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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i6o6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Business, fellows, 677, 1480 Business fluctuations, research, gift, 1469 Business Law, See Business Organization and Operation. Business Management Service, budget, 142, 284, 978, 1121 bulletin on consumer credit conference, printing, 672 Business Office, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 37 bookkeeping machine, appropriation, 1359 purchase, 1360 budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 198, 30s, 1033. " 4 i Chicago Undergraduate Division, 238, 330, 1077, 1172 Urbana-Champaign departments, 61, 256, 894, 1093 purchase, dishonesty, disappearance, and destruction insurance, 501 employer's workmen's compensation and liability insurance, 32 prefabricated metal building, 1326 steel partitions, 1466 remodeling, contract, 1462 safe, appropriation, 611 Business Organization and Operation, budget, 138, 284, 974, 1120 summer session, 689, 1445 Business Research, See Economic and Business Research. Busking, Mrs. Nellie, appointment, 319, 1157 Bussart, D. A., degree, 1^63 Bussman, Anna MT, appointment, 263, 1099 Buswell, A. M., appointment, 72, 905 Buswell memorial fund, use, approved, 34 Butcher, W. W., appointment, 729, 1083, 1271 Buterbaugh, J. N., degree, 1552 Butkus, L. J., degree, 1554 Butler, A. B., certificate, 1357 Butler, Beverly J., appointment, 1103 Butler, C. D., appointment, 360, 1189 Butler, Carol J., degree, 800 Butler, Florence W., degree, 1244 Butler, G., appointment, 70, 903' Butler, H., appointment, 325, 1167 Butler, H. E., degree, 1241 Butler, J. G., fellowship, 682, 1278, i486 Butler, J. J., certificate, 41 Butler, J. R., Jr., degree, 1565 Butler, J. W., appointment, 271, 1107 Butler, J. W., Paper Co., purchase, 342, 1263 Butler, L. C , appointment, 696, 869 Butler, Margy E., appointment, 258, 1094 Butler, Mary M., appointment, 1112 Butler, R. i l , degree, 584, 1548 Butler, S., appointment, 353, 1181 Butler, V. A., degree, 585 Butler, W. F., degree, 1554 Butler Manufacturing Co., purchase, 1343 Butt, B. G., appointment, 869, 1057 degree, 823 resignation, 1279 Butterfat, nutritive value in experimental animals, study, contract, 1327 Butterfield, C. E., Jr., degree, 820 Butterfteld, F. C , certificate, 1330 Butterfield, F. E., Jr., degree, 414 Butterfield, W. H., appointment, 171, 1007 Butzow, R. F., appointment, 1498, 1526 degree, 1568 Buwick, G. J., degree, 812 Buzan, E. F., degree, 825 Buzzard, H. L., degree, 582 Buzzard, R. D., degree, 586 Byam, Joan E., appointment, 242, 702, 869, 1081 Byard, R., appointment, 271, 1107 Byerly, Mariana L., degree, 1550 Byerly, O. M., degree, 825 Byerly, W. O., degree, 1563 Burnett, R. W., appointment, 144, 691, 980, 1447 Burnette, P. J., appointment, 185 leave of absence, 479 resignation, 683 Burnham, C. V., Jr., degree, 417 Bums, Gloria J., degree, 592 Burns, J. D., degree, 424 Burns, K., appointment, 86, 699, 920, 981 Bums, Kathjryn V., appointment, 108, 119, 942, 952 Burns, Mrs. Marietta C , appointment, 314, 1152 Burns, Marilyn G., degree, 586 Burns, Mrs. Martha G„ appointment, 301 Burns, R. B., degree, 1541 Burns, R. O., Jr., appointment, 643 degree, 829 fellowship, 447 Bums, W. H., degree, 790 Burpo, C. E., degree, 825 Burr, Cornelia C , resignation, 572 Burr, E. E., appointment, 245, 1084 Burr, Mary F., degree, 811 Burr, W. W., Jr., degree, 781 Burridge, Margaret J., degree, 800 Burritt, H. W., member of advisory committee, 36 Burritt, L. E., Jr., degree, 423 Burros, R. H., appointment, 1223 Burroughs, C. R., degree, 825 Burroughs, D. W., degree, 418 Burroughs, J. R., degree, 1243 Burroughs, Mrs. Naomi, appointment, 325 Burroughs, Ruby, appointment, 1166 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., purchase, 525 Burroughs Wellcome & Co., Inc., gift, 552 purchase, 1466 Burrus, R., member of advisory committee, 1194 Burstone, M. S., appointment, 220, 391, 869, 1056 Burt, B. S., degree, 791 Burt, Barbara A., appointment, 60 declination, 402 Burt, Gladys E., appointment, 255 Burt, L. W., degree, 820 Burt, Patricia M7 M., degree, 1249 Burt, W. C , degree, 816 Burthouse, Airport, lease, 1208 Burtness, R. W., degree, 581 Burton, Elizabeth A., appointment, 303, 1139 Burton, G., appointment, 265, 1101 Burton, O. M., member of advisory committee, 1195 Busbey, C. W., degree, 816 Buscemi^ Joan A., fellowship, 677 Busch, E. L., degree, 809 Busch, H. O., degree, 1562 Busch, W. L., degree, 805 Buschbach, T. C , degree, 792 Buschek, R. F., certificate, 527 Busekros, G. P., degree, 808 Busenhart, J. C , degree, 411 Buser, J. W., appointment, 354, 673 resignation, 877 Busey, Garetta H., appointment, 75,' 908 Busey Residence Hall, budget, 192, 303, 1027, 1139 fire protection improvements, funds, 1374 modernization, 763, 1266 transformer vaults, contract, 379, 494 . release of funds, 519 £ Bush, C , member of advisory committee, 1196 Bush, E. J., degree, 588 Bush, K. A., appointment, 1459 Bush, L. H., fellowship, 1482 Bush, Virginia M., degree, 596 Bushee, J. R., appointment, 281 Bushey, G. L., appointment, 72 Bushnell, Georgia F., degree, 811 Bushong, E. M., degree, 798
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