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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1226 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 19 GYARFAS, KALMAN, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, in the College of Medicine, on three-fifths time, June 15-August 31, 1951, $4000 a year (7-24-51). H A A S , L E W I S L., Assistant Professor of Radiology, in the College of Medicine, one month beginning August 1, 1951, $500, supersedes (8-17-51). H A L L , ARCHIBALD S., Instructor in Economics, for the academic year beginning September 1, 1951, $3800 (8-23-51). HALTIWANCER, JOHN D., Instructor in Civil Engineering ( C ) , for the academic year beginning September 1, 1951, $4500 (8-7-51). HARRISON, L E W I S C , Instructor in the Institute of Aviation, one year beginning September 1, 1951, $4200 (8-1-51). HAYES, ROSE B., Clinical Instructor in Psychiatric Nursing, in the School of Nursing, in the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute, on one-half time, two months beginning July 1, 1951, and on full time, for one year beginning September 1, 1951, $3744 a year. For her convenience- she will also be provided one meal a day valued at $96 a year. (7-24-51). HEILPERA, GISELA, Catalog Assistant in the Library, September 17, 1951-August 31, 1952, $3225 a year (8-25-51). HIRSCH, MARVIN M., Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine, in the College of Medicine, one year beginning September 1, 1951, $3200, supersedes (8-27-51). HOGG, M. W., Assistant Professor of Economics, February 1, 1952-August 31, 1953, $5400 (8-1-51). HUDELSON, ROBERT R., Acting Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration, one year beginning September I, 1951, at a salary of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1500), terminable prior to August 31, 1952, on a mutually agreeable date; also Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture for two years and Professor of Agricultural Economics on indefinite tenure, at a salary of twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) a year effective September 1, 1951. HUDSON, PAUL K., Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, in the Bureau of Research and Service, on one-half time, June 16-August 18, 1951, and on full time, August 19-September 15, 1951, $511.11 a month. This is in addition to his present appointment. (8-4-51). IDEN, C. S., Acquisition Assistant, with the rank of Instructor, in the Library, one year beginning September 1, 1951, $3680 (8-8-51). JANNEY, IRWIN W., Research Associate in Physics ( C ) , one year beginning September I, 1951, $5400 (8-23-51). JOHNSON, CHARLES E., Instructor in Teacher Training Counseling, on the University Council on Teacher Education, on one-fourth time, J u n e 22-August 18, 1951, $223 ( 7 - 3 I - 5 I ) . JOHNSON, W I L M A L., Instructor in H o m e Economics Education, on 33/100 time, and Counselor on the University Council on Teacher Education, on 17/100 time, for the academic year beginning September 1, 1951, $2000 (8-15-51). KENNEDY, ELOISE M., Instructor in Education, on one-fourth time, for the academic year beginning September 1, 1951, $1000 (7-18-51). KIRKLAND, WALLACE W., J R . , Clinical Assistant in Medicine ( R u s h ) , in the College of Medicine, March 15-August 31, 1951, without salary (8-8-51). KIRKWOOD, BILLY D., Research Associate in Physics ( C ) , September 17, 1951August 31, 1952. $5ioo a year (8-23-51). KLEIS, R, W., Instructor in Agricultural Engineering ( C and S ) , one year beginning September 1, 1951, $4500 (7-23-51). KNOEBEL, HOWARD W., Research Associate in Physics ( C ) , one year beginning September I, 1951, $6000 (8-23-51). KNOEBEL, HOWARD W., Research Associate in Physics ( C ) , two months beginning July 1, 1951, $500 a month, supersedes (7-25-51). KCONTZ, CARL H., Instructor in Civil Engineering ( C ) , for the academic year beginning September 1, 1951, $3300 (8-7-51). KORST, HELMUT H., Professor of Mechanical Engineering ( C ) , on indefinite tenure beginning September 1, 1951, $6500, supersedes (8-3-51). KOSTALEK, MARY E., Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics ( R u s h ) , in the College of Medicine, two months beginning July 1, 1951, without salary (8-16-51). KOVALY, JOHN J., Research-Associate in Physics ( C ) , one year beginning September 1, 1951, $4800 (8-23-51).
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