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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1456 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ A p r i l 24 Parttime yi yi yi 2. W. E. Brockriede, Assistant 3. T . E. Finfgeld, Assistant 4. , Visiting Lecturer Speech — University Speech Clinic 1. Severina Nelson, Professor (See Speech) (Total Salary) 2. Ida Levinson, Instructor 3. Mrs. Marie Shere, Instructor 4. Mrs. Naomi Hunter, Instructor Salary 287 267 375 (*i 476) 717 (717) (1 434) 894 945 869 (*3 425) 202 (404) (606) 867 (5 340) 750 tfi 819) $ 7°o I 156 239 (717) (956) 434 411 (412) (823) $ $ yi Speech — Summer Residential Clinic 1. R. E. Shelton, Assistant Professor, Swimming Supervisor % (See Physical Education for Men) (Total Salary) 2. L. W. Olson, Instructor, Coordinator 3. 20 Assistants (Paid from Division of Services for Crippled Children) yi 4. Richard Brett, Visiting Lecturer Student Counseling Bureau 1. J. A. Henry, Counselor, Professor of Mechanical Engineering 2. Frank Costin, Counselor, Assistant Professor of Psychology 3. Mrs. Albertine W. Osgood, Counselor, Assistant Professor of Spanish (See Spanish and Italian) (Total Salary) 4. Dorothy F . Durrell, Counselor, Instructor in Home Economics. . . 5. I. W. Cole, Counselor, Assistant in Journalism and Communications (See Journalism and Communications) (Total Salary) Theoretical and Applied Mechanics W. L. Collins, Professor W. M. Lansford, Professor J. 0 . Smith, Professor W. E. Black, Associate Professor P. G. Jones, Associate Professor R. L. Brown, Assistant Professor M. E. Clark, Assistant Professor H. T. Corten, Assistant Professor H. M. Fitch, Assistant Professor yi yi yi yi ($2 940) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. yi yi yi yi yi . yi $ 1 1 1 ($7 762 817 945 673 695 545 000 045 J45 627) Zoology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. F . B. Adamstone, Professor and Head of Department M. R. Matteson, Assistant Professor J. B. Kitzmiller, Assistant Professor R. E. Ogren, Assistant , Assistant Assistant $2 045 1 112 I 023 yi 287 28 yi 7 28 yi 7, ($5 .q4j) $ 5 1 ' 35^ 3 644_ $$15 ° ° ° Sub-total, Urbana-Champaign Unassigned Salaries (to be assigned by the Dean of the Summer Session when enrollments require additional staff) Total, Summer Session, Urbana- Champaign
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