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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
195°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS fC-H < VVr "3 30 III 35. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries, College Total, Salaries, Station Total, Salaries Wages, College Wages, Station Total, Wages Total, Salaries and Wages, College Total, Salaries and Wages, Station Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment COLLEGE 94 635 (124 746) (98 126) (182 710) (280 836) 1 200 6 800 (8 000) (99 326) (189 510) (288 836) Expense Equipment Contingent Total, College STATION 9 600 500 400 (10 500) 25 1 1 (27 (38 5(109 £(217 Expense Equipment Contingent Total, Total, Total, Total, Total, Station Expense and Equipment Horticulture, College Horticulture, Station Horticulture 000 500 000 500) 000) 826) 010) ? 326 836 Salaries and Wages Veterinary Research 1. Robert Graham, Professor and Head of D e p a r t m e n t . . . (See Veterinary Medicine, Administration) (Total Salary) 2. Jesse Sampson, Professor (See Veterinary Physiology and P h a r m a c o l o g y ) . . . . (Total Salary) 3. L. E. St. Clair, Professor (See Veterinary Anatomy and Histology) (Total Salary) 4. C. C. Morrill, Professor (See Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene) (Total Salary) 5. J. O. Alberts, Associate Professor (See Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene) (Total Salary) 6. N. D. Levine, Associate Professor (See Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene) (Total Salary) 7. P. D. Beamer, Assistant Professor (See Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene) (Total Salary) 8. H. S. Bryan, Assistant Professor (See Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene) (Total Salary) 9- R. P. Link, Assistant Professor (See Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology) . . . . (Total Salary) 10. M . S . Cover, Assistant Professor (See Veterinary Anatomy and Histology) (Total Salary) 11. S. C. Schmittle, Instructor. S-AY25 3 2 750 AY75 (8 250) S-AY29 AY71 S-AY24 AY76 S-AY29 AY71 S-AY35 AY65 S-AY28 AY72 S-BY21 BY79 S-BY31 BY69 S-BY'10 B Y'90 S-B Y8 BY92 S-DY (11 2 (6 (8 000) 400 000) 400) 1 875 (5 875) (7 750) 2 (6 (8 2 400 000) 400) 560 (4 69°) (7 250) 1 875 (4 875) (6 75°) 1 300 (4 95°) (6 250) 1 875 (4 125) (6 000) 600 (5 650) (6 250) 500 (5 500) (6 000) 4 750
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