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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Claus, C. K., degree, 1240 Clausen, C. V. J., degree, 589 Clausen, Irene H., degree, 420 Clauser, C. C , degree, 1251 Claxton, Margaret C , appointment, 267 Clay, C. L., degree, 414 Clay, F. B., degree, 798 Clay, J. H., degree, 1239 Clay Adams Co., Inc., gift, 1471 Claybaugh, L. H., appointment, 279, 1115 Clay mineralogy, fellowship, gift, 549 Oaypool, Barbara, appointment, 311 Clayton, G. T., appointment, 350, 391, 689, 988, 1445 Clayton, J. T., appointment, 43, 1224 degree, 788 Clayton, R. W., Jr., degree, 818 Clayton, Mrs. Rita M., appointment, 287 Cleary, E. W., appointment, 164, 507, 1000, i45t l6l5 appreciation of committee s report on College of Commerce and Business Administration, 726 Cleary, J. D., degree, 802 Cleary, Mrs. Mable, appointment, 328 Cleary, W. J., certificate, 1328 Cleary Committee, report, reorganization of College of Commerce and Business Administration, 718, 720 Cleaver, K. L., degree, 421 Cleer, P. E., certificate, 1328 Cleft palate training program, space in University Hospital, 472 Cleland, W. B., degree, 818 Clement, Alice M., appointment, 210, 229, 1042 Close, C. C , degree, 1571 Close, Mrs. Luann D., appointment, 1150 Closet units, study, contract, 560 Clough, C. M., degree, 594 Clough, N. V., degree, 589 Cloutier, R. E., degree, 808 Cloyd, Mrs. Gwen A., appointment, 276, i n ? Cloyd, J. H., degree, 798 Cloyd, Mrs. Nancy E., appointment, 256, 1092 Clune, Hattie L., appointment, 1313 Clure, J. L., degree, 800 Clutter, L. VV., degree, 792 Qutterham, D. R., appointment, 869 Cluver, Wilma L., degree, 1248 Cmarik, G. F., appointment, 94, 927 Coad, C. S., appointment, 265, 1101 Coal, compliance of Republic Coal & Coke Co. with contract specifications, report, 377 contract, 389, 506, 850, 1205, 1312, 1423 purchase, 29, 31, 342, 375, 767, 853, 1495, Coan, J. M., appointment, 122, 688, 956 Coard, R. L degree, 1385 Coates, C. L., appointment, 127, 693, 961, „ 1377, 1449 Coates, J. C , 1254 Coates, J. F., degree, 789 Coates, S. G., degree, 592 Coatney, Mrs. Winifred W., appointment, 256 Coats, military, purchase, 439 Cobalt, separation from nickel, research, gift, Cobb, A. C., appointment, 43, 246, 702, 1085 Cobb, C. M., degree, 825 Cobb, H. C , appointment, 1125 Cobb, Mrs. Jacqueline, appointment, 292 Cobb, T. C , degree, 575 Cobb, V. W., degree, 1395 Coben, S. E., fellowship, 1278 Coberley, R. C , degree, 809 Cobert, I., degree, 828 Coble, A. B., appointment, 80, 913 Coblyn, Rita, appointment, 1143 Coburn, L., appointment, 1020 degree, 1244 Coburn, M., degree, 414 Coca-Cola vending machines, Illini Union, purchase, 342 Cochran, B. L., degree, 586 Cochran, J. A., appointment, 141, 977, 1447 leave of absence, 532 Cochran, J. F., fellowship, 1529 Cochrane, J. J., Jr., appointment, 281, 1118 Cochrane, P. Jj., appointment, 256, 1093 Cochrun, C. L., & Son, purchase, 499 Cochrun, I. A., appointment, 139, 975 Coe, Mrs. Mary 0., appointment, 1095 Coffeen, Barbara J., degree, 1554, 1557 Coffelt, Mrs. Jane, appointment, 1142 Coffin, Georgia R., appointment, 184, 1019 resignation, 1382 Coffin, Jean A., appointment, 9 Coffler, Nancy R., degree, 1556 Coffman, Mrs. Carrie H., appointment, 304. Coffman, N. Marybelle, appointment, 263 Cogan, E. A., appointment, 507 Cogan, S. R., degree, 823, 1573 Coggshall, W. T., appointment, 263, 1099 Cogswell, J. B., appointment, 271, 1107 Cohan, M. H., degree, 828 Cohen, A., certificate, 841 degree, 813 Cohen, Mrs. Annette, appointment, 331 Cohen, C , degree, 1537 fellowship, 681, 1485 Cohen, Carolyn R., degree, 817 Cohen, D. A., degree, 1247 Cohen, D. P., degree, 594 Cohen, E., certificate, 488 Cohen, E. S., degree, 825, 1573 Cohen, Ellen K., degree, 1571 1140 1213 1521 Clement, Mrs. Dorothy, appointment, 308 Clements, R. L., fellowship, 677 declination, 683 Clemins, C. F., certificate, 1328 Cleveland, D. J., degree, 1563 Cleven, jtfrs. Carol C , appointment, 1112, 1526 degree, 418 Cleven, Marjorie M., degree, 1556 Cleven, W. A., appointment, 918 degree, 1537 Clevenger, A. W., appointment, 144, 151, 691, 980, 986 Clevenger, R. M., appointment, 1108 Clifford, E., appointment, 1224 Clifford, Margaret E., appointment, 699, 1455 Cline, G. M., appointment, 1189 Cline, Marlene F., appointment, 112 Cline, Polly F., appointment, 310, 1147 Clinebell, P. W., appointment, 43 Clinical faculty, Medicine, 351, " 7 9 Clinical Medicine, Veterinary, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38 budget, 998 revolving account, 998 Clinical psychology, training of students, funds, gift, 550, 1470 Clinical Science, budget, 203, 308, 1038, ri44 clinical faculty, 352, 1180 equipment for photoftuoroscopic project, appropriation, 521 gift fund, addition, 1219, 1473 liver, purchase, 615 research, gift, 551, 5S2, 553. 554. 555. 550, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1218 Clinics, budget, Dentistry, 217, 313, 1053, 1150 Research and Educational Hospitals, 227, 317, 1064, 1155 , , Clinite, Ruth G., appointment, 260, 1095 Clink, D. W „ degree, 591 Clinton, J. E., degree, 812 Clohecy, R. M., degree, 820 Clooney, D. H., degree, 813 Clore, Ruth E., appointment, 391, 697. I 0 I 7 . 1452
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