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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1952] U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S 1419 EXTENSION OF URBAN A PARK DISTRICT (20) On April 21, 1949, the Board of Trustees authorized the University to petition the city of Urbana to extend the city limits to include the staff housing area at Race Street and Florida Avenue. Petitions are being circulated in this area for expansion of the Urbana Park District to coincide with the city limits. The tax rate of the Park District is $.084 on each $100 of equalized property based on the last equalized value of the staff housing project of $300,000. University payments in lieu of taxes would be increased by approximately $252 per year which could be met out of rentals. The benefits of the Park District are available to all occupants of the staff housing project, and the payment by the University for such facilities is reasonable. It is not necessary that the University be a party to the petition. If the majority of the voters within the area approve, the limits of the Urbana Park District will be expanded, but the city of Urbana has requested the University to express its willingness to accept the expansion of the Park District. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend that the University assent to the proposed expansion of the Urbana Park District to include University property now within the city limits of Urbana. I concur. On motion of M r s . Holt, the Board assented to the expansion of the Urbana P a r k District to include that part of the University campus between the extension southward of the east line of Mount Hope Cemetery and Race Street, and extending approximately 620 feet south from Florida Avenue. This action was taken by the following vote: Aye, M r . Fornof, M r . Herrick, Mr. Hickman, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Johnston, M r . Livingston, Mr. Megran, M r . Nickell, M r s . W a t k i n s ; no, none; absent, Mr. Grange, M r . Stevenson. GRANT FROM ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION FOR AMERICAN STUDIES SEMINAR IN KYOTO, JAPAN (21) The Rockefeller Foundation has made a grant of $19,500 to the University of Illinois and a grant of $3,000 to Doshisha and Kyoto Universities in Japan for the purpose of conducting an American Studies Seminar in Kyoto during the summer of 1952. The Seminar will be administered by the University of Illinois. The Kyoto Seminar is the second such project to be undertaken on Rockefeller Foundation funds in Japan with a view to promoting American studies. In 1950 and 1951 Stanford University, in conjunction with Tokyo University, conducted such seminars in Tokyo and will do so again in 1952. The students of the two seminars are drawn from the faculties of Japanese universities, the Tokyo Seminar drawing from eastern Japan and the Kyoto drawing from western Japan. The faculties of both seminars will come from American universities. The subject matter to be covered at the Kyoto Seminar will include five fields from the humanities and the social sciences. The development of the program and supervision of the project is in the hands of a committee headed by Director Royden Dangerfield of the Institute of Government and Public Affairs and including: Professors K. D. Benne, Education; Howard R. Bowen, Economics; Robert B. Downs, Library Science and Director of the Library; C. E. Osgood, Psychology; and R. W. Rogers, English. Director Dangerfield will go to Japan to administer the program. I request confirmation of my action accepting this grant and recommend that Director Dangerfield be released from his University of Illinois duties during the summer for the purpose of taking this special assignment. In other words, his services would be loaned by the University of Illinois to the project. On motion of Mr. Herrick, the President's action was confirmed. GRANT FROM ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION FOR CONFERENCE O N T H E AMERICAN TRADITION (22) The Rockefeller Foundation made a grant of $3,000 to the University of Illinois for a conference on the American Tradition which was held at the Princeton Inn, Princeton, New Jersey, on December 14-16. I95L The .conference was attended by twenty representatives of colleges and universities. The University
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