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to the aval non R will Uni torn sym feat ecoi Few colleges or universities in the United States have tion that more modern or complete home economics facilities than those Bevier Hall was named in memwhe ory of Isabel Bevier, head of the at the University of Illinois. of 1 Home Economics Department at Bevier Hall, one of the most modern buildings on thethe University of Illinois from F posi University of Illinois campus, is named in memory of Isabel 1900-1921. non Bevier, pioneer home economics educator who joined the Her most active home economics Honor Illinois Women thei life paralleled the first years of University staff at the turn, ecoi the organized home economics] At Dedication Dinner trated on the upper floors, but re- movement..and she was a person of Five hundred Illinois women | ern< of the century. • power' ai)&- inilu^iiee lit aiunpiiig ] ^Sio^Tc^cIcivorsT^re largely- re-.j ejacj This home economics building also 041 the lower floors. ^ Cou [ its development. provides up-to-date classroom and sponsible for the new University] In addition to the classrooms, In The Story of Isabel Bevier, of Illinois home economics build-1 act u laboratory space for teaching, re- laboratories, and offices, Bevier and search, and extension activities in Hall features several special serv- written by Jl Lita Bane, student ings will be honored at a special | orat of Miss Bevibr and head of the recognition dinner Thursday. April foods and nutrition, clothing and ice areas. Between classes students A textiles, institution management, study in the library and visit and Home Economics Department at I 4, during the dedication cerenois the University of Illinois from monies. \ and home management. relax in the student lounges on 1936U949, you meet Isabel Bevier A delegation of these women out- give Teaching and research areas in second and third floors. S; —the woman, the scholar, the ad- lined the needs of expanded facilichild development and family reministrator. The book sets forth ties for home economics education the lationships are in the Child Deher ideals and standards and her before the University board of high. velopment Laboratory. legacy of rich promise in the broad trustees in November 1950. Con- part Bevier Hall provides facilities field of educating women for their tracts were let for the buildings pus for 750 undergraduate and 100 dep; homemaking responsibilities. in September 1954. graduate home economics majors (I and for 500 non-majors. This is tion about twice the former number. Ul CHILD DEVELOPMENT LAB The six-story, red brick building faces east on Goodwin Avenue, Nationally known home econoacross from the women's gymnasi- mists and educators will take part um, and is bounded on the west in symposia commemorating the by Mathews Avenue 'and on the dedication of the University of Illisouth by Gregory Drive. It is C- nois home economics buildings Vn shaped, with one arm of the "C" April 4. 5, and 6. tur longer than the other. Speakears Thursday afternoon WSJ To simplify traffic in the build- and Friday morning will focus tin; ing, undergraduate teaching and attention on "The Challenge for not areas commonly used by the pub- Home Economies." siti lic are largely concentrated on the On Thursday, Dr. Pauline Park three lower floors. Extension, resail search, and graduate teaching ac- Wilson Knapp, director of the bui tivities are more heavily concen- Merrill Palmer . School, Detroit, will speak about the home in relato : tion to home economics. but stai Talking about home economics me in the community will be Mrs. TMC peopie OT iinnois a n a Throughout the country. Bevier Hall Houses Home Economics N e w Building Honors Name, Teaching, Research, and Extension Isabel Bevier pared especially for use by daily newspapers in the state. We would appreciate observance of the March 15 release date. High school home economics students attending Hospitality Day April 6 will receive tills issue as a souvenir. Newspaper editors may request 8x10 prints of all photographs used in the issue. Address your requests to Extension Editorial Office, 336 Mumford Hall, Urbana, Illinois. Name Speakers For Dedication T. D U n a Allan Will
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