UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1487]

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Anderson, Jeanne E . , appointment, 332 Anderson, Joyce L., degree, 1396 Anderson, Karine E . , degree, 809 Anderson, L . , appointment, 2 7 2 , 1108 Anderson, L. C , degree, 1236 Anderson, L. H . , degree, 1551 A n d e r s o n , L. R., appointment, 2 7 0 , 1106 Anderson, L. W . , appointment, 1223 degree, 793 Anderson, Lenore J., degree, 809 Anderson, Lois K. degree, 809 Anderson, M r s . Louise C , appointment, 1103 Anderson, M r s . Margaret, gift, 547 Anderson, Margaret X , appointment, 224 resignation, 4 0 2 Anderson, Mildred E . , degree, 1554 Anderson, R. B . , degree, 797 Anderson, Richard C., fellowship, 1483 declination, 14S6 Anderson, Robert C , degree, 589 Anderson, Richard D . , degree, 1554 Anderson, Roger D . , degree, 586 Anderson, Ralph Edward, degree, 588 Anderson, Raymond Edward, degree, 585, 1543 Anderson, Raymond E u g e n e , appointment, 293, 1129 Anderson, Robert Earl, degree, 1561 Anderson, Roger Edward, degree, 809 Anderson, Roy Edward, certificate, 1328 A n d e r s o n , Roy E u g e n e , degree, 1395 Anderson, R. G., degree, 8 2 3 , 1573 A n d e r s o n , R. J., Jr., degree, 589 Anderson, R. L., degree, 1397 Anderson, R. P., fellowship, 677 declination, 731 A n d e r s o n , R. T . , appointment, 269, 1105 Anderson, Raymond W . , appointment, 268, 1105, 1109 Anderson, Robert W . , appointment, 1526 degree, 1394 Anderson, Mrs. Ruth C , appointment, 389, 897, 1028 A n d e r s o n , Ruth M., appointment, 2 5 5 , 1092 Anderson, T . E . , Jr., degree, 580 Anderson, T. H . , degree, 1394 Anderson, T . O., Jr., degree, 1569 Anderson, T . W . , certificate, 1328 Anderson, V . E . , appointment, 274, 1110 Anderson, W . , scholarship, gift, 547 Anderson, W i l l i a m Albin, certificate, 41 Anderson, W i l l i a m Arthur, degree, 803 Anderson, W . D . , degree, 1557 A n d e r s o n , W . F., degree, 801 A n d e r s o n , W . R., appointment, 247, 7 0 2 , 1086, 14^3 Anderson Electric, Inc., bid, 667 contract, 25, 368, 4 9 3 , 527, 564, 6 4 0 , 848 addition, 345 adjustment, 523, 5 6 1 , 6 1 0 , 6 6 8 , 713, 770, 865, 1209, 1264, 1306, 1328, 1345, 1361, 1417, 1465, 1495. JS^i, 152? electrical work in Illini H a l l , bid, withdrawn, 493 Ando, T., appointment, 328 Andracki, E . G., degree, 809 Andrade, Raquel, degree, 1537 A n d r e j a s i c h , F. H . , degree, 801 Andreos, J. A . , degree, 5 8 4 , 1548 A n d r e s , G. A . , degree, 593 A n d r e s e n , R. H . , appointment, 3 6 0 , 1189 A n d r e w , C. C , appointment, 2 9 9 , 1135 A n d r e w , F . W . , appointment, 97, 117'» 93°» 950 A n d r e w s , A . C , Jr,, degree, 580 A n d r e w s , A . H . , Jr. ? appointment, 359, 11S7 A n d r e w s , A . I . , appointment, 122, 956 A n d r e w s , Alice M., appointment, 1131 A n d r e w s , C. B . , degree, 594 A n d r e w s , G. C , degree, 1576 A n d r e w s , H . L,, appointment, 7 4 . 907 A n d r e w s , H e l e n R., appointment, 64 declination, 4 0 2

Anatomy, cont'd clinical faculty, 352, 1180 head of department, appointment, 650 research, gift, 555 teaching methods, improvement, gift, 1473 Anatomy and Histology, Veterinary, budget, 997 A Andariese, M r s . Jeanne A., appointment, 1173 Anderlik, M r s . Barbara C , appointment, 4 4 4 resignation, 731 Andermann, R. E . , degree, 1566 A n d e r s , P. H . , degree, 809 A n d e r s e n , Mrs. Alice, appointment, 3 1 0 , 1146 Andersen, B. W . , degree, 584 Andersen, C. H . , degree, 1393 A n d e r s e n , M r s . Charlotte A . , appointment, 1121 A n d e r s e n , H . E . , Jr., degree, 1389 A n d e r s e n , H . M., degree, 1564 Andersen, J. A . , Jr., degree, 1557 Andersen, Joy, appointment, 314 Anderson, A . F . , degree, 817 Anderson, A . G., appointment, 138, 6 8 9 , 974, 1445 Anderson, A . T . , appointment, 9 5 , 117, 506, 928, 950 Anderson, A. W . , appointment, 145, 6g2, 980, 1447 leave of absence, 1408 change, 1507 Anderson, A n n e V., degree, 1554 Anderson, B. C , degree, 1395 Anderson, B. E . , degree, 423 Anderson, B. T . , degree, 1400 A n d e r s o n , B. W . , appointment, 300, 1136 A n d e r s o n , M r s . Barbara A . , appointment, 1097 degree, 1249 Anderson, Barbara J., degree, 1554 Anderson, C. A . , appointment, 333, 1 ' 7 5 Anderson, C. D . , appointment, 213, 1193, 1223 Anderson, C. E . , degree, 418 Anderson, C. R., appointment, 75, 908 Anderson, C. V . , degree, 593 Anderson, D . C., degree, 1557 Anderson, D . E . , degree, 801 Anderson, D a v i d R., degree, 790 Anderson, Donald R., degree, 417 Anderson, M r s . D a n a L., appointment, 1122 Anderson, Doris A , , appointment, 260 A n d e r s o n , M r s . Dorothy, appointment, 1153 Anderson, E . , appointment, 1134 Anderson, E . B . , degree, 588 Anderson, E . D . , degree, 1556 Anderson, E . F., degree, 1394 Anderson, Estelle G., degree, 805 Anderson, Esther M . L . , degree, 1250 Anderson, G. D . , degree, 1570 Anderson G. E . , degree, 1553 A n d e r s o n , G. F., appointment, 146, 983 Anderson, Gilbert W„, degree, 424 Anderson, Gordon W - , degree, 802 Anderson, H . E-, degree, 8 0 3 , 1545 Anderson, H . O., Jr., degree, 407 Anderson, H . W . , appointment, 111, 506, 945 Anderson, Hilda, appointment, 321 A n d e r s o n , M r s . HolHs P., appointment, 444» 1018 resignation, 1232 Anderson, Isabel, appointment, 320 Anderson, J. A . , degree, 1395 Anderson, John C , degree, 803 Anderson, J o s h u a C , appointment, 100, 933 Anderson, J. D . , appointment, 82, 698, 915 Anderson, J. F . , degree, 4 1 4 Anderson, J. Gilman, degree, 784 Anderson, Jack Garrett, degree, 1398 Anderson, J. H . , degree, 1391 A n d e r s o n , J . M., appointment, 1376 Anderson, Jack Roger, degree, 1557 Anderson, Jack Ronald, degree, 597 Anderson, John R., appointment, 362, 3 8 9 , 1191