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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1122 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 N G N N $ 3 660 1 800 2 130 2 100 $ 9 690 $ 3 360 2 790 2 190 2 280 2 130 1950 (14 700) 3810 1 920 2 070 1 950 I 950 ( n 700) $ 26 400 University H i g h School 1. Marie O'Brien, Secretary 2. Mrs. Norma C. Esselstyn, Clerk-Stenographer III (September 1, 1951, t o May 31, 1952) 3. Mrs. Marthine V. Woodward, Clerk-Typist II 4. , Clerk-Stenographer II Total, University High School GENERAL Bureau of Research and Service 1. Mrs. Barbara K. Haxby, Secretary 2. Mrs. Mary R. Nelson, Clerk-Stenographer I I I 3. Nina C. Hamrick, Clerk-Stenographer I I 4. Mrs. Shirley A. Deusch, Clerk-Typist I I 5. Mrs. Billie L. Kohlbecker, Clerk-Typist I I 6. Evelyn L. Mays, Clerk-Typist I I Total, General EVALUATION U N I T N N N N N N 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Lois Williamson, Secretary , Office Appliance Operator I I Mrs. Jacqueline Rutter, Clerk-Stenographer I I Mrs. Jean A. Winn, Clerk II Mrs. Dana L. Anderson, Clerk II Total, Evaluation Unit Total, Bureau of Research and Service N N N N N Cooperative Investigations A I R F O R C E CONTRACT 33(038)13236 1. Mrs. Helen Van Hooreweghe, Clerk-Typist II Educational Surveys Revolving (Entire budget from receipts) 1. Mrs. Bernice E . Kurtz, Clerk-Stenographer I I Total, Educational Surveys Revolving H i g h School T e s t i n g Revolving (Entire budget from receipts) 1. Mrs. Clementyne T . Guy, Clerk II Total, High School Testing Revolving N $ 2 070 N $ 2 260 $ 2 260 N $ 2 220 $ 2 220 COLLEGE O F FINE A N D APPLIED ARTS Administration 1. Alice T . Wall, Secretary 2. Mrs. Mary M. Hughes, Clerk-Stenographer I I I (See Landscape Architecture) (Total Salary) Total, Administration Architecture 1. Mrs. Mildred C. Barber, Secretary 2. Raleigh Jessup, Senior Laboratory Attendant 3. Mrs. Evanelle Hart, Clerk-Stenographer I I I Total, Architecture Cooperative Investigations BITUMINOUS COAL RESEARCH, ANTHRACITE, AMERICAN C O A L AND C O K E RESIDENTIAL INVESTIGATION N N60 N40 $ $ N N N 4 620 1 440 (960) (2 400) 6 060 3 3 2 $ 9 $ 600 300 520 420 1. T . H . Tsai, Junior Architectural Draftsman (To terminate August 31, 1951) G $ 36o°
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