UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1490]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952
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U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S Appropriations, cont'd Huff Gymnasium, improvements, 340 remodeling, 1359 roof, 366 Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, remodeling, 654 Ice Skating Rink, rehabilitation of refrigerating equipment, S45 roof repairs, 1522 Illini Grove, construction and equipment, 470 improvement and development, 639 Illini Hall, remodeling, 366 Illini Union, remodeling Coffee House, 1190 Indiana Avenue, property at 706 West, purchase, 836 John Street, property at 601 East, remodeling, 611 Journalism and Communications, wired wireless station, 492 Law, centra! dictating system, 1493 Library, budget adjustments, 492 call system, 476 equipment for audio-visual aids laboratory, 546 repair of tables, 654 liquid nitrogen plant, purchase and installation, 482, 706 Mathematics, calculating machines, 762 Mathews Avenue, property at 404 South, equipment, 470 property at 708 South, purchase, 459 McCullough Farm, final payment on purchase, 1340 storage shed, repair, 1301 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, remodeling, 1359 Medical Center Steam Co., aid to construction, 1362 cost of organizing, 1362 medical records, coding,-366 Medical Social Work, equipment, 1512 Medicine, equipment, 1324 mice for experimental purposes, 655 microscopes, 366 Men's Residence Hall, architectural services, 367, 541 Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, equipment, 23, 762 rolling mill, 1324 service laboratory for metallography, 762 Mining and Metallurgical Laboratory, architectural services, 609 Music, equipment, 459, 521, 845 improvements in Stiven House, 1493 instrument lockers, 492 instruments, 1259 remodeling, 521 Natural History Building, remodeling, 23, 470, 521, 1259, 1339 Neurology and Neurological Surgery, equipment, 1324 Nevada Street, property at 1005 West, remodeling, 611 Noyes Laboratory, remodeling, 346, 470, 1199, 1461 Oregon Street, property at 1204 West, purchase, 459 remodeling, 1339 Otolaryngology, electroencephalograph, 1461 parking lot, Chicago Professional Colleges, 84S 202 South Goodwin Avenue, S21 South Campus, 655 Pharmacy, equipment, 476, 655, 845, 1324* J 493 . . . Physical Education, equipment and remodeling, 23 Physical Education for Women, equipment, hockey field, reconditioning, 23 Physical Medicine, research equipment, crating and shipping, 1324


Appropriations, cont'd Physical Plant, air compressor, 492 architectural services on construction and remodeling at Urbana, 1413 distilled water facilities, study, 528 engineering services for water reclamation improvements, 492 projection equipment, 492 remodeling, 470, 1461 repairs in ola heating plant at Chicago Professional Colleges, 1415 steam condensate return system, improvement, 521 storage facilities for works of art, 483 transformers, 492 window safety anchors in Talbot Laboratory, 521 Physical Plant Service Building, remodeling, 546 Physics, equipment, 611 Physiology, Liberal Arts and Sciences, improvement of research and teaching facilities, 521 remodeling, 23, 1339 Medicine, equipment, 476 President's House, kitchen improvements, 8 „ 49 Psychiatry, equipment for photofluoroscopic project, 521 Psychology, equipment, 470 Public Health, calculating machines, 706 Quine Library, call system, 476 lighting improvements, 1493 Radiocarbon Laboratory, expansion of facilities, 521, 638 Radiology, X-ray tube, 435 Radio Station, transmitter building and tower construction, 492 Research and Educational Hospitals, addressograph equipment, 492 electrocardiogram and basal metabolism units, relocation, 476 equipment, 435 operating rooms, 521 remodeling, 435, 611, 1359, 1493 Research Board, additional funds, 470 residence halls, expansion, 763 Robert Allerton Park, fire protection equipment, 762 sewage treatment and disposal system, Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, remodeling, 1339 sanitary sewer extension, South Broadway area, 27 South Race Street area, 465 sidewalk on South Campus, 441 Small Homes Council, housing research project, surfacing of drives, 26 Snyder, Chadwell, and Fagerburg, legal services, 435, 1258 Social Work, remodeling, 1339 Springfield Avenue, property at 601 East, purchase, 349 Stock Pavilion, chilling room, 654 addition, 84^6 Student English Committee, stylebook, 492 Talbot Laboratory, architectural services, 1413 equipment, 1493 remodeling, 470, 706 window safety anchors, 521 Teacher Placement Office, remodeling, 492 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, equipment, 1493 remodeling, 706 University High School, lighting improvements, S21 Veterinary Clinic Revolving Fund, operating expenses, 606 Veterinary Pathology Laboratory, fire loss, Visual Aids Center, equipment, 470