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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
978 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 12 KNIERING, ROBERT F., Research Assistant, Medicine (Medicine), one year beginning December 12, 1949, $2850 (1-5-50). KREBS, MARGARET, Instructor, Social Welfare Administration, nine months beginning December 1, 1049, $3004 a y e a r ; for convenience of employee, one meal daily while on duty valued at $96 a year will also be provided, supersedes (12-20-49). KUBACKI, W. HOWARD, Professor, Full and Removable Partial Dentures, and Head of the Department, and Director of the Dental Clinics, indefinite tenure, Lecturer in Postgraduate Evening Courses (Postgraduate Studies), one year (Dentistry), beginning September 1, 1949, $9240 a year, supersedes (12-13-49). LEGRAND, DOROTHY L., Assistant, Home Economics ( S ) , one year beginning September 1, 1949, $3500, supersedes (12-2-49). LERNER, ISADORE, Clinical Assistant, Pediatrics (Medicine), nine months beginning December I, 1949, without salary (12-13-49). L I N K , WALDEMAR A., Assistant Professor, Operative Dentistry (Dentistry) (2/s), December 1, 1949-August 31, 1951, $2080 a year, supersedes (12-13-49). MACLEAN, FLOKENCE M., Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy, Clinical Director, Occupational Therapy (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) (Medicine), one year beginning September I, 1949, $4500, supersedes (1-5-5°)• MALKUS, WILLEM V. R., Instructor, Physics (Undergraduate Division in Chicago) (Ys), November 9, 1949-June 30, 1950, to render service during the academic year, $240 a month (1-5-50). MASSLER, MAURY, Professor, Graduate Pedodontia, indefinite tenure, Lecturer in Postgraduate Evening Courses (Postgraduate Studies), one year (Dentistry), beginning September I, 1949, $8925 a year, supersedes (12-13-49). MCPHERSON, WILLIAM H., Professor, Economics (Economics) (Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations), indefinite tenure beginning September 1, 1049, to render service during each academic year, $6000 a year, supersedes (12-13-49). METZGER, F . R., Assistant Professor, Physics ( C ) , six months beginning February I, 1950, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, $375 a month (i 2 "3°-49)MEYER, JULIA, Research Associate, Oral Pathology (Dentistry), six months beginning January 1, 1950, $350 a month (12-17-49). MILLER, WILLIAM H., Assistant Professor, Music (3A), six months beginning March 1, 1950, to render service during the academic year, $312.50 a month, supersedes (12-13-49). N A S H , JOHN P., Research Assistant Professor, Applied Mathematics (Graduate College), February I, 1950-October 31, 1951, $600 a month (12-22-49). O I N K , ETHEL G., Serials Librarian, rank of Assistant (Undergraduate Division in Chicago), February 6-August 31, 1950, $3200 a year (1-6-50). PASTVA, M R S . ELOISE C , Research Associate, Psychology (Psychiatry) (Medicine), nine months beginning December 1, 1949, $416 a month (12-13-49). RICHMOND, JULIUS B., Professor, Pediatrics (Medicine), indefinite tenure, Lecturer, Social Welfare Administration ( U r b a n a ) , nine months, beginning December 1, 1949, $8450 a year, supersedes (1-5-50). ROSENWALD, ALAN K., Instructor, Psychiatry, Clinical Psychologist (Psychiatry) (Medicine), eight months beginning January 1, 1950, $500 a month, supersedes (12-2-49). ROSENWALD, ALAN K., Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, Clinical Psychologist (Psychiatry) (Medicine), eight months beginning January I, 1950, $500 a month, supersedes (1-5-50). RUBIN, LOUIS, Clinical Instructor, Dermatology (Medicine), November 9, 1949August 31, 1950, without salary (12-2-49). RUSSELL, MAKIAN E., Associate Professor, Social Welfare Administration, Supervisor, Social Case Work, rank of Associate Professor, December 1, 1949" August 31, 1951, $6000 a year, supersedes (12-20-49). SCHEIBE, JOHN R., Clinical Assistant, Surgery (Medicine), nine months beginning December I, 1949, without salary (1-5-50). SCHOUR, ISAAC, Professor, Histology, Head of Department (82/100), Associate Dean in charge of Postgraduate Studies (18/100), indefinite tenure, Lecturer in Postgraduate Evening Courses (Postgraduate Studies), one year, (Dentistry), beginning September 1, 1949, $12,900 a year, supersedes (12-13-49).
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