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Caption: Dedication - Home Economics Newspaper This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
and ii«h Today can ncl& variety t In them: tice a r e student* for carec Currici Scientific invcstigotions ini home economics today cover m a n / challenging and exciting B.S., or 1 fields* In this experiment, a home economics scientist is measuring the thickening quality of nomlci •• . starch. I firings a major di1 Those in and Fair and Nutr | Institutio tiles and dents m; * In" the research laboratories of homemaker? What will these needs ing 'offers an equally challenging Bevicr Hall at the University of be tomorrow? They arc challenging field, of research. During the last Fninois, new truths arc being questions, and research in home few years, scientists in other learned which will lead the way economics will help find the an- fields have created a wide variety of man-made fabrics. But once creto better homes* and better living. swers. The field of textiles and cloth- ated these fabrics must be studied, Exciting scientific investigations tested, and compared with other are being carried on in .foods, nufabrics to determine their right trition, housing, textiles and clothplace in the textile world. ing, family finance, child development, and family relationships. The This is the job of the research facts learned from these studies worker in textiles '-and clothing. will be used in -the home, in busiHow will the new fabric wear? ness,, and i n teaching both college Wash? Feel on a hot day? On a and high, school home economics cold day? What kind of treatment students. Positions for girls with advanced does it need in laundering? . At the present time, 24' full-time degrees in home economics are al- . Other home economics scientists and ,tart-time staff .members *of the most limitless. And the graduate want to find out- -the^.f&ttges that department of home economics are program in home economics at the are taking place . i n farm family working on highly important and University of "Illinois 'provides' for saving and spending habits over the years. Still others are studying complex problems in their fields, 18 assistantships. i Some are trying to find ways to In the .area of foods and' nutri- changing trends 'in the '• pattern of protect and improve .the "quality] tion are two teaching and' four re- relationships between .parents and and nutritive value, of the foods; search appointments, while in fam- children in the home). These questions and countless we e a t They want .to: find better. ily life and child development are ways of preparing foods; better! four "assistantships in the nursery others .can only be answered ways to preserve them. They', go; school, one. position as 'dietitian through scientific research. to their laboratories t o study what! for t h e ' - n u r s e r y school, and one .happens when food.is prepared in research appointment. Freshmen Scholarships "different ways and then, frozen and One1 'teaching and one research Three Kroger scholarships in stored for different l e n g t h s . of; graduate position are- available in I home - economics and' four Sears, time. How does it look? How. does) housing and household manage- Roebuck ' scholarships 'for home "it' taste? How does the nutritive i ment, as well as one teaching ap- economics,; are* available to enter-l value compare with freshly pre-; pointment in institutional adminis- ing freshmen at the University of pared food? I tration, and one in textiles and Illinois. Each scholarship carries They are also studying the kinds] clothing research. a value of $200 and is awarded on and amounts of foods that people Two teaching appointments' re- the basis of; scholarship, leadership, of -different ages need. quiring the master's degree are of- and financial need. Application Theor In other laboratories, -home- eco-! fered in home economies educa- blanks should be requested from nomics. scientists a r e turning their; tion. C. D. Smith, Assistant .Dean, Col- classes a attention to the- home kitchen. It Appointments to these positions lege of Agriculture, University of furnish lm is-in this room of the• house where* will be made April 1. To be con- Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. draperies a. homemaker spends much of hen sidered for 1057-58, applications time. What kind of equipment does- should be made by March 15. For she need? •, Where should. it bej more information, write Dr. Janice placed? . How should I it bet ar-l M. Smith, Head, Department of ranged? > What are the kitchen! Home Economics, 260 Bevicr Hall, storages needs of .today's modern! TJrbana, Illinois. Home Economics Research Leads The Way To Better Homes, Better Living Tomorrow Can Apply For N e w Graduate Assistantships m h • : | r a i l - ' • •'£' <•;*• **«" « f - Home Economics .Extens Classroom For All Womc programs, h formed, on l plan menus nish t h e ' he nances, pla make clothii health and i members. Much of t from the rei partment of new inform i research pro fm§1 *f*'i £.>' kJt Wi 1*5,1 S , ' / * . From the fifth floor i of Bevicr Hall on the University of Illinois campus, an efficient home eco-; nomics staff directs an off-campus extension educational p r o g r a m which directly or indirectly affects nearly every citizen of the state. ! . .It ds: from, this • floor that guidance 'and* direction is given to the pome economics phases of the Extension Service, in" Agriculture and Home' Economies'. This supervision covers'the work'of 130 county extension home '-economists who
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