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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95o] STATION UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS III Expense Equipment Total, Total, Total, Total, Total, .. Station Expense and Equipment Home Economics, College Home Economics, Station Home Economics 3 1 (5 (25 500 500 000) 000) £(156 470) $ (18 190) $ 174 660 H o m e E c o n o m i c s Cafeteria ( E n t i r e b u d g e t from receipts) Salaries and Wages 1. .30 Part-time Assistants E 2. Nonacademic Salaries H Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Home Economics Cafeteria * 775 4 845 (5 620) 700 (6 320) 12 000 3 °o°) (15 °°° $ 21 320 Salaries and Wages Horticulture , 1. , Professor and Head of D e p a r t m e n t . . . I c A y 5 0 * 4 875 4 875 (Total Salary) (9 750) 2. M. J. Dorsey, Professor, Emeritus (Retiring allowance payable by Retirement System) 3. H. B. Dorner, Professor, Emeritus (Retiring allowance payable by Retirement System) 5 460 4. A. S. Colby, Professor, Pomology I CA yL, (Total Salary) 5. H. W. Anderson, Professor, Plant Pathology (Total Salary) (On leave with pay Semester II, 1950-1951) 6. W. A. Huelsen, Professor, Vegetable Crops (Total Salary) 7. M. B. Linford, Professor, Plant Pathology (Total Salary) 8. C. J. Birkeland, Professor, Plant Breeding (Total Salary) 9. F . F . Weinard, Associate Professor, Floriculture (Total Salary) 10. V. W. Kelley, Associate Professor, Pomology (Total Salary) 11. R. V. Lott, Associate Professor, Pomology (Total Salary) < j£ Ayfo I S^AYTO (s-AYss ,r A V ™ { S-AY70 (s-AYso {s-AY6o < c~ A y t f 2 (7 3 4 (8 340 800) 600 400 000) 2 5 (7 4 4 (8 3 250 250 500) 2 50 2 50 500) 100 4 650 (7 750) 3 060 3 740 (6 2 2 (5 1 4 (6 1 5 (C AY20 12. H. H. Thornberry, Associate Professor, Plant Pathology < C-AY80 (Total Salary) 13- J- P McCollum, Associate Professor, Vegetable Crops. .< s!&Y6o (Total Salary) (On leave with pay Semester II, 1950-1951) 800) 900 900 800) 980 620 600) 260 040 (6 300) 2 520 3 78o (6 300)
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