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Caption: Book - Gregory Art Collection Catalog (Gregory) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
36 191. Pilaster from the church of the Trinity at Florence. The design of fruit and flowers on this piece of sculpture is very gracefully executed, and seems 10 belong to a later period than that of the erection of the church. (See No. 190.) The building was restored and altered in 1570. 192. Jfladonna.—This half figure in alto-relievo is by Lucca della Robbia, the famous worker in terra eotta. This artist, whose peculiar art died with him, may be studied in many of the cathedrals and churches of Italy. His reliefs are executed in a glazed terra cotta, presenting the appearance of china, and were a very favorite style of decoration in his day. 1 9 3 . Greek Stele.—This piece of ornament evidently belongs between two arches. It is a specimen of Grecian decoration. 194. Panels.—These two portions of a panel are from a Florentine church, and exhibit the characteristics of the decoratious of the Renaissance period. 195. Pilaster from a church in Florence. 37 These panels show the delicate Moorish tracing so much admired, and at one time so much copied throughout Italy. 202. Garland from J\Totre Dame.—This is a sample of the decorations of the old church at Paris, one of the most noted gothic cathedrals in the world. The following are twelve heads in high-relief by Lucca della Robbia : v • 203. M A N IN A TURBAN. p209. A M A D O N N A . v #J .-''' ' ///){,'' lyi u 204. H E A D 205. H E A D 206. H E A D 207. H E A D 208. H E A D OF A N OLD W O M A N OF A N OLD MAN. OF A N OLD M A N . OF A WOMAN.* OF A N OLD M A N . 210. H E A D OF CHRIST. 211. MAN'S HEAD. 212. H E A D OF A N OLD MAN. 213. OLD MAN. 214. H E A D OF A BOY. p-i BODCHAKDOU, Edmund.—(1698-1763-) A French sculptor and painter. He executed chiefly historical works and busts of living characters. His equestrian statue of Louis XV, now in Paris, is ranked very high as a work of art, the horse being considered a model of excellence. 196. Four Seasons.—These beautiful bas-reliefs are from the Grenelle Fountain, which constitutes the chef d' oeuvre of BoncLardon. The fountain was erected 1739 by order of the city of Paris, and is still ^ _ O"-*- one of its ornaments. The different seasons are personified in these basreliefs by groups of graceful children engaged in the occupations appropriate to the time of the year. 197. J'ase, by Clodein, a French sculptor. 198. T*«se, by Clodein. 1 9 9 . Rosetta Stone.—This celebrated tablet is in the British museum. It was found in 1799 among the remains of an ancient temple dedicated to Pharaoh Neeho.to the god Necho, near the Rosetta mouth of the Nile, and furnished the first clue to the deciphering of the Egyptian hieroglyphics. It contains an inscription three times repeated : In hieroglyphics, in a written character called Enchoreal, and in the Greek language. This inscription is a decree in honor of Ptolemy V : (196 B. C.) speaking of the birth of the king, the decease of his father, the inundation of the Nile, etc. The stone consists of a piece of black basalt, much mutilated, from 10 to 12 inches thick. 200. Descent from the Cross, by Poussin. This is composed of two groups : the dead Christ supported by three men on one side, the figure of the fainting Madonna in the arras of the woman on the other. The figure of Christ is very finely executed. y 2 0 1 . Five Panels from the Alhambra in Spain. The Alhambra is a Moorish palace in Granada, whose exquisite remains testify to its original beauty. Everything about it is in the best style of Moorish architecture, and the building is described as a miracle of loveliness. 215. Four Seasons.—These beautiful heads personifying the season.- of the year, are by Thorwalsden, the great Danish sculptor. (See No. 16.) These seasons are among the most beautiful of modern bas-reliefs. The different heads are easily recognized; winter with a veil drawn tightly over her face ; spring with a wreath of daises around her head ; autumn with the grape leaves, and summer wearing a garland of wheat ears. 216. Four Jfaiades, by Jean Goujon, a French artist of the sixteenth century. These bas-reliefs represent four water nymphs standing in the most graceful attitudes. The figures are very beautiful, and show much delicacy of finish. j W 217. Shield of Francis /.—This cast is taken from a bronze /" shield once the property of the great French monarch,—now in Paris. >X' I t is a fine specimen of workmanship of the Renaissance period. The battle scene represented is probably taken from the battle of Marignano. 21S. Plate, of the Renaissance period, renresenting a combat of the Amazons. MEDALLION HEADS. 219. NAPOLEON I. 232. LAMARTTNE 220. L ' A BEE DE L ' E P E E . 233. H A N D E L . 221. LORD BYRON. 234. G A R I B A L D I . 222. K N I G H T . 235. H A Y D N . +" 223. K N I G H T . 236. C O R N E I L L E . 224. DANTE. 237. B E R A N G E R . 225. TASSO. 238. BOSSUET. 226. ARIOSTO. 239. VICTOR E M A N U E L . 227. N I G H T , (by Dubois.) 240. M O L I E R E . 228. MORNING, (by Dubois.) 241. F E N E L O N . •MA 229. A L B E R T I N E , Barouness of 242. B E E T H O V E N . Niernheim. 243. R O S S I N I . 230. M A R I E A N T O I N E T T E . 244. MOZART. 231. LOUIS AUGUSTE, Dauphin 245. W I L L I A M T E L L . of France. //if Besides these heads there are 490 small medallions in the case which have their names stamped on them. **,
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