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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
195!] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Art 1123 1. Mrs. Helen G. Jordan, Secretary 2. Rosalie Pifer, Clerk-Typist II Total, Art Landscape Architecture 1. Mrs. Mary M. Hughes, Clerk-Stenographer III (See Administration) (Total Salary) Total, Landscape Architecture School of Music 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. R. E. Helmericks, Musical Instrument Technician R. T. McNeely, Musical Instrument Technician Arnold Brewe, Musical Instrument Technician Lillian Marr, Secretary Mrs. Margaret A. Bender, Clerk-Typist II Ellenor Tallmadge, Editorial Writer (See Public Information) (See Commerce Administration) (Total Salary) Total, School of Music N N60 $ $ 3 420 I 131 4 551 N40 N60 $ $ 960 (1 440) (2 400) 960 N N N N N N33 N34 N33 $ 5 5 4 3 2 1 (1 (1 550 880 440 630 130 210 210) 210) (3 630) $ 22 840 University of Illinois Bands 1. Mrs. Mary K. Lamb, Clerk-Stenographer III N 2. Mrs. Velma I. Roberts, Clerk-Stenographer III (On leave without pay until further notice; disability benefits payable by Retirement System) Total, University of Illinois Bands Bureau of Community Planning 1. Mrs. Rose-Alice Neumann, Clerk-Sterfographer III Total, Bureau of Community Planning SCHOOL. OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Administration 1. Phyllis J. Light, Secretary Total, Administration Physical Education for Men 1. W. H. Thompson, Men's Locker Room Attendant 2. D. E. Eason, Men's Locker Room Attendant 3. L. E. Tate, Men's Locker Room Attendant (On leave without pay until further notice; disability benefits payable by Retirement System) 4. W. W. Brookey, Men's Locker Room Attendant 5. Mrs. Ellen R. Barker, Clinical Laboratory T e c h n i c i a n . . . . 6. Mrs. Leona Alexander, Secretary 7. Barbara A. Hartman, Clerk-Stenographer III 8. Mrs. Marilyn D. Hughes, Clerk-Stenographer II 9- Mrs. Nancy J. Wenzlau, Clerk II i°, Clerk-Stenographer II 11. Charlotte J. Trees, Clerk-Stenographer II Total, Physical Education for Men N N $ 2 220 $ $ $ 2 220 2 550 2 550 % 3 300 $ N N 3 300 $ 3 870 3 780 N N N N N N N N 3 54° 3 180 3 120 2 640 2 190 2 130 2 040 1 980 $ 28 470 Special Rehabilitation Revolving ( E n t i r e b u d g e t from r e c e i p t s ) i- — , Clerk-Stenographer II N % 2 010 Total, Special Rehabilitation Revolving $ 2 010
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