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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
II02 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. BOARD OF TRUSTEES A. E . Wood, Senior Laboratory Mechanic C. W. Powers, Senior Laboratory Mechanic C. B . Dunn, Senior Laboratory Mechanic S. A. Phillips, Senior Laboratory Mechanic V. F . Walters, Junior Laboratory Mechanic R. D . Lewis, Stores Clerk R. J. Hales, Stores Clerk R. E. Brown, Storekeeper J. M . Tierney, Stores Clerk L. L. Lafenhagen, Stores Clerk E . J. Gray, Stores Clerk Glenn Percival, Stores Clerk J. T . Kink, Stores Clerk Mrs. Ruth M. Mock, Assistant Laboratory Attendant.. . . Total, Chemistry N N N N N N N N N N N N N N [Juty 2 5 4 590 4 350 4 230 3 990 3 750 2 760 3 168 3 180 2 700 2 700 2 784 2 700 2 700 2 640 $108 432 Cooperative Investigations R F C R U B B E R RESEARCH 1. Mrs. Mary C. Hanson, Secretary 2. , Clerk-Typist III W P B R U B B E R RESEARCH N N N $ 3 750 2 700 2130 3. Margaret A. Hopper, Clerk-Stenographer II AT(30-3)28, ATOMIC E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N — 5 0 % T R U S T ARMY CHEMICAL C O R P S — C O N T R A C T N o . DA 18-064-CML-445—50% 4. Mrs. Lois L. Martin, Clerk-Stenographer II Classics 1. Mrs. Maude Ogle, Clerk-Stenographer II Total, Classics Division of General Studies 1. Mrs. Elizabeth W. Schultz, Clerk-Typist II Total, Division of General Studies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. English Mrs. Mary K. Peer, Chief Clerk Marguerite R. Fisher, Clerk-Stenographer I I I , Clerk-Stenographer II Janet S. Bragg, Clerk-Stenographer II Barbara J. Dickey, Clerk I Total, English N N50 2 100 $ $ $ $ I 050 I 050 N 2 340 2 340 4 170 2 880 2 100 2 190 990 12 330 N N N N N50 $ $ N Entomology 1. Mrs. Bonnie R. Denhart, Clerk-Stenographer III Total, Entomology French 1. Mrs. Martha S. Purl, Clerk-Stenographer II Total, French Geography 1. Mrs. Lois P. Witzig, Secretary Total, Geography Geology 1. Rosa M . Nickell, Secretary 2. Mrs. Bonnie I. HoUandbeck, Clerk-Stenographer II 3. , Clerk-Typist II Total, Geology $ $ $ $ $ $ 2 820 2 820 N 2 250 2 250 N 2 850 2 850 3 630 1 980 2 igg. 7 710 N N N $ $
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