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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1222 BOARD OF TRUSTEES TELEVISION POLICY [September 19 Mr. Fornof asked that consideration be given by the Board to establishing a long range, comprehensive policy for the development of television facilities by the University and the telecasting of educational programs. President Stoddard reported informally on what the University's Division of Communications has done in a preliminary way. President Livingston and other members of the Board commented on this matter. President Livingston also presented a letter, dated September 18, 1951, from Mr. J. A. McDermott, Executive Vice-President of The Champaign News-Gazette, Inc., stating that his corporation has presented briefs and data to the Federal Communications Commission seeking permission to construct and to operate a commercial television station in the Champaign-Urbana area, and offering its facilities to the University of Illinois for the telecasting of worth-while educational programs without charge. Copies of this letter were distributed to the members of the Board. Following extended discussion, President Livingston, with the concurrence of the Board, appointed Messrs. Fornof, Herrick, and Johnston to serve with him as chairman as a special Committee on Television to study all phases of this matter and to make recommendations to the Board. Mr. Nickell suggested that when this Committee submits a report, action on it be deferred for one month to give the other members of the Board sufficient time for study of the report. GEORGE A. MILLER BEQUEST Mr. Herrick reported that Mr. Marshall E. Miller, Attorney, Champaign, representing Mrs. Sarah Grimm, sister of the late Professor George A. Miller, had called on him to ask that the Board of Trustees make some financial provision for Mrs. Grimm from the proceeds of Professor Miller's estate bequeathed to the University of Illinois. This request was referred to the Finance Committee for consideration. PURCHASE O F PROPERTY AT 1 1 1 4 WEST ILLINOIS STREET, URBAN A Mrs. Holt and Comptroller Morey presented an inquiry received from Mr. Chancy L. Fin frock, Attorney, Urbana, as to the interest of the Board of Trustees in the purchase of the property at 1114 West Illinois Street, Urbana. The Comptroller reported that this was considered a few weeks ago and no recommendation was made because of (a) excessive asking price, (b) lack of funds, and (c) no immediate need for the property. He agreed to see that the proposal is again reviewed. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: ( i ) appointments made by the President; (2) fellows; (3) resignations, declinations, and cancellations; (4) leaves of absence; (5) degrees conferred August 20, 1951.
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