UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1505]

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Briggs, Hattie E., degree, 407 Briggs, Marguerite, appointment, 109, 117, 943> 950 Briggs, Marilyn L., degree, 811 Briggs, Rebecca, appointment, 184, 1019 Brigham, R. J., degree, 790 Bright, D. B., appointment, 690 degree, 410, 1533 fellowship, 677 declination, 731 Bright, J. O., degree, 808 Bright, W. J., degree, 1395 Bright, W. P., certificate, 1328 BrightbiU, C. K., appointment, 704, 994, 1453 Brighton, G. D., appointment, 139, 690, 975 certificate, 841 BriU, J. A., Jr., degree, 1548 Brill, J. W., appointment, 390, 965 resignation, 1232 Brill, N., degree, 1571 fellowship, 1231 Brill, R. G., appointment, 145 resignation, 448 Brim. J. R., degree, 1393 Brimhall, Pauline N., appointment, 1178 Briney, W. F., degree, 809 Brink, L. R., degree, 785 Brinkerhoff, G. E., degree, 1248 Brinkman, R. M., degree, 1562 Brinkmann, Jean L., diploma, 1575 Brinkworth, B. D., appointment, 530, 988 Brinton, M. H.? appointment, 1271 Brisbane, S., gift, 551 Brisbane papers, gift, 551 Brisbois, J. A., appointment, 1175 Brischke, Marilyn E., degree, 1550 Briscoe, J. W., appointment, 124, 958 leave of absence, 732 Bristol, F. R., degree, 797 Bristol, G. R., degree,' 1287 Bristol Laboratories, gift, 552, 1215 Bristow, Barbara, appointment, 1144 Bristow, R. H., appointment, 1333 Britsky, N., appointment, 154, 689, 989 Britton, W. E„ appointment, 164, iooo Brix, Willedotte, degree, 1565 Brixey, A. M., appointment, 355, 1183 Broad. F. P., appointment, 302, 1138, 1139 Broadbent, E. E., appointment, 96, 115, 117, 118, 929, 949, 950, 953 degree, 449 Broadbent, M., degree, 1240 ( Broadcasting, educational, project to strengthen, grant of funds, 765 Broadcasting, University, budget, 169, 288,

1004, 1125

Breen, Dorothy J., appointment, 267, 1109 Breen, H. E., appointment, 139, 974, 1446 Breen, J. J., Jr., degree, 594 Breen, J. £.., appointment, 161, 697, 893, 995 Breen, Mrs. Jacqueline A., appointment, 1124 Bregman, B., certificate, 1328 Breiger, B., degree, 1387 Breister, B. W., appointment, 357, 1185 Breit, Frances M., appointment, 1271 Breland, H. L., appointment, 100, 934 degree, 1384 Bremer, J. L., degree, 1571 Bremer, Jean F., certificate, 841 Bremer, Mrs. Norma L., appointment, 264 Brenna, L. J„ degree, 803 Brennan, J. F., appointment, 1526 degree, 1545 Brennan, J. X., fellowship, 6791 '4 8 3 resignation, 1279 Brennan, L. E., appointment, 127 degree, 575 resignation, 572 Brennan, Mary E., appointment, 297, 1133 Brennan, Mrs. Mary E., appointment, 1163 Brennan, R. L., degree, 1395 Brennan, W. C , degree, 1571 Brennand, C , degree, 1546 fellowship, 1351 Brenneman, Gertrude E., degree, 411 Brenner, H. B„ degree, 1571 Brenner, J. J., Jr., degree, 1576 Brenner, N. G., Jr., degree, 586 Brenner, R. L., degree, 1566 Bresee, H. R., insurance purchased, 711 Bresee, J. J., contract, 441 Bresee, Jeanne, degree, 805 Bresee, Joyce A., degree, 805 Breskin, N. S., degree, 797 Breslauer, M. H., certificate, 841 Bresler, J. B., fellowship, 1352 Breslow, L., appointment, 360, 1189 Bresnahan, Mrs. Alice, appointment, 325» I l 6 7 Bressan, Ines M., degree, 414 Bressler, Anita, degree, 1571 Bressler, L. M., degree, 823, 1573 Brethorst, Janice T., degree, 812 Bretscher, E. R., appointment, 124, 691, 958 degree, 790 Brett, R., appointment, 700, 1456 Bretz, W. E., appointment, 355, 1183 Breuer, J. P., Jr., degree, 597 Breuhaus, H. £ , appointment, 353, 1182 Brewbaker, O. L., degree, 1561 Brewe, A., appointment, 286, 1123 Brewer, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 1142 Brewer, Frances, appointment, 8 Brewer, H. J., certificate, 41 Brewer, M. C , appointment, 160, 995 Brewer, R. F., appointment, 277, 1113 BTewsteT, Nancy T., degree, 1390 Brewster, R. R., appointment, 79, 912 Brexa, J. J., degree, 803 Breyer, O., degree, 822 Brick, Mary J., degree, 1550 BrickbaueT, Lydia, appointment, 9, 1307 Bricks, lead, Physics, purchase, 500 Bridge, N. W., degree, 1566 Bridges, study, contract, 769 change, 769, 1495 Bridges, J. E., degree, 1284 Bridges, J. R„ degree, 580 Bridgewater, F. A., appointment, 181, 1017 degree, 411 Bridgewater, W. T., certificate, 488 Brien, R. O., degree, 805 Briere, Shirley J., degree, 1397 Briggs, B. M., appointment, 334, 1176 Briggs, C. C , appointment, 153 resignation, 1232 services continued, 474 Briggs, C. W., appointment, 154, 989, 1445 Briggs, G. E., degree, 803

multichannel tape duplicator, purchase, 1465 revolving account, 169, 289 tape recorders, purchase, 1360 Broadrick, K. W., appointment, 86 degree, 452 Broadway, C , Inc., purchase, 768 Broadway, South, area, sanitary sewer, extension, University's share of cost, 27 Broadway Ford, Inc., purchase, 525 Brock, J. W., Jr., degree, 1544 Brockett, R. W., appointment, 269, 1106 Brockhouse, Mrs. Bernice M., appointment,

3 0 4 , 1140

Brockhouse, R. B., degree, 1285 fellowship, 1352, 1483 Brockman, R. J„ degree, 823, 1573 Brockmeier, Corinne A., degree, 1560 Brockriede, W. E., appointment, 1456 Brockrogge, D. F., degree, 801 Brockway, Doris J., appointment, 108 resignation, 448 Brod, M. S., degree, 501 Broda, R. R., degree, 784 Broday, A. J., degree, 589 Broder, S. B., appointment, 361 Broderick, C. R., degree, 423