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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

II66 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 4 044" 2 640 — n 100 LLINOIS E Y E AND E A E INFIRMARY 22. Eugene Elstrom, Chief X-ray Technician N 23. Jeanette Angelillo, Clerk-Typist II N ; 24. Deduct unused amounts from July 1 to effective dates of new positions indicated above Total, Radiology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Social Service Virginia Kenny, Medical Social Worker Esther Zumdahl, Medical Social Worker Mrs. Mary Anne Barry, Medical Social Worker Miriam Eisenberg, Medical Social Worker Esther Herstein, Clerk-Stenographer II Total, Social Service N N N N N $ 51 860 $ 3 3 570 180 2 910 2 814" 2 550 $ 15 024 Ward E x p e n s e 1. Mrs. Lillian Kallenback, Supervisor of Sewing and Surgical Dressings N25 (See Sewing and Mending Stores) N75 (Total Salary) 2. Mrs. Helen Waichulis, Surgical Dressings Maker N Total, Ward Expense LIBRARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Mrs. Barbara Sevy, Senior Library Clerk Carol Moston, Senior Library Clerk Jeannette B. Ogrodny, Clerk-Stenographer II Ruby Burroughs, Clerk-Typist II Josephine Cenar, Junior Library Clerk , Junior Library Clerk Richard Bauer, Junior Library Clerk (Paid from Item 6 ) . . , Junior Library Clerk Total, Library PHYSICAL PLANT Administration 1. F. E. Hostettler, Assistant Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds 2. Helen Gehrke, Senior Accountant 3. James T. Stalion, Assistant to Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds 4. Mrs. Gladys Malone, Secretary 5. Mrs. Evangeline W. Starkie, Office Appliance Operator III 6. Mrs. Arlene Jacob, Payroll Clerk III 7. , Clerk III (See Chicago Illini Union) (Total Salary) 8. , Clerk-Stenographer III 9. , Clerk-Stenographer III 10. Elizabeth Raud, Clerk-Typist III 11. Rita M. Janusz, Clerk III 12. Clare M. Haraburda, Clerk-Stenographer II 13. Patricia Chamberlin, Clerk-Typist II [4. Virginia Bird, Clerk-Typist II 15. , Clerk-Stenographer II Total, Administration N N N N N N H N $ (2 (3 2 $ 3 825 475) 300) 805 630 $ 2 2 2 2 2 2 (I 2 760 700 64O 400 460 280 730) 005 $ 17 245 N N N N N N N80 N20 N N N N N N N N $ 8 580 5 280 5 3 3 3 2 (2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 280 630 240 240 256 (564) 820) 940 640 580 400 580 310 220 220 $ 51 3 0 6
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