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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1596 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bernstein, H. I., certificate, 41 Bernstein, J. C , degree, 1572 Bernstein, J. K., degree, 1250 Bernstein, L., appointment, 390, 1048, 1313 Bernstein, L. Mt, degree, 830 fellowship, 1231, 1520 Bernstein, Lenore R., degree, 589 Bernstein, M., degree, 822 Bernstein, M. M., appointment, 354, 1182 Bernstein, Myrtle L., appointment, 362t 1190 Bernstein, R. A., degree, 819 Bernstein, Rosa L., degree, 1559 Bernstein, S., degree, 828 Berrafato, P. R., appointment, 248, 1087 Berron, W. J., degree, 795 Berry, D. J., appointment, 291, 1128 Berry, F. D., appointment, 358, 1186 Berry, H. T., degree, 1546 Berry, J. R,, appointment, 1083 Berry, J. W., appointment, 690 fellowship, 1480 Berry, Lyda M., lease, 1209 Berry, M. F., appointment, 276, 1112 Berry, Sydney B., degree, 1400 Berry man, R. G., certificate, 841 Berschet, M. W., degree, 1548 Berson, Elaine S., degree, 419 Berson, R. C , appointment, 200, 226, 353» 1181 resignation, 1352 Bertagnolli, L. L., degree, 1237 Bertani, G., appointment, 390, 869, 904 Bertin, E. P., Jr., appointment, 690, 1376, 1446 degree, 1553 Bertoni, W. E., degree, 1542 Bertram, J. W., certificate, 42 Berutti, M. G., degree, 816, IS44 Besancon, R. M., appointment, 221, 1058 Beschloss, M. R., degree, 1564 Beschloss, M. S., degree, 1564 Beseman, C. A., appointment, 444 degree, 411 resignation, 513 Beshers, D. N., degree, 583 Beshers, Mrs. Mae E., appointment, 295, 1x31 Beskin, M. I., certificate, 1338 Besly, C. H., & Co., purchase, 32, 767 Bess, J. E., degree, 411 Besser, D. B,, degree, 597 Bessey, O. A., appointment, 202, 1038 resignation, 1375, 1382 Best, P. L., degree, 594 Best, S. F., appointment, 1526 degree, 1552 Best, W. R., appointment, 355, 1313 degree, 830 Besteda, Marcelle R., diploma, 1575 Bestor, A. E., appointment, 79, 695, 912 Bestor, C. L., degree, 1546 Bestor, H. L., degree, 418 Bestor, Mrs. lone M., appointment, 260 Beswick, M., degree, 828 Betancourt, M. A., degree, 794 Betatron, manufacture under Kerst patent, license of All is-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., 862 See also Medical Betatron and Physics Betatron. Betatron beam, effect, research, gift, 1217, 1473 Bethlehem Steel Co., purchase, 341 Betinis, E. J., degree, 1390 Betoche, J. L., degree, 1398 Beton, C. A., degree, 1554 Bettinardi, J., appointment, 317, 1x55 Bettinghaus, E. P., Jr., degree, 1395 Bettisworth, D. E., degree, 423 Bettke, E. W., certificate, 488 Betts, E. H., appointment, 390, 989 degree, 1547 Betts, Jane B., degree, 417 Berg, Virginia A., appointment, 186, 507, 1021 Berge, Carol A., degree, 80s Bergeim, O., appointment, 202, 1038 Bergendahl, E., appointment, 359 Berger, A. R., degree, 1390 Berger, Beryl A., fellowship, 148-5 declination, i486 Berger, Marilyn M., degree, 816 Berger, Mary J. K., degree, 1554 Berger, Samuel, degree, 816 Berger, Sheldon, degree, 1571 Berger and Kelly, architectural services, Mining and Metallurgical Laboratory, 609 Berger Manufacturing Co., Division of Republic Steel, purchase, 1416 Bergeron, Joan M., degree, 1557 Bergeron, W. G., appointment, 323 contract, 378 Bergfield, I. B.f appointment, 270, 1106 Berggren, R. E., degree, 1576 Bergh, T. R., degree, 803 Bergland, Elsie, appointment, 231, 1069 Bergland, R. F., degree, 815 Berglund, G. T., degree, 816 Berglund, Winifred V., appointment, 243, 702, 1082 Bergman, Rozlyn, appointment, 1158 Bergmann,' Mrs. Kathryn, appointment, 324, 1163 Bergmann, R. H., appointment, 179 resignation, 877 Bergquist, K. B., degree, 585 Bergstrom, D. H., degree, 818 Bergstrom, E. B. L., degree, 801 Berk, B., certificate, 841 Berke, R. D., appointment, 354, 1183 Berkelhamer family, gift, 556, 1473 Berkheiser, E. J., appointment, 358, 1187 Berkman, B., gift, 1219 Berkos, Emily E., degree, 586 Berkove, L. I., degree, 805 Berkovitz, Mrs. Irene R., appointment, 1423, 1526 Berkowitz, Joan, fellowship, 1480 declination, i486 Berkson, I. B., appointment, 1448 Berkson, L. H., degree, 594 Berkson, M. E., degree, 823, 1573 Berkun, Rochelle P., degree, 819 Berlic, Mrs. Anna, appointment, 319 Berlin, J. R., certificate, 1328 Berlow, R. G., degree, 1564 Berlyne, D. E., fellowship, 682 declination, 683 Berman, B. I., degree, 825 Berman, Blossom P., degree, 589 Berman, D., appointment, 390, 1270 Berman, E. J., appointment, 363 resignation, 572 Berman, J., appointment, 219, 1055 Berman, M. E., degree, 1571 Berman, M. H., certificate, 41 Bermier, F. H., Jr., degree, 803 Bernabucci, Alice W., degree, 786 Bernard, C. H., degree, 1576 Bernardi, W. E., degree, 816 Bernardini, G., appointment, 1320 Bernauer, E. M., degree, 1286 Bernbaum, E., appointment, 75, 908 Berne, B., degree, 454 Berner, Molly J., fellowship, 681 resignation, 1501 Berner, R. A., degree, 828 Bernfield, A., certificate, 1337 Bernhardt, C. J., degree, 1551 Bernhardt, K. W „ certificate, 1328 Bernhart, Bernice, appointment, 317, 1155 Bernheim, F., degree, 1251 Bernier, R. R., degree, 1554 Bernstein, A., appointment, 353, 1x81 Bernstein, A. D., degree, 1394 Bernstein, B. M., degree, 1557
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