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G4 homage of tlie kneeling Elizabeth. the arcades of an open vestibule. The interview takes place under ! , I ^ ' . 65 SALVATOB ROSA—(1«16-1678). Of t h e Neopolltan school. While he was still young he lost his father and to support himself, painted little marine pieces and landscapes which he sold at low price. Later he went lo Rome and studied his art more thoroughly. Salvator Rosa arrived to perfect himself as an historical painter, but his historical pictures are far surpassed in excellence by his marine and battle pieces. These display greatenergy and strength, combined with abrilliancy of execution which !y equaled by any other artist. ^-20.">. Battle Scene.—From a painting in the Louvre. * 2 0 6 . .Hid or and Angelica, by Paris Bordone, a painter of the Veoilian school. 2 0 7 . Virgin and Child,by Sassoferrato-(1605-1GH5), of the Roman school. The Madonna is seated, holding the sleeping child. Cherubim watch over the holy group from the clouds. F K A BARTOLOMMEO—(1409-1517). A Florentine painter who studied in the garden of Lorenzo the magnificent, where M. Angelo first learned his art. H e became a follower of Sarouasola and entered the convent of San Marco,whence he gained his title Fra, or II Frate as he is sometimes called. For many years after taking orders he abandoned his ait but finally took it up again at the solicitation of his friends. His arrangement of figures is characterized by elegance and truth, though his drapery is often criticized as being empty and too studied. —19S. Virgin and Saints, by Fra Bartolommeo. The original of this picture is in the Louvre museum. 1 9 9 . Portrait of Giulio ilomano, by himself. Romano was one of the best pupils of Raphael and assisted him in many of his labors. t LEONARDO DA VINCI—(145-M519). A universal genius, being skillful as a painter, sculptor, architect, engineer and mechanician ; learned in mathematics, astronomy, anatomy and natural history and proficient as a musician and poet. But little of his time was devoted to painting, yet all the pictures he left testify to the dignity and nobility of his style aud the delicacy of his execution. 2 0 0 . Jtlona Lisa.—This picture, which is in the Louvre museum, is considered one of the chefs d 'oeuvre of Leonardo da Vinci, and is a portrait of Mona Lisa, the wife of a Florentine merchant. It is said that the artist worked four years at this picture without finishing it to his own satisfaction. While painting da Vinci took care to surround his sitter with everything pleasant and agreeable, as flowers, statuary, music, etc., in order to induce a careless, gay expression. The work is the great admiration of art-critics. Says a noted French writer, " this picture attracts me, it fascinates and absorbs me ; I go to it in spite of my3elf as the bird is drawn to the serpent." Vasari says of it, " rather divine than human, as life-like as nature itself * * not painting, but the despair of other painters.'' Y'C-. BOl Coronation of the Virgin, in the Louvre m u s e u m . - T h i s picture is the work of Raphael del Garbo (1408-1524) a Florentine painter. The Virgin, surrounded by a glory, receives from her son the crown of immortality. Their feet rest upon the cherubim, and a choir of angels discourse sweet music. Below four saints are in attitudes of adoration. •*-202. Supper in Simon's House, by Paul Veronese (see No. 115). 2 0 3 . Jtdoration of the Jflagi.—Ymm a painting in the Louvre, " by Luini, (1460-1530) a painter of the Lombard School. It represents the visitation of the wise men to the infant Saviour. * 30-1. St. Cecilia.—From a painting in the Louvre gallery, by Domenichino, (1681-1641) a painter of the Bolognese School. The patroness of sacred music is singing praises and accompanying herself with an Instrument ; an angel stands before holding a book of music upon his head. 1 MANTEGNA-(1431-1500). One of the revivers of art in northern Italy, and the leader of the Lombard school. He has left numerous works in the various towns of Italy. 2 0 V Parnassus.—From a painting of Mantegna's in the Louvre museum, representing Mt. Parnassus, and the various characters of Grecian mythology. At tlie left the muses are dancing to the music of Apollo's lyre; at the right Mercury leans against the winged horse Pegasus; in the center of the picture Venus is seated upon a rock, accompanied by Mars armed with a lance; a little lower on the same rock Cupid sitting, bow in hand, excites the jealousy of Vulcan, who leaving his forge menaces the goddess of love and his rival the god of war. ' M<i f-JSMMl. Holy Family, by T i t i a n - ( s e e No. 105). This group represenls the infant Jesus with Mary and Joseph. / 2 1 0 . Immaculate Conception, by Murillo the Spanish painter. This celebrated picture, in the Louvre gallery of paintings, represents the t Virgin borne upward on the clouds, her feet resting upon the moon's crescent, surrounded by a vast number of little angels, who seem to assist her to ascend. 211. Virgin and Child.—This picture, also by Murillo, represents the Madonna seated on a stone bench holding on her knees the infant Christ, who is playing with a chaplet of flowers. J A N V A N EYCK—(1390-1441). The younger of the Van Eyck brothers, who were the founders of the Flemish school of painting. He perfected the art of painting in oil, the invention of which is often incorrectly attributed to him. | ' £ 3 1 2 . Madonna and Child, by Van Eyck. The Virgin is seated under a rich portico, holding on her knees the infant Jesus, who carries iu one hand a globe surmounted by a cross in gold and precious stones and stretches the other in sign of blessing the donor of tlie picture who kneels before him. 2 1 3 . JPortrait of an Old Woman From a picture in the "Louvre, by Deuner—(1085-1747), an artist noted for his skill in finishing \/ Up
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