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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Brodie, A, G., appointment, 215, 220, 1051, 1056 member of advisory committee, 562 Brodie, A. G., Jr., degree, 823 Brodie, D. H., degTee, .1566 Brodnick, R. M., degree, 583 Brodsky, H., degree, 594 Brodt, M. E., degree, 416 Brody, T. M„ degree, 1569 resignation, 402 Broghamer, E. L., appointment, 129, 696, 963 Brogren, R. C , degree, 1566 Broich, L. A., degree, 424 Broihier, E., appointment, 1125 Brolander, G. E., degree, 815 Brolleyt Maria, appointment, 1190 Bromberg, Mrs. Ruth L., appointment, 362, 444 resignation, 777 Bromley, A. L., degree, 817 Bromley, Ann, appointment, 239, 1078 Bronfenbrenner, Mrs. Jean A., appointment, 142. 570, 673 leave 01 absence, 479 Brons, K. A., degree, 1544 fellowship, 680 Bronson, Barbara, appointment, 183 resignation, 777 Bronstein, I. P., appointment, 208, 390, 1189 Brookes, V, J., degree, 792 Brookey, W. W., appointment, 287, 1123 Brook Hill Farms, Inc., gift, 547, 1467 Brooks, Edna B., degree, 812 Brooks, Fannie M., appointment, 108, 942 Brooks, G. A., degree, 1237 Brooks, J., degree, 585 Brooks, J. A., appointment, 673, 959, 1476 Brooks, J. H., degree, 1561 Brooks, J. L., degree, 407 Brooks, J. R., degree, 588 Brooks, Mrs. Lois M., appointment, 273, 1108 Brooks, M. H., Jr., degree, 1576 Brooks, R-, appointment, 358 Brooks, R. E., degree, 1241 Brooks, R. G., appointment, 60, 76, 700, 900, 909 declination, 1232 degree, 1282 Brooks, R. L., degree, 408 Brooks, S. M., fellowship, 876 resignation, 1270 Brooks, Thelma, degree, 584 Brooks, W. A., Jr., degree, 409 Brooks, W. W., appointment, 293, 1129 Brookstone, A. F., degree, 421 Broom, Harriett, appointment, 291, 292, 1128 Broomall, Beatrice B., appointment, 281, 1117 Brophy, E, M., appointment, 43, 869, 898 Brophy, J. T., certificate, 488 Broscoe, A. J., fellowship, 680 declination, 683 Brotherton, F. P., appointment, 1271 Brotsos, J. A., degree, 1285 Broudy, H. S., appointment, 1526 Brough, R. H., degree, 1557 BrouiHette, R. V., degree, 803 Brousek, Blanche, appointment, 1155 Broussard, L., appointment, 242, 1081 declination, 1279 Broussard, M. N., appointment, 140, 6go, 975 Brouwer, H. J., degree, 822 Brown, A., degree, 1544 Brown, A. E-, degree, 409 Brown, A. L., Jr., appointment, 363 resignation, 777 Brown, Ann, appointment, 1094 Brown, Mrs. Antoinette F., gift, 1262 Brown, B. C., appointment, 277 Brown, B. M., degree, 1552 Brown, B. O., degree, 788 Brown, Mrs. Betty, appointment, 1094 Brown, C , painting, purchase, 1466 1603 Brown, C. D., appointment, 363, 1192 Brown, C. E., degree, 596 Brown, Claire E., degree, 820 Brown, C. H., appointment, 350, 390 Brown, C. R., degree, 1564 Brown, Concetta T., diploma, 1375 Brown, Mrs. Cordelia V., appointment, 260, 1096 Brown, D. A., appointment, 168, 185, 1003, Brown, D. E., appointment, 166, 169, 1002, 1005, 1451 Brown, D. J., degree, 814 Brown, D. V. L., appointment, 1313 Brown, Dorothy, appointment, 327, 1168 Brown, E. L., appointment, 84 degree, 1541 resignation, 683 Brown, E. S., degree, 580 Brown, E. V. L., appointment, 357, 1186 Brown, Evelyn M., appointment, 9 Brown, F. D., Jr., degree, 1284 Brown, F. W., appointment, 301, 1137 Brown, Mrs. Floweree, appointment, 1019 Brown, Frances E., degree, 419 Brown, G. B., appointment, 168, 183, 1003, leave of absence, 684 Brown, G. O., Jr., degree, 789 Brown, G. W., member of advisory committee, Brown, Mrs. Genevieve VV., appointment, 1002 Brown, Gleah D., appointment, 242, 702, 869, 1077, 1081 Brown, H. F., degree, 578 Brown, H. I., appointment, 360, 1188 Brown, H. N., degree, 1391 Brown, H. S., fellowship, 1483 Brown, Isabel R., degree, 1397 Brown, J., Jr., degree, 809 Brown, James Dell, degree, 1394 Brown, James Durwood, degree, 1401 Brown, J. L., degree, 820 Brown, J. S., degree, 415 Brown, John W., fellowship, 730 Brown, John Wagner, appointment, 224, 1061 Brown, L., Jr., degree, 805 Brown, L. H., appointment, 579, 643 Brown, L. O., appointment, 127, 693, 961, 1376, 1423 Brown, L. W., degree, 1244 Brown, Marjorie, appointment, 150 Brown, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, H07 Brown, Mary J. M., degree, 1245 Brown, Mary K., degree, 1539 Brown, Millicent G., degree, 1567 Brown, Muriel, appointment, 692 cancellation, 877 Brown, Murvin H., degree, 7go Brown, N. B., Jr., fellowship, 1484 Brown, Norma J., degree, 1554 Brown, Norma L., degree, 407 Brown, O. L., degree, 503 Brown, P. B„ degree, 781 Brown, P. H., appointment, 141, 691, 976, 1447 Brown, P. W., degree, 1241 Brown, Phyllis J., appointment, 290 degree, 812 Brown, R., appointment, 299, 1136 Brown, R. C , appointment, 352, 1181 Brown, R. E., appointment, 265, 1102 Brown, R. Elizabeth, appointment, 83, 698, 9'7, 1454 Brown, R. G., appointment, 354, 1182 Brown, Raymond J., degree, 801 Brown, Robert J., degree, 1394 Brown, R. K., degree, 397, 1391 Brown, Rex L., appointment, 134, 701, 969, 1456 Brown, Richard Lee, degree, 1801 Brown, Richard Lewis, degree, 1252 1194 1018 1020, 1244
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