Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1114 Cooperative Investigations BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 25 ARMY A I R FORCES—CONTRACT 14520 1. W. W. Magsamen, Junior Laboratory Attendant 2. , Clerk-Stenographer II Chemical Engineering Research 1. Marjorie L. Honn, Clerk-Stenographer III (S) Total, Chemical Engineering Research Cooperative Investigations DIVIDED POSITIONS N N S-N $ 2 940 1 800 2 820 2820 $ J 1. W. W. Demlow, Senior Laboratory Mechanic (50% AEC Project 5; 50% AEC AT(30-3)-28) 2. Mrs. Lois L. Martin, Clerk-Stenographer II (S) (50% Cml C DA-18-064-CML-445; 50% AEC AT( 3 o- 3 )-28) Civil Engineering 1. D. F. Lange, Senior Laboratory Mechanic (S) 2. Wallace Boas, Senior Laboratory Mechanic (S) 3. H. R. Bryant, Senior Laboratory Mechanic (S) 4. M. N. Norton, Junior Laboratory Mechanic (S) 5. Mrs. Kathryn C. Jordan, Secretary (C) 6. E. E. Rice, Senior Laboratory Attendant (S) 7. F. J. McCartney, Equipment Attendant (C) 8. Mrs. Ruth M. Kidd, Clerk-Stenographer III (S) 9. Mrs. Doyne Proudfit, Clerk-Stenographer III (C) (See Building Program Committee) (Total Salary) 10. E. June Puckett, Clerk-Typist I (C) 11. Beverly J. Good, Clerk II (C-975; S-975) 12. Mrs. Marie E. Pflugmacher, Clerk II (C) 13. , Clerk-Typist II (C) Total, College Total, Station Total, Civil Engineering Cooperative Investigations TRUST: CE ONR 07132 N N $ 4 350 2 100 N N N N N N N N N33 N67 N N N50 N50 4 650 4 470 4 470 3 750 3 420 3 240 2 910 2 700 840 (1 680) (2 520) 1 920 1 95o 1 080 900 ?(I2 045) $(24 255) ? 36 300 ? 1. 0 . H. Ray, Senior Laboratory Mechanic 2. Betty Turcott, Clerk-Stenographer III TRUST: US NAVY CE ORI TASK V N N N N N N N N N N $ 4 29O 2 400 3 990 4 230 3 750 1 980 4 230 3 750 3 060 2 160 3. W. F. Wilsky, Senior Laboratory Mechanic T R U S T : US ENGINEERS 34 4. E. R. Reimer, Senior Laboratory Mechanic TRUST: CE ONR-07134 5. E. E. Kirby, Junior Laboratory Mechanic 6. Joan Wegeng, Clerk-Typist II TRUST: RESEARCH COUNCIL RIVETED AND BOLTED STRUCTURAL JOINTS 7. L. J. Mesker, Senior Laboratory Mechanic 8. Walter Monical, Junior Laboratory Mechanic. TRUST: COPPER AND BRASS RESEARCH COUNCIL STRENGTH OF JOINTS IN COPPER 9. W. E. McKenzie, Junior Laboratory Attendant T R U S T : COOPERATIVE RESEARCH—HIGHWAY PROBLEMS 10. Mrs. Mary Jane Fry, Clerk-Stenographer II