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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1952] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Parttime # I459 Salary 444 (445) (889) y£ 389 (389) (778) ($2 467) #83 374 4 059 S87 433 4. Mrs. Martha H. Mackin, Staff Counselor (See Physical Sciences) (Total Salary) 5. R. R. Page, Staff Counselor (See Social Sciences) (Total Salary) Sub-total, Chicago Undergraduate Division Unassigned (to be assigned by the Dean of the Undergraduate Division when enrollments require additional staff) CHICAGO P R O F E S S I O N A L COLLEGES Bacteriology I. W. I. Taylor, Assistant Professor Total, Summer Session, Chicago Undergraduate Division and Chicago Professional Colleges $1 067 388 500 LEAVE O F ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR GORDON N. RAY (2) Professor Gordon N. Ray, Head of the Department of English, has requested a leave of absence without pay for the academic year 1952-1953 so that he may accept an appointment as a Visiting Professor at New York University. He has been invited to be the first occupant of the newly created "Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Chair of English and American Literature" at New York University. I have approved this leave and request confirmation of my action. I also recommend that Dean Henning Larsen of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences be appointed Acting Head of the Department of English for the academic year 1952-1953. He was head of that department before he became dean. Professor A. Lionel Stevenson, Head of the Department of English at the University of Southern California, be appointed Visiting Professor of English for the academic year 1952-1953 at a salary of $9,500. He is a distinguished authority on the English novel and the Victorian period in English literature, which is in Professor Ray's field of teaching and scholarship. He will take over the latter's courses, and will also do other teaching during the year. On motion of Mr. Herrick, this leave was confirmed and the appointments recommended were approved. APPOINTMENTS T O T H E FACULTY AND TO NONACADEMIC STAFF (3) The following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. KENNETH ARTHUR BUSH, Assistant Professor of Mathematical Statistics, Department of Mathematics, beginning September 1, 1952, at an annual salary °f $5,700 ( D ) . 2. MARVIN FRANKEL, Research Assistant Professor, in the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, beginning April 16, 1952, at an annual salary of $6,000 (DY). 3. SHERMAN PAUL, Assistant Professor of English, beginning September 1, 1952, at an annual salary of $5,300 ( D ) . The Director of Nonacademic Personnel reports the following appointments to supervisory positions of upper level responsibility: 1. JOHN L. ALLEN, Chief X-Ray Technician, Research and Educational Hospitals, Chicago, beginning February 7, 1952, at a salary of $4,140 per year.
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