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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1951] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I3II 3. Resolve to construct and to operate a television station on a commercial basis. If this action is taken, it will be necessary for the University to petition the FCC, prior to November 26, 1951,' to assign Channel 12 to Urbana without restriction, i.e., without reserving it for non-commercial, educational use. It should further certify to the FCC that it proposes to apply for a license to operate a television station on "unrestricted" Channel 12, how it proposes to operate it (on a profit or a non-profit basis), and the nature of the program service that it proposes to offer. Consequences: Under this action, assuming a "late" petition to be acceptable, there is no assurance that the FCC will assign unrestricted Channel 12 to Urbana (commercial organizations looking to their separate interests have petitions on file with the FCC asking that Channel 12 be deleted from Urbana and assigned to a) Peoria, b) Springfield, c) Rockford, d) Indianapolis, or e) Paducah). If the FCC should assign unrestricted Channel 12 to Urbana, the University in filing an application for a license to operate a commercial station on this channel would find itself in competition with private interests applying for licenses to broadcast on the same channel at the same place. (Following the announcement by the FCC of permanent television channel assignments, interested parties will have a 60-day period in which to file applications for licenses.) At the conclusion of Director Hudson's presentation, Chairman Livingston reported that the Committee recommends the adoption of Option 1, viz., that the University resolve to construct and to operate a television station on a non-commercial basis, and to petition the FCC to permit some commercial use of the reserved channel until such time as the area is adequately served by commercial television stations. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the recommendations of the Committee were adopted; Messrs. Herrick and Nickell voted "no." REPORT O F COMMITTEE O N NONACADEMIC PERSONNEL Mr. Grange, Chairman of the Committee on Nonacademic Personnel, reported that the University Civil Service Merit Board, made up of three members of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, one member of the Teachers College Board, and one member of the Southern Illinois University Board, had met, organized, and had appointed its administrative staff, including the appointment of Mr. Donald E. Dickason, Director of Nonacademic Personnel at the University of Illinois, to serve as Director of the University Civil Service System of Illinois. DISCUSSION O F KREBIOZEN At the request of President Livingston, President Stoddard discussed the present controversy involving Dr. A. C. Ivy, Distinguished Professor of Physiology and Head of the Department of Clinical Science, and Vice-President of the University in Charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges, and his direction of research and clinical studies of the drug "Krebiozen." President Stoddard then summarized his discussion in a formal statement as follows: As I see it, the main question now is to determine definitely the value of the drug under research and clinical conditions. Dr. Ivy has a large number of new cases that need study and evaluation; he needs a few months' time for this and I feel he should be asked to work intensively on this report, ' T h e Commission's television hearings end on November 26. The final filing date for Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and parts of Ohio and Kentucky was September 17, thus any filing by the University of Illinois after September 17 is subject to the Commissions acceptance of a "fate" petition.
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