, 401 Comfort, T. E., appointment, 694, 1450 degree, 577 Comings, E. W., appointment, 72, 690 resignation, 1279 1037
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