Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I2O6 Item One permanent magnet assembly and mounting magnetized to 3500 gauss ± 1 0 per cent including six castings BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department Chemistry [September 19 Cost 3 801 16 f.o.b. Valparaiso, Ind. Vendor Indiana Steel Products Co., Valparaiso, Ind. On motion of Mr. Herrick, these purchases were approved. Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest bid. I concur. Item 100,000 sixteen-page examination books 250,000 eight-page examination books Seven quarterly issues of the Law Forum to be printed and bound 1,000 copies Teacher-Learning Theory, by W. S. Monroe, a 400-page book to be printed and bound 100 choice grade feeder wethers lambs 100 choice grade feeder ewe lambs (Weight to be approximately 75 pounds per head) Lot of laboratory glassware (soft) - to be used as stock in the General Chemical Stores for the fall and winter terms of 1951-1952 Research metallographic equipment for bright field, dark field, and polarized light, tint plate on rotatable disc, complete with accessories Department Office Supply Storeroom College of L a w University Press Animal Science Vendor C. P . Lesh Paper Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Interstate Printing Co., Danville Pantagraph Printing a n d Stationery Co., Bloomington Cost 5029 85 f.o.b. Urbana 15 279 25 f.o.b. delivered 3 469 50 5 000 00 General Chemical Stores Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Chicago Apparatus Co., Chicago A d o l p h L Buehler, Chicago 18 898 77 f.o.b. Urbana 8 548 00 f.o.b. delivered and installed 12 897 90 f.o.b. Milwaukee, Wis. 29 847 50 f.o.b. delivered One X-ray unit special, for direct Mining a n d measurement of diffracted intensiMetallurgical ties, 200/150 volts, 60 cycle, comEngineering plete with accessories One counter tube (Geiger type) 250,000 gallons of No. 1 fuel oil to be Residence Halls delivered to the Parade Grounds housing area by transport truck as required from September 15, 1951. to June 30, 1951 Physical Plant 31,133 board feet (one carload) kiln dried No. 1 Douglas Fir lumber, Bquare end trimmed with eased edges One bulk steam sterilizer, 36*X42* Research and Educational x 84', complete with accessories 2,000 copies of Cultural Sciences, by Florian Znaniecki General Electric X - R a y Corp., Chicago Phillips Petroleum C o . , Bartlesville, Oklahoma H. E . Moore & Co., Champaign American Sterilizer Co., Chicago T h e H a d d o n Craftsmen, Inc., Scran ton, Pa. 3 7 3 0 43 f.o.b. delivered 7 291 00 f.o.b. delivered 5 326 58 f.o.b. freight prepaid Hospitals, Chicago Colleges University Press On motion of Mr. Herrick, these purchases were authorized. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT O F CONTRACTS (26) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period July 1 to Amount to be August 31, 1951. With Whom V. S. Industrial Chemicals Corp. D r . Salsbury's Laboratories U n i t e d S t a t e s Air Force U n i t e d States A r m y United States N a v y United States N a v y Purpose S t u d y of synergized pyrethrin allethrin, and related sprays S t u d y of arsonic acid derivatives A F 33(038) — 21251 D A 3 3 — 0 1 7 e n g 96 N 6 ori — 07132 N 600S — p—12803 Paid to the University $ 1 000 00 Date M a y 16, 1951 July 9, I95« March 8, 1 9 5 ' M a y 26, 19S1 February it '°5« February 13. '951 1 800 0 0 15 885 0 0 20 000 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 322 64