Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1330 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [December 17 RAYMOND GEORGE WEHRMEISTER (Galesburg) SOLOMON AARON WEISGAL ( E v a n s t o n ) BURTON L . W E I T Z M A N (Chicago) LEO A K I N W H I T L O W (Benton) T H O M A S ADDISON W I G G S (Centralia) DAVID WITKOV (Chicago) CAUL GERARD WOLF (Chicago) ROBERT SALEM WOLFE (Chicago) J O H N JAMES ZAMECNIK ( E l g i n ) GERALD LOUIS Z I M M T (Chicago) M A X SAMUEL ZUCKERMAN (Chicago) JOSEPH J. ZURAWSKI (Chicago) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the following persons be awarded the certificate of Certified Public Accountant on the basis of having satisfactorily passed a written examination under Section 4b of the Accountancy Act of 1043, as amended in 1951, given by the Special Board of Examiners: BERNARD BLUM (Chicago) JOHN FREDERICK M A N Z (Arlington EDGAR R. BOURKE (Chicago) BARTON FULLERTON BOYLE ( M a c o m b ) F R A N K GEORGE BRUNINGA ( P e o r i a ) F R A N K CLEVELAND BUTTERFIELD Heights) EDWARD ANTHONY MCNALLY (Chicago) A L A N M C N A U G H T O N (Chicago) MYER ARCHIE MORRISON (Chicago) EDWARD J. Q U I N N (Chicago) OSCAR A. SAAL ( P e o r i a ) F R A N K L. SASSETTI (Chicago) HAROLD SCHENCKER (Chicago) FREDERICK SETTERDAHL (Rock (Chicago) DAVID LEONARD DAVIS (Chicago) CLIFFORD E. E S T E S (Springfield) GEORGE E. FLEMING (Chicago Heights) CARMEN WARREN FRALE (Chicago) JOSEPH WILFRED FRASER (Chicago) P H I L I P GEORGE GARFINKLE (Chicago) ADAMS ANDREW J A H N S (Chicago) F R A N K JOHN JANOWIAK (Chicago) CLIFFORD R. KESLER (Danville) GEORGE J. KIENER, J R . (Chicago) H E R M A N JOSEPH KILBERG (Chicago) IRVING FISCHEL KRAMER (Chicago) RICHARD FRANCIS K U H N S (Chicago) ELMER FRANK LAURIN (Arlington Island) IRA L. SHAPIRO (Chicago) F R A N K EDWARD SHUDNOW ( C h i c a g o ) JACOB DANIEL SIGEL (Chicago) DANIEL M. SIMON (Chicago) T I M O T H Y JOSEPH SULLIVAN ( O a k Park) LOYD C. THURSTON (Chicago) N A T H A N EDWARD WALLER (Chicago) ARTHUR AARON W E I N E R (Chicago) JAMES LESLIE ZIEGLER (Chicago) Heights) ROY C. LINDQUIST (Chicago) ALFRED T H O M A S MACFARLANE (Chicago) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943, to the following candidates who have presented evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States and who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Address Obtained Certificates Name Kenosha, Wisconsin E D W I N CHARLES BERG Wisconsin Burbank, California ELDEN ARLAS EVENSON California Kansas City, Kansas HAROLD P H I L I P H I N E S Nebraska Detroit, Michigan L I N N WALKER H O B B S Michigan Los Angeles, California ABRAHAM ISAACSON California Chicago, Illinois ALBERT JOSEPH KAHNWEILER District of Columbia Chicago, Illinois ROBERT P H I L I P LITTLEFIELD District of Columbia Chicago, Illinois GEORGE L O U I S District of Columbia Chicago, Illinois HERBERT ARNOLD MAIER District of Columbia CHARLES ALEXANDER MCWATERS HARRY DAVID SELTZER Whittier, California Los Angeles, California California California I concur. On motion of Mrs. Holt, these certificates were awarded.