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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1410 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 12 of Education; Education 301, T h e Philosophy of Education; Education 302, The History of American Education; Education 303, Comparative Education; Education 304, Social Foundations of Education; Engineering 140, Transportation; Engineering 141, Transportation; Engineering 216, Engineering Reports; Engineering 220, History of Engineering; Engineering 230, Labor Relations; Engineering 239, Industrial Development and Supervision; Engineering 292, Engineering Law; Journalism 215, Contemporary Affairs; Journalism 216, Contemporary Affairs; Journalism 218, T h e Press and Public Opinion; Landscape Architecture i n , History of Landscape Architecture; Landscape Architecture 164, Appreciation of Landscape Architecture; Landscape Architecture 174, Regional Planning; Music 100 through 123, Rudiments of Theory, Theory of Music, Appreciation of Music — Opera, Symphonic Poems, Symphonies, Chamber Music, Introduction to the History of Music, Introduction to Music Literature. There is submitted herewith a copy of the report of the Committee on Educational Policy giving the details of the changes in the curricula in aeronautical engineering, agricultural engineering, ceramic engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, engineering physics, general engineering, mechanical engineering, metallurgical engineering, mining engineering, and sanitary engineering. A copy of this report is hereby given to the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. O n m o t i o n of M r s . W a t k i n s , t h e s e c h a n g e s w e r e a p p r o v e d . CURRICULUM IN INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (8) The University Senate recommends approval of a new curriculum leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering as recommended by the faculty of that College effective September, 1953. This curriculum and degree are well established in other colleges of engineering in the United States and are proposed to replace the Production Option in the present curriculum in mechanical engineering. The new program will be administered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. First Year T h e freshman program common to all other curricula in engineering will be used. Second Year FIRST SEMESTER HOURS SECOND SEMESTER HOURS Econ. 108—Elements of Economics. Math. 143—Calculus M.E. 183—Materials Casting, or M.E. 184—Metal Processing Physics 107—Modern Physics (Electricity and Magnetism) T.A.M. 150—Analytical Mechanics (Statics) Physical Education Military (men) Total .3 5 3 4 2 1 I 19 G.E.D. 112—Advanced Drawing 2 Math, (flew)—Differential Equations and Statistics 3 M.E. 184—Metal Processing, or M.E. 183—Materials Casting 3 Physics 108—Modern Physics (Heat and Light) 4 T.A.M. 211—Analytical Mechanics (Dynamics) 3 Nontechnical Elective 2 Physical Education 1 Military (men) _A Total 19 Year Accy. (new)—Manufacturing Costs — 3 I.E. 232—Methods-Time Analysis 3 I.E. 236—Engineering Applications of Statistics 3 M.E. 208—Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 3 M.E. 224—Design of Machine Elements 3 Nontechnical Elective J? Total i» Third I.E. 237—Manufacturing Organization and Operation 3 M.E. 209—Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 3 M.E. 221—Mechanics of Machinery 5 T.A.M. 221—Resistance of Materials 3 T.A.M. 223—Resistance of Materials Laboratory 1 Technical or Nontechnical E l e c t i v e . ^ Total 18
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