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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Carpenter, P . D . , appointment, 2 2 1 , 1058 Carpenter, R. A . , member of advisory committee, 430 Carpenter Steel Cot, contract, 1207 Carper, R. J., degree, 411 Carpeting, purchase, Illini U n i o n , 1343 P h y s i c a l Plant, 671 Carpino, L. A . , degree, 1240 fellowship, 1231, 1480, 1500 Carr, G. R., gift, 1210 Carr, H . H . , degree, 1389 Carr, Ha^el E . , degree, 812 Carr, Jean A . , degree, 1565 Carr, Norma E . , appointment, 2 8 8 , 1124 Carr, W . H . , degree, 1252 Carr, W . L., degree, 802 Carrel, J. H . , degree, 1399 Carren, D . J., degree, 822 Carren, Lorraine G. W . , degree, 1547 Carrico, J. E . , appointment, 140 declination, 403 Carriel, R. L., degree, 817 Carrigan, Honora T-, appointment, 317, 1155 Carrington, C. A . , appointment, 290, 1127 Carrington, M. A., appointment, 281, 1117 Carrithers, J. M., appointment, 139, 690, 974, 1446 Carroll, M r s . Darlene W . , appointment, 293 Carroll, E . P . , certificate, 1328 Carroll, J. J., degree, 785 Carroll, J. M . , degree, 1568 Carroll, J. R., appointment, 129, 964 Carroll, J. T . , degree, 422 Carroll, J e a n n e M., appointment, 476 Carroll, L. O., degree, 791 Carroll, Nathalie, appointment, 333 Carroll, P. M . , degree, 1241 Carroll, Ruth M . , appointment, 7, 223, 319. 1158 Carroll, Mrs. Shirley K., appointment, 318 Carroll, W . E . , appointment, 9 2 , 101, 925 Carroll Construction Co., contract, 471 Carruth, J. F . , degree, 790 Carruth, M r s . Nathalia J., appointment, 283 Carruthers, N . E . , degree, 803 Carsel, J., degree, 8 2 3 , 1573 Carson, A. M . , degree, 801 Carson, Carol R., appointment, 1118 Carson, Jenny E . , appointment, 1176 Carson, Kathryn A . , degree, 812 Carson, M a u d e B . , member of advisory committee, 562 Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co., purchase, 30, 340, 3 4 i , 671 Carson-Payson Co., contract, addition, 27, 714 Carstens, H . P . , appointment, 354> ' l 8 3 Carter, A . K., degree, 785 Carter, A . M . , appointment, 157, 697, 990, 1452 Carter, B . F . , degree, 8or Carter, M r s . Beverly Marie, appointment, 1132 Carter, M r s . Beverly Moore, appointment, 1128 Carter, D . G., appointment, 96, 930 leave of absence, 1408 Carter, D o n n a , appointment, 321 Carter, Dorothy J., degree, 812 Carter, F . C , Jr., degree, 1397 Carter, G. C , appointment, 173, 391. l°°9 Carter, G. S . , degree, 1389 Carter, H . E . , appointment, 72, 90S, "224 discovery, patent, concession of priority, 347 Carter, H e l e n L., degree, 15 54 Carter, Isabelle B., degree, 1241 Carter, J. B., appointment, 353, i * 8 2 Carter, J. N . , degree, 449 Carter, L . H . , d e g r e e , 594 Carter, M a r y F . , degree, 819 Carter, O. P . , appointment, 306, 1143 Carter, Patricia, appointment, 1146 Carter, R. L., degree, 1543 Carter, R. W . , degree, 809 l609 Carter, T. W . , degree, 825 Carter, Virginia L., degree, 812 Carter, W . E., degree, 1394 Carter-Pennell Farm, North, lease, 1361 South, milking room, contract, 1464 Cartographic equipment, Geography, appropriation, 654 Carton, R. YV\, appointment, 729, J J 83 Cartwright, G. W . , degree, 1283 Carver, D . R., degree, 1535 Carver, Eleanore B., appointment, 1271 Carver, Mrs. Irva S., appointment, 1115 Car wheels, research, contract, change, 6 1 0 , 13S0 Cary, Betty L., degree, 1249 Cary, C. R., degree, 1554 Cary, R. B,, degree, 1540 Casberg, C. H., appointment, 128, 963 retirement, 732 Cascio, B. J., degree, 1557 Case, H . C. M., appointment, 9 4 , 927 Case, T. R., appointment, 312 Casebeer, W . R., appointment, 271 Casey, Mrs. Adelia L., appointment, 2 6 2 , 1098 Casey, G. J., degree, 1536 Cash, Anna E . , degree, 582 Cash, D . E . , degree, 798, 801 Cash, J. G., appointment, 104, 119, 937, 953 Cash, Sarah M., degree, 1543 Cashion, T . E . , certificate, 603 Cashman, J. L., degree, 1252 Caskey, F. E . , fellowship, 677 Caskey, Katherine H . , degree, 1247 Casler, M. S., degree, 418, 1243. Casper, Mrs. Dorothy E . , appointment, 267 Casper, E . L., degree, 417 Casper, R. J., degree, 1554 Caspers, Greta M., degree, 411 Cassady, R. J., degree, 8 2 3 , 1573 Cassell, R. L. S., appointment, 242, 1081, 1457 Cassells, Francine J., degree, 1562 Cassida, Ethel L., degree, 785 Cassidy, A v a M „ degree, 411 Cassidy, J. E . , member of advisory committee, 1195 Cassidy, J. E., Jr., degree, 1548 Cassim, J. Y. K „ degree, 805 Casson, Jean T., degree, 1566 Casteel, E . , appointment, 298, 1135 Castellanos, Mary P . , appointment, 9 Castillo, G., degree, 1391 Castillo, J. G., certificate, 42 Castor, Mrs. Edith R., appointment, 2 9 5 , 1131 Castor, M r s . Elma L., appointment, 1103 Castor, J. G., degree, 801 Castor, R . W . , degree, 791 Caswell, Mrs. M a r y A . , appointment, 1096 Caswell, W . K., Jr., degree, 1399 Catalano, Constance, appointment, 330, 1172 Catalano, J. V . L., degree, 795 Cataldo, M., appointment, 1271 Cataldo, R. A., degree, 817 Catan, R. J., degree, 1567 Catchpole, H . R., appointment, 2 0 8 , 1044 Cate, G. M., appointment, 1526 degree, 1542 Cate, H . A., appointment, 94, 117, 927. 950 Caterpillar Tractor Co., gift, 1214 Cathcart, Mrs. Frances W . , appointment, 305, "50 Cathodic protection of surfaces in soils and solutions, study, contract, 769 Catlin, C. S., degree, 595 Catron, C. W . , certificate, 1337 Cattell, R. B., appointment, 8 3 , 136. 9 l 6 . °7« leave of absence, 604 Cattle, purchase, authority, 836 W r i g h t farms, purchase, s*7 authority, 346 Caudill, Mrs. Lois, appointment, 328, 1169 Caudle, R. D . , appointment, 729, 966 degree, 139 1
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