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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1196 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 19 lie; Clinton Bush, representing labor; and G. W. Hoelscher, representing management. These three members were appointed to the committee for two-year terms in July, 1949, when the present rotation plan was adopted. They were originally appointed to the committee in 1947. To fill the vacancy on the advisory committee of the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations created by the resignation of Mr. Wayne A. Johnston when he became a member of the Board of Trustees of the University, the Acting Director recommends the appointment of Mr. John McCaffrey, 180 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. This will be for the period of Mr. Johnston's term, 1950-1953. I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these appointments were approved as recommended. RELEASE O F PATENTABLE DISCOVERY (10) Professor I. C. Gunsalus of the Department of Bacteriology reports that in the course of his researches during the past several years, both at the University of Illinois and elsewhere, he has isolated a new B vitamin, the value of which has not been established. He has asked whether or not the University desires to seek patent protection. This discovery, like numerous others which result from research in the biological and chemical sciences, is the sort that requires additional research in related fields to make the results useful. The, University is not set up to carry on such additional researches unless additional funds are forthcoming from some other source. Accordingly, the Head of the Department of Bacteriology and the University Research Board recommend that the discovery be released to Professor Gunsalus to deal with as he chooses. In the opinion of the Board the cost of securing a patent would exceed any probable income. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Holt, this recommendation was approved. REAPPROPRIATION O F UNEXPENDED BALANCES AT J U N E 3 0 , 1 9 5 1 (11) The Comptroller recommends that balances in appropriations made by the Board of Trustees for the fiscal year 19501951 which were encumbered by purchase or contractual agreements on June 30, 1951, be reappropriated for the fiscal year 1951-1952 to meet these obligations. In addition, the Comptroller recommends that the following unencumbered balances in appropriations for services and projects not completed on June 30, 1951, be reappropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1951. I concur. _, . •. r,, Urbana-Champcngn Nonacademic Personnel $ 528 Legal Counsel. . 2 465 Student Counseling Bureau 96 Surplus equipment I 543 Community master plan I 660 Health Service special equipment 1 628 Honors Day special equipment 14 University stylebook 2 700 French .'..' 40 Mathematics 125 Aviation psychology I 054 Bacteriology special equipment... . \ ' . . ' . . . : ......... 7- 400 Biological Sciences machine equipment I 651 Botany special equipment -............ •„• • ,,.,•............................... -A 262 Entomology'special equipment.,..'..'. '• • •']......_..../.,.. . .v....:-."..:.. 627 Geography special equipment... ..-.*. ; . . .•;':'.•': 1 050 Geography s t o r e r o o m . . . . . . . . . ^.....................1 ..:..*.-' 201 Mathematics special equipment. .-.-....^ v . . . . . 3 500 North Greenhouse alteration. ; ...J .........,;............ 20 Physiology special equipment 3^9
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