UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1507]

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Brunner, Mrs. Juanita L., appointment, 1133 Brunner, M. F., degree, 803 Brunner, M. J „ appointment, 203, 1038 leave of absence, 732 Brunner, Marjorie S., appointment, 272 Brunner, R. H., degree, 453 Brunner, W. C , appointment, 11, 1308 Bruno, E. J., degree, 828 Bruno, P. H., degree, 1556 Bruns, Katherine R., appointment, 265 Bruns, Nona J., degree, 596 Brunskill, Dorothy M., degree, 414 Brunson, G. S., certificate, 841 Brunt, R. O., degree, 1553 Brush, D. O., degree, 796 Brush, H. C , degree, 411 Brush, R., appointment, 269, 1105 Brush Development Co., purchase, 558, 615 Brust, H. A., degree, 1389 Brux, A. F., degree, 803 Bruyn, Louise M., degree, 1397 Bruyn, S. T., appointment, 1271 degree, 787 resignation, 1382 Brya, D. A. L., degree, 1401 Bryan, D. L., degree, 1401 Bryan, G. R., Jr., appointment, 176, 1012 termination, 1279 Bryan, H. S., appointment, 113, 163, 947, 998 Bryan, L. A., appointment, 138, 177, 974,


Brown, Rollin L., fellowship, 681 declination, 731 Brown, R. P., degree, 597 Brown, R. T., degree, 805 Brown, Ralph W., Jr., degree, 595 Brown, Roger W., appointment, 363 Brown, Roger Wayne, degree, 1251 Brown, S. S., certificate, 1254 Brown, S. W., degree, 814 Brown, T. A., degree, 597 Brown, T. J., degree, 577 Brown, T. K., degree, 803 Brown, W. B., appointment, 43 resignation, 448 Brown, W. N., appointment, 112, 114, 390, 945, 949 Brown, W. O., appointment, 239, 250, 1078, 1088 member of committee to hear charges against P. T. May, 60s Brown, W. V., appointment, 175, 1010 Brown & Sharpe Co., purchase, 374 Browne, B., painting, purchase, 711 Browne, R. B., appointment, 144, 172, 173, 507, 979, 1008 Browne, W. H., appointment, 206, 1041 Brownfield, Mrs. Beverly J., appointment, 297,


Brownfield, S. J., appointment, 303, 1139 Browning Ietters t collection, purchase, 32 Brown Instruments Co., purchase, 615, 670 Brownstein, A. D., degree, 809 Brubaker, Mrs. Caryl M., appointment, 278 Brubaker, Jo Anne, degree, 1556 Brubaker, M. C , degree, 1567 Brubaker, R. S., appointment, 869 fellowship, 682 Brucellosis, research, gift, 550, 1213 Bruch, R., degree, 1542 Bruchan, E. P., degree, 1571 Bruck, Helen, appointment, 8, 223, 1059 leave of absence, 1353 Brucker, P . A., degree, 1571 Bruckner, W. H., appointment, 131, 965 book, printing, funds, gift, 548 leave of absence, 1334 Bruder, Joan P., degree, 1559 Brue, Nancy A., degreej 811 Brueckner, K. A., appointment, 869 Brueggeman, L. B., degree, 1393 Brueggemann, Marie E., degree, 816 Bruer, P. M. L., degree, 786 Brugger, J. R., appointment, 289, 1125 Brumback, A. G,, degree, 592 Brumbaugh, Dorothy A., appointment, 64, 897 Brumberg, R. E., degree, 785 Brumfield, Mrs. Mildred B., appointment, 284,


Brumm, J. M., appointment, 174* 179, 1009,


Brumme, M. R., appointment, 357, 1185 Brummel, Carolyn M., appointment, 329, 1171 Brummet, A. L., appointment, 274, 1110 Brun, W . A., appointment, 689 degree, 1285 Brunell, P. A., degree, 1545 Bruner, R. L., certificate, 1328 Bruninga, F . G., certificate, 1330 Brunkow Electric Co., contract, 340, $6g, 667, 846, 847, 1203, 1290 Brunn, K. R., degree, 581 Brunn, Margaret, appointment, 1138 Brunnemeyer, H. R., appointment, 350, 390, 952 Brunnemeyer, Joyce E., degree, 1554 Brunner, E. J.» appointment, 390, 507, 773*

1012, 1223

degree, 415 Brunner, H. G., appointment, 334, 1176 Brunner, Mrs. Ilah R., appointment, 1097 Brunner, J., Memorial Endowment for Research and Advancement in Engineering Education, gift, 550

director of Athletic Association, 604, 1409 Bryan, W. H., fellowship, 1479 declination, 1486 Bryan, W. J., degree, 1573 Bryant, Alice, appointment, 1156 Bryant, Evelyn J., appointment, 303 degree, 591 Bryant, F. B., appointment, 1186 Bryant, F. W,, appointment, 773 Bryant, G. L., degree, 1536 Bryant, H, R., appointment, 278, 1114 Bryant, L. E., degree, 411 Bryant, M. W., member of advisory committee, 1195 Bryden, J. R., appointment, 1178 Brymer, W. E., Jr., degree, 424 Bryngelson, Barbara A., degree, 1567 Bryson, Elizabeth A., fellowship, 1482 Buchanan, A. W., degree, 1392 Buchanan, Nancy R., degree, 1560 Buchanan, R. M„ appointment, 1137 Buchele, R. B., appointment, 139, 507 declination, 531 Bucher, Gladys R., appointment, 241 Buchholz, A., appointment, 352, 1180 Buchholz, Barbara A., degree, 1550 Buchholz, J. T., appointment, 71 Buchman, Mrs. Anna R., appointment, 333 Buchmaster, R. E., appointment, 1187 Buchta, J. C , appointment, 1223, 1476 degree, 583 Buck, Doris B., degree, 816 Buck, S. J., Jr., degree, 1548 Buck, T., degree, 593 Buck, W. A., degree, 1564 Buckingham, M. F., appointment, 291, 1127 Buckingham, R., appointment, 359, 1188 Buckingham, W. B., degree, 1571 Buckler, J. A., degree, 822 Buckler, W. E., appointment, 390, 693, 909 Buckman, E., appointment, 364, 1192 Buckmaster, R. E., appointment, 358 Buckner, A. W., Jr., degree, 419 Buckner, H., degree, 789 Bucy, P. C , appointment, 205, 1040 Buczkowsld, E. S., degree, 1565 Buczynski, R. J., degree, 828 Buda Co., contract, 436 Budd, E. C , appointment, 141 resignation, 1232 Buddemeier, M. R., degree, 815