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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Buddemeier, W. D., appointment, 93, 95, 926, 929 degree, 1532 leave of absence, 604 Buddenbaum, Norma J., degree, 1557 Bude, Marian R., degree, 1241 Budget, annual, 48, 880 appropriation, summary, 50, 53, 195, 236, 882 Chicago Professional Colleges, 1030 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1075 Urbana-Champaign departments, 886 approved, 5, 855 authority to make changes, 5, 855 estimated income, 49, 881 explanatory notes, 48, 880 Athletic Association, adjustments, 605 approved, 6, 855 authority to make changes, 6, 855 changes, 1492 biennial, buildings and capital improvements, proposed, 428 recommendations, 381 summary, 382 salaries and wages, increase, 651 revision, 633 Crippled Children, Division of Services for, estimates, 442 Summer Session, 688, 1444 Tuberculosis Research, Institution for, approved, 442 Budil, Mrs. Carol, appointment, 330, 1172 Budington, R. A., Jr., certificate, 1338 Budris, E. C , degree, 595 Buehler, A. I., purchase, 1206, 1360 Buehler, Leanora M., degree, 1539 Buehner, W. T., resignation, 402 Buer, O. E., degree, 1398 Bueschel, R. J., appointment, 282, 1118 Buescher, Mary E., degree, 7.99 Bueter, N. E., contract, 502 Buettner, C. M-, certificate, 841 Buffa, E. S., appointment, 350, 390, 964 resignation, 1382 Buffalo Scale Co., purchase, 670 Buford, R. H., degree, 805 Bugan, K. G., degree, 1554 Bugher, W. D., degree, 1546 Buhrke, V. E., degree, 1540 Builders, risk insurance, purchase, Men's Residence Hall in Chicago, 1495 Research and Educational Hospitals Addition, 32 Staff Apartment Building in Chicago, 1494 Building Program Committee, appreciation of services, 430 budget, 67, 264, 900, 1100 Building program study for school unit, contract, 1417 Buildings, agricultural, construction and remodeling, release of funds, 338 architectural studies, appropriations, balances reappropriated, 39, 1198 Chicago Professional Colleges campus, metal doors, replacement, contract, 1325 remodeling, appropriation, 844 balance reappropriated, 38, 1198 release of funds, 491 standing contracts, 368 use for political meetings, 3, 1326 Buildings and capital improvements, program for 1951-1953, proposed, 428 amendment, 505 release of funds, 338, 366, 433, 462, 49'. 519, 540^606, 654, 705, Buildings and Grounds Committee, hearings in support of building projects, 429 report, 504 . .,. lease of restaurant space in Arcade Buiiaing, 1503 report, 517, 15*5 members, 602, 1405 l605 Buker, Lulu D., degree, 1250 Buker, P. D., degree, 577 Bulkley, W. F., appointment, 107, 117, 941, 950 Bull, Alice J., degree, 800 Bull, G. E., Jr., degree, 828 Bull, I. O., certificate, 430 Bull, Jane, member of advisory committee, 561 Bull, Mary L., appointment, 182, 1018 Bull, S., appointment, 101, 115, 935, 948 Bullard, J. P., Jr., degree, 579 Bullard, P. W., degree, 594 Bullard, S. A., degree, 1541 Bullaro, J. J., Jr., degree, 1536 Bullington, R. H., degree, 586 Bullock, Mrs. Doris L., appointment, 698, 996, 1453 Bullock, Dorothy M., degree, 811 Bulls, purchase, Animal Science, 341 Dixon Springs Experiment Station, 710 Bumstead, Mrs. Vivienne R., appointment, 290 Bunata, R. J., degree, 1248 Bunce, E. P., degree, 1400 Bundsgaard, Naomi R., degree, 595 Bundy, Mrs. Lyndall A., appointment, 276, Bundy, Bundy, Bunke, Bunke, 1112 R. L., degree, 597 S. E-, appointment, 274, m o H. C , degree, 1282 Mrs. Margaret C , appointment, 367, Bunn, B. H., gift, 1471 Bunn, Barbara J., degree, 816 Bunney, Gladys E., degree, 790 Bunting, C. R., degree, 1557 Bunting, Mrs. Patricia A., appointment, 1129 Bunting, W. L., Jr., degree, 816 Burau, C. R., degree, 582 Burch, J. P., degree, 816 Burcky, M. C , degree, 422 Burdick, Corp., gift, 551 Burga, Frances, appointment, 8, 319, 1158 Burge, Mrs. Ethel M., appointment, 276, 1112 Burgener, Opal S., degree, 1560 Burger, A., appointment, 315, 1152 Burger, C. L-, degree, 796 Burger, C. R., certificate, 1178 Burgess, J. H., certificate, 1328 Burgess, M. Edna, appointment, 317, JI55 Burgh, J. F., Jr., appointment, 391 Burgmeier Book Bindery, Inc., purchase, 767 Buring, Harriet, appointment, 305 Burk, Elaine, appointment, 313 Burk, P. C , degree, 1240 Burke, Alverne E., degree, 1567 Burke, C. Agnes, appointment, 297, 1133 Burke, H. J., degree, 1540 Burke, Helena, appointment, 317, 1154 Burke, J. J., degree, 1394 Burke, S. C , degree, 820 Burke, T. M., degree, 1548 Burkee, R. E., degree, 1571 Burkett, Edna B., degree, 502 Burkett, G. W., degree, 1571 Burkett, L. A., degree, 1541 Burkhart, Mrs. Lon J., appointment, 1126 Burkhart, R. R., degree, 1401 Burkholder, P., appointment, 43, 244, 1083, 1458 Burkitt, P. E., degree, 822 Burklow, Mrs. Azalee, appointment, 259 Burleson, C. E., degree, 784 Burline, Phylis J., certificate, 1328 Burlingame, R. M., certificate, 430 Burlingham, C. M., Jr., degree, 1394 Burlington Roofing Co., contract, 1264Burlison, W. L., appointment, 98, 932 Burnett, Ann, appointment, 1170 Burnett, B. B., appointment, 690 Burnett, G. H., degree, 450 Burnett, H. R., degree, 1387 Burnett, Nancy C , degree, 805 1104
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