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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95i] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1217 130. T h e Women's Auxiliary of the Chicago Colleges, $16,000 (proceeds of a fashion show) to be used for research and scholarships, and $160 to be deposited in the Occupational Therapy Gift Fund. 131. Women of Rotary, $600 in support of the Orthopaedic Surgery Gift Fund for Children. 132. United States Public Health Service: a. $4,882 for the investigation of the physiological adjustments of human beings to sudden changes in atmospheric environment, in the Department of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. R. W. Keeton and Dr. Nathaniel Glickman. b. $9,815.92 for a study of odontome (tumor) formation in a known strain of rats (id), in the Department of Histology, College of Dentistry, under the supervision of Dr. Isaac Schour (C-464 — C3). c. $11,45847 for a study of effects of betatron X-ray beam on central nervous system, in the Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Roger A. Harvey (C-853). d. $14,604.15 for a study of effects of betatron electron beam on bone and cartilage, under the supervision of Dr. R. A. Harvey and Dr. G. A. Bennett, for one year beginning July 1, 1950 (C-854 — C ) . e. $5,616 for a study of amino acid and protein metabolism in leukemia; individual amino acids in leukemia, in the Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. H . G. Poncher and Dr. H . A. Waisman, for a period of one year beginning January 1, 1951 (C-875 — C 2 ) . f. $3,800 for a study of the chemical and mechanical factors which may alter the normal growth pattern of the gastric mucosa, in the Department of Clinical Science, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. A. C. Ivy and Dr. Rhoda Grant, for a period of one year beginning November 1, 1950 ( C - m o — C ) . g- $9,718.60 for establishment of a quantitative method of indexing gingival disease and an index of gingival disease in representative groups in the United States, in the Department of Histology, College of Dentistry, under the supervision of Dr. Isaac Schour ( D - u — C4). h. $8,809.18 for a study of histopathology of gingiva in systemic disease, in the Department of Histology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Isaac Schour (D-15 — C 3 ) . i- $3,392.92 for research on facial growth, in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, under the supervision of Dr. B. G. Sarnat, for one year beginning October 31, 1950 (D-26 — C ) . . j . $540 for research on electromyographic analysis of certain facial muscles, including the muscles of mastication in normal and abnormal conditions in man, in the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Carlos I. Reed, for one year beginning October 1, 1950 ( D - m ) . k. $5,728.25 for determination of cardiac output in the human by a capacitance method, in the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. William V. Whitehom, for one year beginning November 1, 1950 (H-205 — C ) . 1. $8,640 for a study of the role of steriods in edema, in the Department of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. N . O. Calloway and Dr. R. W . Keeton (H-400— C ) . m. $11,514.82 for a study of relations of cardiac work, efficiency, and coronary flow; relation of cardiac output and serum osmotic pressure to sodium and water excretion, in the Rush-Presbyterian Department of Medicine ( H - 4 0 4 — C ) . «• $9,936 for research on chemotherapy of rheumatic fever, in the Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, under the direction of Dr. C. Q. PfeifFer (H-409 — C ) . o. $10,000 research on arteriosclerosis and hypertension, in the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. G. E . Wakerlin (H-423 — C ) . p. $8,586 for research on vascular permeability as affected by changes in blood oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions, in the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. A. A. Schiller (H-425 — C ) . q. $20,000 for a study of pathogenesis and treatment of experimental renal hypertension, neurogenic hypertension, and experimental malignant hypertension, in the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. G. E. Wakerlin, for one year beginning September 16, 1950 (H-428 — C ) .
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