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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1178 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 19 AWARD O F CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CERTIFICATES (1) T h e Committee on Accountancy recommends that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded, under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1043 to the following candidates w h o have presented evidence that they a r e holders of valid and unrevoked Certified Public Accountant certificates obtained by passing a standard written examination in another state or territory of the United States a n d who qualify in all other respects under this provision of the law: State from Which They Name Address Obtained Certificates CLIFFORD R O B E R T B U R G E R Paris, Illinois Indiana R U S S E L L GOODRICH FLOOD Chicago, Illinois District of Columbia G E R A L D FRIEDMAN Chicago, Illinois North Carolina GORDON F R A N C I S GARDNER Scarsdale, New York New York W A L T E R SCOTT GOEDECKE Gary, Indiana Indiana RAYMOND J O H N H U G H E S Evanston, Illinois Nebraska M O R R I S KLIBANSKY St. Louis, Missouri Missouri P E T E R KOCAN Chicago, Illinois New York MARTIN MAXWELL LORE New York, New York District of Columbia JOHN HORD LUMPKIN Mexico, D . F . New York LESLIE MILLS • Harrison, New York New York Darien, Connecticut New York HOWARD DUDLEY M U R P H Y University City, Missouri Missouri E D W I N A N D R E W PARADOSKI Hingham, Massachusetts New York GEORGE W E E K S PIERCE Akron, Ohio Ohio A L B E R T L E W I S SCHULTZ La Grange Park, Illinois Michigan HAROLD MILBOURN W O E H R L E Omaha, Nebraska District of Columbia RAYMOND H E N R Y ZIESEMANN I concur. On motion of Mr. Nickell, these certificates were awarded. APPOINTMENTS TO T H E FACULTY (2) T h e following new appointments to the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, and involving tenure, have been approved since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1. PAULINE N . BRIMHALL, Assistant Professor of Health Education, in the Department of H o m e Economics, in the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics, beginning September 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $5,300 (DY). 2. JOHN R. BRYDEN, Assistant Professor of Music, beginning September I, 1951, at an annual salary of $4,500 ( D ) . 3. P A U L D. COLEMAN, Research Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Engineering Experiment Station, beginning September 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $8,500 ( D Y ) . 4. EDWIN WALLACE DAVIS, Assistant Professor of Psychology a n d Assistant Director of the Student Counseling Bureau, Chicago Undergraduate Division, beginning September 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $6,900 ( D Y ) . 5. ROBERT GLENN DEMAREE, Assistant Professor of Psychology, in the Graduate College, beginning August I, 1951, and continuing through August 31, i952> at an annual salary of $5,800 ( G Y ) . 6. ALICE NAOMI FEDDER, University High School Librarian and Assistant Professor of Library Science, beginning September 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $5,000 ( D Y ) . 7. WILLIAM H . FIELDS, J R . , Special Assistant to Provost a n d Business Manager of the Control Systems Laboratory, with rank of Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, beginning September 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $10,000 ( B Y ) . 8. MARY ELIZABETH FUQUA, Assistant Professor of Home Economics, beginning September I, 1951, a t an annual salary of $4,100 ( D ) . 9. LAWRENCE ELMER GILES, Assistant Professor of Education, beginning September 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $4,500 ( D ) . 10. MARY ELIZABETH HARRISON, Assistant Dean of Women, beginning September 1, 1951, at an annual salary of $4,200 ( D Y ) .
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