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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Blum, Eleanor, appointment, 186, 507, 1021 Blum, M. I., certificate, 841 Blum, M. S., degree, 1397 Blum, S., degree, 595 Blumberg, A. E., certificate, 1357 Blumenfeld, A., certificate, 41 Blumenthal, Esther L., degree, 700 Blumenthal, Mrs. Frances, appointment, 327, 1168 Blumenthal, H., appointment, 359, 1187 Blumenthal, L. H., degree, 790 Blumklotz, B., appointment, 359, 1187 Blyth, C. R., appointment, 81, 914 Blyth & Co., Inc., bid, 1356 Blythe, R. C., certificate, 841 B'nai B'rith, Women's District Grand Lodge No.. 6, gift, 1211 Boand, A. V., appointment, 202, 1037 Board, T. G., de«-ee. 418 Boardman, Mrs. Phyllis C , appointment, 260 Boardman, R. S., degree, 1390 fellowship, 680 resignation, 1382 Board of Trustees, budget, 58, 255, 891, 1092 executive committee, election, 601, 1404 inspection of quarters and facilities of Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1336 members whose terms of office expire, appreciation of services, 600, 642 officers, delegation of signatures, 601, 1404 election, 600, 1404 standing committees, 602, 1405 treasurer, appointment, 504 wages and expenses, appropriation, 733 Boas, W., appointment, 278, 1114 Boatright, Alice A., appointment, 1376 degree, 1547 Boatright, W., degree, 411 Boaz, C. P., Jr.. degree, 802 Bobbitt, D. J., degree, 1554 Boberg, K., appointment, 1163 Bobo, W. B., degree, 1573 Bobotek, H. G., degree, 809 Bobzien, F. L., degree, 1571 Bock, Sara, appointment, 307, 1143 Bockmas, T., Jr., degree, 1286 Boddy, B. L., degree, 798 Bode, J. L., appointment, 267 Bodenmann, Joan, degree, 1550 Bodley, Mrs. Mary, appointment, 328 Bodnar, S. J., appointment, 690, 2446 Boehme, C.J., degree, 816 Boers, G., Equipment Co., purchase, 31 Boers, J. R., Heating Co., contract, 1344 Boese, Marion F., degree, 805 Boesiger, J. V., degree, 804 Boffo, L. §., fellowship, 1482 Bogaard, Barbara J., degree, 1557 Bogan, Mrs. Barbara J., appointment, 1098 Bogard, Mrs. Norma, appointment, 1138 Bogart, E. L., appointment, 140, 975 Bogen, G., degree, 823, 1573 Bogess, W. R., appointment, 93, 107, 927> 94 1 Boggs and Cbgdal, purchase, 32 Bogolub, Lenore, degree, 80s Bohl, R. W., appointment, 131, 966 Bohland, Rosella A., appointment, 324, 1162 Bohlen, W. H., degree, 411 Bohm, H. V., degree, 583 Bohn, Eileen A., appointment, 309 Bohne, V. C , certificate, 1490 Bohneberg, H. A., degree, 583 Bohning, Anne, appointment, 360, 1189 Bohon, Mrs. Florence S., appointment, 1132 Bohon, S. E., degree, 805 Boikan, W. S., appointment, 353. " 8 t Boiler and machinery insurance, Physical Plant, 33 . Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers, Institute of, contract, change, 1208, 1306 Boilerhouse, name, 609 Boiler production, study, contract, change, 865, 1464 1599 Boiler waters, solubility of, study, contract, change, 1417 Bojars, N. E., degree, 809 Bokenkamp, H. J., appointment, 128, 963 degree, 1245 Bokenkamp J. W.. degree, 1566 Bokman, W. W., degree, 798 fellowship, 676 declination, 683 Bolam, J. O., Jr., degree, 1564 Boland, Patricia J., appointment, 390, 572 Bolar, Bernice A., degree, 785 Bolden, T. E., degree, 830 resignation, 1232 Boley, C. M., appointment, 279, 1115 Boley, L. E., appointment, 163, 507, 998 Boley, M. H., appointment, 356, 1185 Bolka, Mrs. Ann F., appointment, 328, 1170 Boiling, Mattie L., degree, 827 Bollinger, E. H., appointment, 444 degree, 789 Bollinger, F. W., appointment, 1044 declination, 1232 fellowship, 447 Boloten, M., fellowship, 681, 1315, 14S5 Bolshon, H. R,, certificate, 41 Bolte, Mrs. Huldah, appointment, 321, 1163 Bomba, J. S., degree, 591 Bona, A. J., degree, 809, 1354 Bonaguidi, R. L., degree, 421 Bonar, B. E., appointment, 357 Bonar, Donna M., degree, 1557 Bond, D. R., degree, 1548 Bond, Diana M„ appointment, 1160 Bond, Ddrofhy E., degree, 586 Bond, E., appointment, 202, 507, 1033 Bond, E. A., appointment, 692 Bond, Elizabeth J., appointment, 318, 1157 Bond, Ethel, appointment, 167, 1003 Bond, T. H., Jr., degree, 790 Bond, Joanne L., appointment, 1124 Bond, R. C , degree, 586 Bond, R. D., degree, 1576 Bonds, Chicago housing project, legal services, payment, 736 printing, contract, 622 _ resolution authorizing issue, 622 Dentistry-Medicine-Pharmacy, Building, remodeling second unit, printing, contract, 622 resolution authorizing issue, 622 Men's Residence Halls, authorization of issue, resolution, 1363 award, 1356, 1362 bids, 1356 new, authority to sign, 1343 redemption, 1341 refinancing, 1341 residence halls expansion, authority to award, 1343 authority to secure bids, 763 authority to sign, 1343 Treasurer, 518, 601, 868 increase, 379 Bone, D. H., degree, 594 Bone, Q., fellowship, 13s 1 Bone, R. G., appointment, 74, 79, 181, 9«7» 912 director of Athletic Association, 604, 1409 Bone, W. K., degree, 1563 Bone, W. R., degree, 788 Bone and cartilage, effect of betatron electron beam, research, gift, 1217 Bonefeste, J. V., degree, 785 Bonem, S. J., degree, 417 Bonesz, Mrs. Dawn M„ appointment, 1131 Bonesz, L. W., degree, 156$ • Bonfils fellowship for music research, gift, Bonham, Lois, appointment, 317, 1155 Bonhiver, H. A., certificate, 41 Bonk, Helen, degree, 80s Bonn, B. R., degree, 1567 1213
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