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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1582 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S Alexander, M. O., appointment, 360 Alexander, Martha M., appointment, 332 Alexander, R. A., degree, IS54 Alexander, R. S., degree, 819 Alexander Lumber Co., contract, 1359, 1462 withdrawal, 1496 Alfalfa meal, use in swine nutrition, study, contract, 33 change, 1208 Alford, O. N., degree, 1539 Alford, W. W., certificate, 41 Algee, J. A., degree, 790 Alkyl carbonates, research, gift, 552 Allare, J. E-, certificate, 41 Allaway, Helen B., degree, 589 Allaway, W. H., degree, 1237 Alleman, Mrs. Winifred M., appointment, 389, 1020 Airport, cont'd corridor connecting Quonset buildings, purchase, 468 hangar space for Army, lease, 441 improvements, appropriation, 434 contract, authorization, 838 federal funds, application, 640 grant offer, acceptance, 858 maintenance of access road, responsibility, agreement, 839 parking area, resurfacing, 767 revolving account, 178, 1013, 1130 snack bar, lease, 1208, 1464 Air-Shields, Inc., purchase, 1416 Aitchison, Hazel E-, degree, 414 Aitken, W., appointment, 697 Akagi, M. J., degree, 8og Akamine, R. N., degree, 1569 Akamine, Mrs. Thomie, appointment, 1040 Akers, J. D., degree, 825 Akes, C D., degree, 825 Akin, E. M., degree, 812 Akre, O. H., appointment, 354. " 8 2 Aksel, S. K., degree, 1551 Akyol, F. Z., degree, 583 Alajouanine, T. A., appointment, 1333 honorary degree, 1476, 1568 Alayu, Ethel M., degree, 805 Alban, C. W., & Co., purchase, 439, 854 Albaum, P., degree, 589 Albee, M. C , degree, 1401 Albers, H. O., appointment, 305, 1141 authority, sign name of Comptroller on withdrawals from Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy Construction Fund Account, 666 sign name of President of Board, 602, 1404 Albert, Ada L., degree, 1389 Albert, R. M., fellowship, 680, 1484 Alberti, F., appointment, 243, 1082 Alberts, D. J., appointment, 303, 1139 Alberts, Mrs. Elaine E., appointment, 277 Alberts, J. O., appointment, 113, 163, 947, 998 Alberts, R. J., certificate, 488 Albertson, J. K., appointment, 157, 175 Albertson, L., Jr., degree, 423 Albig, J. W., appointment, 84, 166, 506, 918, 1001 Allen, A. D., certificate, 41 Allen, A. W., appointment, 123, 956 Allen, Alice R., degree, 1560 Allen, Mrs. Ann, appointment, 303, 1139 Allen, C. B., degree, 417, 788 Allen, C. M., appointment, 150, 985 book, printing, 377 Allen, C, R., degree, 1564 Allen, E. D., appointment, 356, 1185 Allen, E. Y., degree, 1393 Allen, Eleanor M.. degree, 1541 Allen, Elizabeth T., degree, 584 Allen, F. B., degree, 580 Allen, H., Jr., degree, 411 Allen, H. K., appointment, 140, 691, 975, 1491 Albin, M. D., degree, 586 Albrecht, R. C , degree, 1401 Albright, Mrs. Betty, appointment, 1168 Albright, Harriet M. ( appointment, 10, 1307 Albright, W. G., appointment, 126, 961 Aide, R. R., degree, 1550 Alden, Priscilla R., degree, 1554 Alderson, C. R., degree, 790 Alder son, J. J., degree, 1547 Alderson, J, T., degree, 1548 Alderson, R. E., degree, 1247 Alderson, Vera L., degree, 1556 Alderson, W. S., degree, 813 Aldous, Shirley A., degree, 592, 1246 Aldrich, Marguerite, appointment, 332 Aldrich, P. H., discovery, patent rights, release, 337 Alessio, Gloria A., degree, 822, 1571 Alessio, S. A., degree, 1542 Alexander, A. W., degree, 587 Alexander, Arlene N., degree, 825 Alexander, Mrs. Betty J., appointment, 268 Alexander, D. A., degree, 1561 Alexander, E. R-, appointment, 72 Alexander, F., appointment, 211, 1047 Alexander, J., appointment, 77, 910 Alexander, J, C , fellowship, 676 declination, 683 Alexander, J. D., appointment, 100, 934 degree, 78S Alexander, Mrs. Leona, appointment, 287, 1123 Alexander, M. H., appointment, 104, 938 Allen, H. R,, appointment, 444, 530 Allen, H. T., degree, 423 Allen, H. W., degree, 578 Allen, Hazel, appointment, 281, 1117 Allen, J., appointment, 156, 186, 1004, 1021 Allen, J. A,, degree, 1241 Allen, J. C , degree, 793 Allen, J. D., degree, 423 Allen, J. H. D., appointment, 85, 919, 1454 Allen, J. L., appointment, 1459 Allen, J. R., degree, 419 Allen, J, S., appointment, 132, 967 Allen, K. W., degree, 576 Allen, L., Jr., degree, 1391 Allen, L. H., degree, 1244 Allen, Mrs. Mabel C , appointment, 284, 1120 Allen, Marilyn R., degree, 596 Allen, Martha N., degree, 1564 Allen, Maryanne, appointment, 321 Allen, Mrs. Mildred G., appointment, 295 Allen, P. R., appointment, 1270 Allen, P. S., degree, 820 Allen, R. L., appointment, 1186 Allen, Ruth A., degree, 411 Allen, T. A., degree, 1551 Allen, T. D., appointment, 357, 1186 Allen, T. R., appointment, 332 discharge, 4 hearing committee, report, 4 Allen, W. R., appointment, 243 Allen, W. T., degree, 812 Allen-Bradley Co., purchase, 500, 1205 Aller, A., degree, 800 Allergy gift fund, addition, 556 Alierton, R., gift, 1210, 1214, 1467, 1471 Alierton Farms, easement for construction of pipe line, 563 request, 483 painting and minor repairs, 344 Alierton House, paintings by Rainey Bennett, gift, 147 x >ortraits, gift, 1214 erton Park. See Robert Alierton Park. Alles, J. R., degree, 1553 Allgor, C. B., certificate, 1490 Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., gift, 548, 1468 purchase, 502 Allied Radio Corp., purchase, 344* 1205 f
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