Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
120 ENTOMOLOGY BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 BY' AY73 BY DY 6 000 4 900 46. H. B. Petty, Jr., Assistant Professor FORESTRY 47. L. B. Culver (See Forestry, Item 5) H O M E ECONOMICS CLOTHING 48. Edna R. Gray (See Home Economics, Item 18) 49. Fern Carl (See Home Economics, Item 36) F O O D S AND N U T R I T I O N 550 800 150 550 800 5 400 5 250 3 400 2 225 2 100 5 000 4 200 50. Grace B. Armstrong (See Home Economics, Item 1 0 ) . . . . AY 51. Frances E. Cook (See Home Economics, Item 40) DY 52. Geraldine E. Acker (See Home Economics, Item 45) BY HOME FURNISHINGS 53. Dorothy J. I wig (See Home Economics, Item 2 3 ) . . . . ' . . . . BY H O M E MANAGEMENT 54. Gladys J. Ward (See Home Economics, Item 19) BY 55. Mrs. Ruth C. Freeman (See Home Economics, Item 2 2 ) . . BY69 56. Catherine M. Sullivan (See Home Economics, Item 4 1 ) . . . DY50 HORTICULTURE 57. (See Horticulture, Item 31) 58. L. A. Somers (See Horticulture, Item 19) VETERINARY PATHOLOGY AND H Y G I E N E AY32 BY 59. M. E. Mansfield (See Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, Item 6) BY70 60. G. T. Woods (See Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, Item 8) BY60 61. Nonacademic Salaries H Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Smith-Lever Fund 3 100 4 980 (395 465) 315 1 H 780) (409 109 389 12 000 (121 389) 3531 169 Agricultural Extension Revolving Fund Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Agricultural Extension Revolving Fund COLLEGE O F ENGINEERING A N D E N G I N E E R I N G E X P E R I M E N T STATION $ 16 000 2 OOP $ 18 OOO Summary Instruction Administration Aeronautical Ceramic Civil Electrical General Engineering Drawing Mechanical Mining and Metallurgical Physics Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Total, Instruction _ , and _,, Salaries Other Wages Expense Total $ 44 228 ? i o 400 $ 54 628 79 560 18 000 97 560 69 497 12 500 81 997 205 246 ' 22 200 227 446 419 770 27 000 446 770 94 850 6 400 101 250 356 968 29 000 385 968 71 322 11 500 82 822 333 140 28 OOO 361 140 178 104 14 500 192 604 (1 852 685) (179 500) (2 032 185)