Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
195°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 969 On motion of Mrs. Watkins, Professor Landis was relieved of his administrative duties, Professor Ray was appointed as recommended, and the Secretary was directed to inform Professor Landis of the Board's appreciation of his services. CHANGE IN THE ORGANIZATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS (4) T h e Dean of the College of Commerce and Business Administration reports that the members of the faculty of the Department of Economics, now organized with a head, have voted in favor of changing the organization of the department to one with a chairman. T h e Dean recommends that this change be made. I concur. The Executive Committee of the Department and the Dean of the College recommend the appointment of Dr. Everett E. Hagen, now Professor of Economics, as Professor of Economics on indefinite tenure and Chairman of the Department until August 31, 1951, at an annual salary of $11,000 for twelve months' service including one month's vacation, effective January 1, 1950. They also recommend the appointment of Dr. Paul M. Van Arsdell, now Professor of Economics and Administrative Assistant to the Head of the Department, as Professor of Economics on indefinite tenure on one-half time, and Vice-Chairman of the Department of Economics until August 31, 1951, on onehalf time, at a salary of $7,500, effective January 1, 1950, services as Professor on one-half time to be required during the two semesters of the academic year beginning in September and ending in June and services as Vice-Chairman to be required on a twelve months' basis including one month's vacation. I recommend that these appointments be made. On motion of Mr. Livingston, these recommendations were adopted. AWARD OF CERTIFICATES OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (5) T h e Committee on Accountancy recommends that the following persons be awarded the certificate of Certified Public Accountant under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943; they hold valid and unrevoked certificates issued by other states of the United States: FREDERICK O T H O DICKSON ( I n d . ) P A U L W I L L I A M FUDEMBERG ( M O . ) JOSEPH SOLOMON HERBERT ( N . Y . ) ARTHUR NETZER ( N . Y . ) GEORGE MARVIN RAYBURN ( N e b r . ) M A X ARTHUR REINSTEIN ( N . C . ) ROBERT HOMER S H A R P ( N . C . ) T O M E. SUDHOLT ( M O . ) CHARLES W I L L I A M TUCKER (Mass.) I concur. On motion of Mrs. Holt, these certificates were awarded as recommended. VETERINARY MEDICINE BUILDING (6) T h e Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine recommends that the new building to be constructed for that College be officially named Veterinary Medicine. I concur. On motion of Mr. Fornof, this building was named as recommended. RELEASE O F FUNDS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS (7) T h e Governor has approved the following release of funds from appropriations made to the University of Illinois for 1949-1951 for buildings and other capital improvements: Release No. 14 "For Permanent Improvements at Urbana-Champaign Additions to Power and Heating Plant and Remodeling of Existing Buildings" $150 000 This is a partial release from an appropriation of $1,215,000 of which $880,000 has been budgeted for additions to the power plant and $263,500 for remodeling of