Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1522 With Whom Anderson Electric, Inc. Clyde E. Gates (General work) Ervin G. Lindsey (Plastering) Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co. Schroeder's (Ventilation) BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 19 Amount f 924 9i 3 447 32 638 93 3 937 07 2 157 38 Date May, 1952 May, 1952 May, 1952 May, 1952 May, 1952 Adjustments Made in 1951-1952 Cost-Pius Contracts Purpose 2 minor items in the amounts of J334.31 and J590.60 7 minor items from £956.11 deduct to $ 2,95 3- 20 45 minor items from £49.75 deduct to £224.00 7 minor items from $170.62 deduct to £2,988.08 3 minoritemsfrom$ii8.ooto$i,7i5.oo This report was received for record. APPROPRIATION TO ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (25) An appropriation of $10,000 was made by the Board of Trustees on July 25, 1951, for rehabilitation of the refrigerating equipment in the Ice Skating Rink. The actual cost of this work has been less than $5,000. The Athletic Association requests authority to use the balance for repairing the roof of the Rink. Since the Skating Rink has been operated on a deficit, it has not been possible to accumulate a reserve for repairs. Delay in repairing the roof may cause serious damage to the building. The Provost and the Comptroller recommend, and I concur, that the balance in this appropriation be made available for repairing the Rink roof. O n motion of M r s . W a t k i n s , this recommendation was approved. CONTRACT FOR REPAIRS IN DAVID KINLEY HALL (26) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend award of a contract for $5,250 to E. N. DeAtley, Champaign, for repairing the terrazzo treads, landings, and entry floor of the north stairway in David Kinley Hall. The work will include replacement of five treads on the first floor landing, all treads from the first floor to and including the landing tread on the third floor, the bottom tread of the first flight of stairs from the third to the fourth floor, and installation of new nonslip tile floors in the entry, first floor stair hall, and on all intermediate landings from the first floor to the third floor. Funds are available in the Physical Plant Department budget. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute this contract. O n motion of M r . Fornof, this contract was authorized. RESIGNATION OF DEAN WILLARD B. SPALDING President Stoddard presented the following letter: College of Education . 105 Gregory Hall June 18, 1952 PRESIDENT GEORGE D. STODDARD 355 Administration West DEAR PRESIDENT STODDARD: Please accept my resignation from the positions of Dean of the College of Education and Professor of Education, effective December 31, 1952. I have accepted a position as Professor of Education in the State System of Higher Education, Extension Division, Portland, Oregon, to begin on January 1, 1953. The five years which I have spent at the University of Illinois have been stimulating ones. The program of the College of Education is now firmly based upon a distinguished faculty. They will continue to improve this program under the leadership of my successor. I thank you for the opportunity of working for a period of time under your leadership. Respectfully yours, WILLARD B. SPALDING, Dean