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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
148 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S [July 25 D25 B75 D34 D33 D33 D50 D30 D20 D25 B'33 B'42 D17 B33 B50 D20 D80 D33 D67 D33 D17 D50 D50 E33 E33 D H 075 225) 300) 455 413) 412) 280) 2 000 1 200) (800) 4 000) 1 050 1 400) (1 750) 200) 680 (1 320) 000) (4 000) 780 120) 900) 275 55o) 825) 1 350 (675) (2 025) 2 000 2 000 1 200 800 2 325 1 002 (43 015) 200 (43 215) 200 P 43 415 17. Enid Schnauber, Counselor (See Physical Education for Women) (Total Salary) 18. Colleen J. Kirk, Counselor (See Student Teaching) (See Music) (Total Salary) 19. L. L. Knuti, Counselor (See Agricultural Education) (See Student Teaching) (Total Salary) 20. R. E. Pingry, Counselor (See Mathematics) (See Student Teaching) (Total Salary) 21. Mrs. Mabel R. Hagan, Counselor (See Business Organization and Operation) (See Student Teaching) (Total Salary) 22. Nancy E. Houston, Counselor (See Physical Education for Women) (Total Salary) 23. R. M. Sutton, Counselor (See History) (Total Salary 24. Mrs. Metta M. Zahorsky, Counselor (See Student Teaching) (Total Salary) 25. , Counselor and Instructor in E d u c a t i o n . . . 26. , Counselor and Instructor in E d u c a t i o n . . . 27. •——, Counselor 28. , Counselor 29. Counselors Unassigned 30. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Teacher Training Counseling Student Teaching Salaries and Wages 1. M. M. Ohlsen, Head of Student Teaching and Associate Professor of Education ( T w o years from September 1, 1950) 2. G. P . Deyoe, Professor of Agricultural Education (See Agricultural Education) (Total Salary) 3. D. W. Snader, Professor of Education 4. H . A. Schultz, Associate Professor of A r t Education (See A r t ) (See Teacher Training Counseling). (Total Salary) 5. M. K. Humble, Associate Professor of Industrial Education (See Industrial Education) (Total Salary) . . . . . . . . .-. 6. Mrs. Velma K. Wilson, Associate • Professor of Music Education ,. (See Music) (See Teacher Training Counseling) (Total Salary) GY AY20 AY80 A A33 A50 D17 A33 A67 A25 A42 D33 $ 7 500 1 745 (6 080) (8 725) 7 000 1 965 (2 950) (985) (5 900) 1 900 (3 800) (5 700) i 362 (2 289) (1 799) (5 450)
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