Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1951] UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S IIII Veterinary Research i. M. E . Canavan, Animal Caretaker Total, Veterinary Research ANIMAL SCIENCE A d a m s F u n d N $ 2 790 1 $ 2 790 1. G. D . Wood (See Animal Science, Item 28) Total, Adams Fund DIXON SPRINGS . Bankhead-Jones Fund N50 $ $ 1 590 1 590 1. Leslie Maynor, Farm Laborer 2. Dee Robinson, Farm Laborer 3. E. W. Bailey, Farm Laborer AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS N N N N N50 N $ 2 280 s 2 5203 2 400 3 2 190 1 590 2 940 $ 13 920 4. Mrs. Frances C. Frick, Office Appliance Operator II ANIMAL SCIENCE 5. G. D . Wood (See Animal Science, Item 28) HOME ECONOMICS 6. Mary E. Edwards, Junior Laboratory Attendant Total, Bankhead-Jones Fund H a t c h Fund 1. Mrs. Dorothy L. Rosenbery, Clerk II Total, Hatch Fund AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Purnell Fund N $ 3 250 $ 2 250 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mrs. Prudence S. Potter, Junior Statistician N Alice J. Moon, Clerk-Stenographer II N , Clerk-Stenographer I I N Betty G. Epperson (See Agricultural Economics, Item 6 ) . . N50 • , Clerk I I N50 Mrs. Bonnie J. Carlson, Office Appliance Operator I N Mrs. Elsie M. Plummer, Clerk I N N50 N50 $ 2 7OO 2 190 I 920 I 095 900 I 920 I 800 ANIMAL SCIENCE 8. Jasper Lewis (See Animal Science, Item 22) 9. Jack Roughton (See Animal Science, Item 23) Total, Purnell Fund Research and Marketing Fund AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS 2 IOO I 170 ? 15 795 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mrs. Charlene S. Temple, Junior Statistician Mrs. Phyllis M. Hale, Junior Statistician Mrs. Mary T . Kresge, Junior Statistician Mrs. Dorothea Davis, Clerk-Stenographer II Mary Ann Offenstein, Clerk-Stenographer I N N N N N N N N J 2 700 2 700 2 700 1 920 2 010 I 980 1 800 2 400 AGRICULTURAL E N G I N E E R I N G 6. Mrs. M a r y Ann Childers, Clerk-Typist I I AGRONOMY 7. Dorothy Stein, Office Appliance Operator II FORESTRY 8. Van Bowman, Farm Laborer 1 1 3 With perquisites valued at $600 a year for the convenience of the employee. With perquisites valued at $240 a year for the convenience of the employee. With perquisites valued at $180 a year for the convenience of the employee.