UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 [PAGE 1199]

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[November 23

examinations given prior to July 31, 1951, in accounting theory and practice, auditing, and commercial law may be considered and examined by the University Committee in determining the qualifications of applicants who apply for certificates under Section 4 (b) on the basis of examinations given prior to said date. 14. The said Special Board as now constituted is hereby recognized as and determined to be the Special Board for examination of candidates who apply after July 31, 1951, for the certificate of Certified Public Accountant under Section 4 (b) of the Act. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the President with the approval of the Department of Registration and Education from persons having the qualifications stated in Section 4 (b) of the Act. 15. The term of office of the members of the Special Board shall continue so long as Section 4, paragraph b, of the Act is operative. 16. Each member of the Special Board appointed under Section 4 (b) of the Act who conducts examinations shall send to the University Committee a statement of the time so spent, with a statement of his necessary traveling expenses. Each member of said Special Board shall be entitled to compensation at the rate of $25.00 per day for such services. Applications and Fees 17. Applicants for the C.P.A. certificate under the Act shall file their applications with the Committee on Accountancy at Urbana, Illinois, together with the necessary proofs to establish their eligibility. The proper fee must accompany the application. A fee of $25.00 is prescribed for each examination or re-examination except as indicated under Rule 31. (A table indicating the form of application to be used, the fee, and the proofs that are required for applicants who apply under various sections of the Act will be included in a circular to be published for the information of applicants.) 18. All applications under Section 4 (b) shall remain valid and in force for one year after the filing thereof within which period of time a candidate may present himself for examination or re-examination at any examination given by the Special Board within such period of time. 19. Twenty dollars of the prescribed fee may be returned to applicants who have been admitted to the examination either under Section 2 or Section 4 (b) of the Act, and who notify the University Committee before the examinations that they will not be present thereat, and are not present. 20. The fee shall not be returned to an applicant who has been admitted to and presents himself at the examinations either under Section 2 or Section 4 (b) of the Act, and withdraws after the opening of the examination. 21. Twenty dollars of the prescribed fee may be returned to applicants whose credentials have been presented and examined but who are found not qualified under the Act to take the examination. (The following instructions will be included in a circular to be published for the information of applicants: Applications for the certificate of Certified Public Accountant and the necessary forms on which to submit proof of qualifications will be sent on request. The applicant is asked to identify by paragraph number the section of the law under which he wishes to apply for the certificate. The summary given will assist the applicant to identify the section under which he should apply.) Preliminary Education Requirement 22. Section 3 of the Act specifies the preliminary education required of candidates seeking the certificate under Section 2. The Committee will accept as evidence of such education: The High School Requirement ( a ) A certificate of graduation from a four-year accredited high school in Illinois, or a certificate of graduation Irom a four-year high school in another state whose graduates are admitted to the University of Illinois by certificate.