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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1236 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 19 38 I 34 54 7 18 5 2 3 25 (337) 888 Bachelor of Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science, Library School Bachelor of Science, College of Education Bachelor of Science, College of Commerce and Business Administration Bachelor of Science, School of Journalism and Communications Bachelor of Science, College of Fine and Applied Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts, College of Fine and Applied Arts Bachelor of Music, College of Fine and Applied Arts Bachelor of Science, School of Physical Education Bachelor of Science, Division of Special Services for War Veterans Total, Baccalaureate Degrees Total, Degrees Conferred GRADUATE COLLEGE D e g r e e of Master of Education DOROTHY ELIZABETH ABBERLEY, B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1944 L o u i s CARROLL ANDERSON, B.S., 1048 LOWELL FRANCIS BELCHER, B.Ed., Southern Illinois University, 1939; M.S., 1947 FLOYD JOSEPH BINNINCER, B.S., University of Dubuque, 1950 HELENE TEVA BLOCK, B.S., 1951 ISAAC ALLEN CHARLTON, A.B., Dartmouth College, 1946 JAMSS WILLIAM COLEMAN, B.Ed., Eastern Illinois State College, 1940 JOHN LEONARD CONANT, B.S., M.S., 1927, 1935 CHARLES SYLVESTER DAVIS, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1936 WILLIAM JOSEPH DEMBSKI, JR., B.S., 1950 BARBARA JEAN DICKEY, B.S., 1950 CHARLES ROSCOE EVANS, B.S., Monmouth College, 1928; M.S., 1935 MARY ELLEN EVERS, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1947 LYMAN GREER, JR., B.S., 1949 WILLIAM SYLVESTER HARDY, B.Ed., Eastern Illinois State College, 1935 RUDOLF EUGENE LEASMAN, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1932; M.S., 1939 WILLIAM DAVID LEWIS, A.B., 1950 DONALD MICHAEL LUKETICH, B.S., Arkansas State College, 1948 WILLIAM JOHN MAHONEY, B.S., 1950 MARTHA ROWENA ANDREWS MATEYKA, B.S., 1945 WARREN MAULDING MCCARTAN, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1944; M.S., 1946 HENRY CHARLES MEYER, B.S., 1950 HENRY JORDAN MEYER, A.B., Illinois College, 1043 LLOYD PALM NELSON, B.S., M.S., 1942, 1948 EUGENE CHARLES NEUNABER, B.S., Eastern Illinois State College, 1950 MARJORIE DUDLEY REDDICK, A.B., Sam Houston State Teachers College, 1939; A.M., Colorado State College of Education, 1947 NORMA THADY REID, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1045 GEORGE ALBERT RICHTER, JR., B.S., 1941 CHARLES HENRY RIDEY, B.Ed., Eastern Illinois State College, 1940 WILLIAM ERVAN ROUTEN, B.S., University of Kentucky, 1942 JOHN LOREN SAPP, B.S., 1942 Gus SKIZAS, B.S., 1950 CHARLES STRUSZ, B.Ed., Southern Illinois University, 1940 JOHN ROBERT SWANSON, A.B., A.M., Arizona State College, 1947, 1948 CLIFTON LEROY TOZER, B.S., 1950 GAIL FORREST UNDERWOOD, B.S., Culver-Stockton College, 1927; A.M., University of Iowa, 1937 CAROL VENERABLE, A.B., 1950 ALEXANDER WARD WASSON, B.Ed., Southern Illinois University, 1940; A.M., 1947 NOBLE FOREMAN WRIGHT, A.B., 1048 NORMAN YOUNG, B.S., College of the City of N e w York, 1948; A.M., Columbia Teachers College, 1949
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