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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I6IO BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ceramic resistors, study, contract, 1327 Ceramics Building, roof, appropriation, 366 Cerebral palsy, research, contract, 1327 gift, 548, 1211, 1216, 1472, 1473, 1474 Cerebral P a l s y Association of Illinois, Inc., gift, 1216 Cerling, Joanne L., degree, 8 0 0 Cerny, E . M . , degree, 801 Cerny, R. E . , degree, 1554 Cerny, Rosemary A . , degree, 1399 Certified Public Accountant, A c c o u n t a n c y Act, administration, regulations, 1497 amendment, 1293 provision for examination i n section 4 ( b ) unconstitutional, 664 certificates, award, 4 1 , 380, 4 3 0 , 4 8 8 , 527, 535, 6 0 3 , 770, 8 4 1 , 1178, 1254, 1292, 1328, 1337, 1357, 1407, 1490, 1507 form, revisions, 1299 withheld, 664 Chatkin case, legal services, 4 5 9 examinations, rules and regulations, revisions, 1294 Cervantes, A n g e l a , appointment, 1149 Cervenka, Carolyn, appointment, 1147 Chabon, I . , degree, 591 Chadde, F . E., degree, 809 Chaderton, J. C , appointment, 2 4 6 , 6 9 1 , 1085, 1447 Chafaris, G. J., degree, 782 discovery, patent rights, release, 709 Chafaris, M r s . Mary D . , appointment, 281 Chaffee, V . W . , degree, 1393 Chaiken, M r s . Rivian, appointment, 333 Chainski, E . , appointment, 359, 1187 Chairs, purchase, A n i m a l Sciences Laboratory, 838 Electrical E n g i n e e r i n g , 524 Physical Plant, 524, 767, 854 V e t e r i n a r y Medicine, 557 Chakravorti, A . K., fellowship, 730, 1479 resignation, 1279 Chalfen, M r s . Jane, appointment, 311 Chalmers, M r s . Ruth V . , appointment, 1376 Chalmers, W . E . , appointment, 140, 178, 975. 1014, 1271 leave of absence, 6 4 6 , 7 7 1 , 778 Chamberlin, B . P . , appointment, 300, 1137 Chamberlin, D . E . , appointment, 2 8 1 , 1117 Chamberlin, E . W . , degree, 1390 Chamberlin, G. W . , Jr., degree, 8 2 3 , 1573 Chamberlin, M r s . Lorraine E . , fellowship, 478, 1278 Chamberlin, Patricia, appointment, 1166 Chamberlin, R. S . , appointment, 297, 299, 1134, 1135. Chamberlin, W . J., appointment, 76, 6 9 3 , 9 0 9 , 1449 Chambers, B . N . , appointment, 1129 Chambers, J. V . , degree, 802 Chambers, Lois F . , degree, 1397 Chambers, R., appointment, 1141 Chambers, W . J., degree, 1557 Champaign A s p h a l t Co., bid, 659 contract, 26, 29, 8 4 7 , 864 addition, 464, 666, 765 Champaign B u i l d e r s S u p p l y Co., purchase, 1264 Champaign Coca-Cola Bottling Co., purchase, 342. Champaign County, contract, 441 Champaign County Cerebral P a l s y F u n d , gift, 1211 Champaign County F e e d Co., purchase, 500 Champaign County S e r v i c e Co., purchase, 1494 Champaign County State's A t t o r n e y , contract, 1208 Champaign P l u m b i n g & H e a t i n g Co., contract, 839 Champaign-Urban a Clean T o w e l Service, purchase, 377 Champion, W . C , degree, 1557 Caughey, C. D . , degree, 1561 Caughey. Margaret W „ degree, 1560 Cauldwell, E . W . , appointment, 2 0 8 , 1044, 1068 Cavagnaro, J. J., purchase, 558 Cavaletto, Adelle, degree, 1250 Cavan, Patricia M . , degree, 816 Cavanaugh, Monica, appointment, 3 1 9 , 1158 Cavanaugh, W . L., degree, 594 C a r e n y , C. C , appointment, 237, 1076 Cavic, P . , Jr., degree, 4 2 4 Cawthon, F r a n c e s M . , degree, 817 Cayto, Ethel L., degree, 1237 Cazalet, M r s . Muriel, appointment, 1155 Cazden, N . , appointment, 7, 156, 697, 9 9 0 , 145s: Cazel, W . N . , degree, 1562 Cechner, R. A . , degree, 820 Cecil, J . E . , degree, 4 2 4 Cecil Broadway, Inc., purchase, 768 Ceco Steel Products Corp., gift, 1467 Cedarburg, J. O., degree, 580 Cedarholm, T. P . , degree, 795 Cedarlund, E v e l y n n e , appointment, 1224 resignation, 1530 Cederberg, J. O . , appointment, 300, 1137 Cederberg, Lois J., degree, 1567 Ceglinski, S. E . , degree, 417 Celmer, M . S., certificate, 771 Cenar, Josephine, appointment, 324, 1166 Cenek, R. H . , degree, 1561 Central Formula Room, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 1063, 1134 Central Illinois S e e d Increase R e v o l v i n g A c count, budget, 1 0 1 , 9 3 s Central M a n u f a c t u r i n g Co., Cook County Experiment Station, sale, offer withdrawn, 566 purchase, 32, 6 1 4 Central National Bank & T r u s t Co. of Peoria, lease, i 2 o p Central R e c e i v i n g Station warehouse, prefabricated metal building, purchase, 1326 Central Scientific Co., purchase, 526, 767, 8 3 8 , 852, 1520 Central Soya Co., contract, change, 1344 Central Supply, Research and Educational Hospitals, budget, 226, 3*7, 1064, 1154 Centrifuge, Aeromedical and Physical Environment Laboratory, appropriation, 611 purchase, 670 Bacteriology, Liberal A r t s and S c i e n c e s , purchase, 30 Food Technology, purchase, 500 Medicine, purchase, 500 Century, J. R., degree, 8 0 9 , 1542 Century, Marcia S:, degree, 1398 Cephalometer, D i v i s i o n of S e r v i c e s for Crippled Children, purchase, 375 Ceramic coating materials, patent rights, release to A i r Force, 854 Ceramic E n g i n e e r i n g , appropriations, balances reappropriated, 38, n 97 budget, 122, 2 7 7 , 956, 1113 curriculum, changes, 1410 fellows, 1480 gift, fellowship, Lakefield N e p h e l i n e S y e n i t e , 549, 1468 National Lead Co., Titanium A l l o y M a n u f a c t u r i n g D i v i s i o n , 1212, 1469 Orton, Edward, Jr., Ceramic Foundation, 549, 1468 glassware, 1471 scholarship, H a e g e r Potteries, 547 modernization of switchboard, appropriation, 546 purchase, electronic recorder and amplifier, 612 photomicrographic apparatus, 1520 wire, 766 scholarship trust fund, regulations, r e v i s i o n s , 1359
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