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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
J952] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I407 i. H I R A M T . LANGSTON, Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery, College of Medicine, beginning March 1, 1952, without salary ( B Y ) . 2. LEONARD E. MILLER, Associate Professor and Director of Laboratories, in the Department of Chemistry, beginning September I, 1952, at an annual salary of $9,000 ( A Y ) . 3. CHARLES EDMUND SWANSON, Research Professor in the Institute of Communications Research, Division of Communications, and Assistant Dean of Division of Communications, beginning June 16, 1952, at an annual salary of $10,000 ( D Y ) . O n m o t i o n of M r . H i c k m a n , these a p p o i n t m e n t s w e r e confirmed. AWARD O F CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (4) T h e Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded to the following candidates who have qualified under Section 4b of the Accountancy Act of 1943, as amended, by passing examinations given by the Special Board of Examiners at various times prior to December 6, 1951. T h e certificates of these candidates were invalidated by the Circuit Court of Cook County in 1951 holding Section 4b of the Accountancy Act as originally passed unconstitutional. Subsequently, the Section was amended and is now free from constitutional objection. These candidates have again qualified but new certificates will have to be issued. JOSEPH ALPERT (Chicago) LEO MEADE (Chicago) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they a r e holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates SAMUEL AFTERGUT St. Louis, Missouri Missouri GEORGE J O H N HRODEY P a r k Ridge Missouri JAMES MYLES ABE LOUIS SHUGERMAN I concur. St. Louis, Missouri Cleveland Heights, Ohio Missouri Wisconsin On motion of Mr. Nickell, these certificates were awarded. SABBATICAL LEAVES O F ABSENCE, 1 9 5 2 - 1 9 5 3 (5) I recommend that the following members of the staff be given sabbatical leaves of absence during the academic year 1952-1953 in accordance with the provisions of the University of Illinois Statutes and on the terms and for the periods indicated. The programs of research, study, and travel for which these leaves a r e r e quested have been examined by the University Research Board which advises the President in such matters. T h e Research Board's report to the President includes an evaluation of the program in terms of benefits to the University and to the individual and constitutes a part of the record of each case. Leaves of Absence for the Full Academic REINHOLD BAER, Professor of Mathematics JOHN T . FLANAGAN, Professor of English Year on One-Half Pay MARGARET R. GOODYEAR, Assistant Professor of Home Economics PAUL N . LANDIS, Professor of English WILLIAM H . MCPHERSON, Professor of Economics DONALD W . PADEN, Associate Professor of Economics CHARLES S. WALTERS, Associate Professor of Forest Utilization Optional Applications ROYAL A. GETTMANN, Professor of English, with the option of changing t o leave for the second semester on full pay. Professor Gettmann h a s applied for a Fulbright grant. If he is not awarded the grant, he desires leave for the second semester on full pay.
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